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Custom Particles

Yap Zhen Yie edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 6 revisions

Custom Particles

You are able to create your own particles in 'custom particles.yml' file.

Make sure you have read the whole page before creating your own particles.


# Please do not change this.
  # This name will store in GadgetsMenu cache and use for mystery boxes, 
  # so do not use the same name!
  # The permission of the particle is 'gadgetsmenu.particles.endrod'.
  End Rod:

    # The name of particle.
    Name: '&5End Rod Particle'
    # The material of particle that will show in gui menu.
    # Material Format: [Material]:[Material Data]
    Material: END_ROD

    # The price of particle.
    Mystery Dust: 32

    # The rarity of the particle.
    # Rarity: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary
    Rarity: Epic

    # Particle Effects:
    Effect: END_ROD

    # Set to true will able player's to equip it.
    Enabled: false

    # Can this particle found in mystery boxes?
    CanBeFound: true

    # Can player get this hat by purchasing it using mystery dust?
    Purchasable: true

    # The lore of particle.
      Locked: ''
      Unlocked: ''

Particle Effects

Here is a list of particle effects.

You can only use the particle effects that are available in your server. If you're using spigot 1.8 server, you're not able to use 1.9 particle effects.