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Keridos edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 1 revision

The targeting system uses priorities to sort its targets since 3.2.0

Here a quick breakdown of what happens: Turret gets all targets in range -> assigns a priority to each one -> takes highest priority target and attempts to shoot it

The priority is calculated by settings on the turrets, they might be changed a bit too in the future:

  • MAX_HP (multiplies max hp with priority value)
  • HP_REMAINING (multiplies current hp with value) might be subject to change
  • DISTANCE (multiplies distance of target with value)
  • ARMOR (multiplies armor of target with value)
  • PLAYER (multiplies value with 100 if player, else -100) Each of those is just some (postive or negative) number, the higher the number the more priority targets of that type take. Negative numbers can make turrets ignore certain targets since it only takes targets with a priority of over 0 as valid targets.


  • turret that only shoots players might have 0,0,0,0,1. Since every priority except player gives 0 and player priority gives either 100 for players or -100 if it isnt only players are valid targets (with priority > 0)
  • turret that prefers armored targets with a lot of max HP: 10,0,0,10,0

If that is too complicated for you, you probably can ignore this since the turrets have sane default settings for that based on what they actually are good at.

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