BookNow is a property & hotels rental App.
✅ Users can search hotels using the search bar.
✅ Users can explore different hotels by filter them by filterModal.
✅ Users can access information related to a specific hotel.
✅ Authenticated users can add or delete hotel from their personal dashbord.
✅ The app is fully responsive and it adapts to any screen size.
✅ The app was developed while considering the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
🔗 Link to the live project: Link
I developed the project over the course of approximately A week and a half. In order to learn as much as I can from the development of this project, I implemented certain features from scratch including accessible and scrollable tabs, a carousel functionality, and infinite loading.
After designing a prototype of the application using Adobe XD, I started developing the app using the following technologies:
JWT, Cookies, Context API.
SCSS modules (CSS grid & CSS Flexbox & Media queries)
Font Awesome (Icons)