Frontend / Full-Stack Web Developer with experience in writing single-page-applications using the latest WEB technologies (JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Node.js, React.js, Angular, MongoDB, etc).
🔭 I’m currently working on Airbxb - a Airbxb clone project
🌱 I’m currently learning Vue.js, Vuex, Node.js, React.js, Redux, Angular, MongoDB, Firebase etc.
👨💻 my personal Web
👾 All of my projects ⬇️⬇
Airbxb - Airbxb
Booknow - Booknow
Netflix - Netflix
Spotify - Spotify
Appsus - Appsus
📫 How to reach me
📄 Know about my experiences I'm graduate of the Coding Academy - 640 hours of an intensive coding bootcamp that qualifies Full-Stack developers.