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RockDood edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 5 revisions

Previously, Rydygier's iteration of HAL was heavily reliant on triggers, variable names, and initializing a large chunk of things via SQF scripts. This version of HAL will be referred to as Rydygier's HAL (RHAL for short) for the purposes of this wiki.

If you would like to configure HAL to be script only (to not create mod dependancies), the manual for when Rydygier created the mod and it's Setup Instructions can still be used.

NinjaRider600 later made the mod significantly easier to configure by adding in placeable 3DEN Editor Modules. This wiki is going to largely go over how to configure HAL via the usage of modules. This version of HAL will be referred to as NinjaRider600's HAL (NRHAL for short) for the purposes of this wiki.

Where possible, Portions of the RHAL manual will be used here to help get this guide off the ground, while still tweaking it as necessary to be relevant to NRHAL.

This guide will only be covering what it takes to configure HAL correctly with vanilla units. If there are additional settings to make HAL work with other asset packs, it can be broadly stated that anything that modifies the waypoints that are assigned to a group are going to be a direct conflict with HAL's functions. This does not include squad level decision making. Mods like LAMBs can still work with HAL, but some functions must be disabled. Functions like the Information Sharing that would issue non-HAL waypoints to groups.

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