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Map V1 To V2

andybeet edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Shows how the functional groups defined in NEUS Atlantis V1 map to the new group names defined in NEUS Atlantis V2

GroupV1 Atcode GroupV2 At2code
Sediment bacteria BB Sediment bacteria BB
Benthic carnivore BC Benthic carnivore BC
Benthic carnivore BC Shallow macrozoobenthos BMS
Deposit feeder BD Deposit feeder BD
Other benthic filter feeder BFF Other benthic filter feeder BFF
Other benthic filter feeder BFF Surf clam CLA
Other benthic filter feeder BFF Quahog QHG
Sea scallop BFS Scallop SCA
Benthic grazer BG Benthic grazer BG
Lobster BML Lobster LOB
Shallow macrozoobenthos BMS Shallow macrozoobenthos BMS
Shallow macrozoobenthos BMS Red Crab RCB
Meiobenthos BO Meiobenthos BO
Squid CEP Shallow macrozoobenthos BMS
Squid CEP Illex Squid ISQ
Squid CEP Loligo Squid LSQ
Dinoflagellates DF Dinoflagellates DF
Benthopelagics FBP Anchovies ANC
Benthopelagics FBP Benthopelagic Fish BPF
Benthopelagics FBP Butterfish BUT
Benthopelagics FBP Shallow demersal fish FDE
Silver hake FDB Silver Hake SHK
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Benthopelagic Fish BPF
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Black Sea Bass BSB
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Drums_croakers DRM
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Miscellaneous demersal Fish FDF
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Other Flatfish FLA
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Off shore Hake OHK
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Ocean Pout OPT
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Pollock POL
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Redfish RED
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Red Hake RHK
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Atlantic Salmon SAL
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Scup SCU
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Atlantic States Demersals SDF
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Striped Bass STB
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Tautog TAU
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Tilefish TYL
Miscellaneous demersals FDC Wolffish WOL
Goosefish FDD Goosefish GOO
Shallow demersal fish FDE Shallow demersal fish FDE
Shallow demersal fish FDE Menhaden MEN
Yellowtail flounder FDF Yellowtail Flounder YTF
Haddock FDO Haddock HAD
Atlantic cod FDS Cod COD
Migratory mesopelagics FMM Mesopelagic Migratory Fish MPF
Atlantic mackerel FPL Mackerel MAK
Atlantic herring FPS Herring HER
Other piscivores FVB Other Flatfish FLA
Other piscivores FVB Fourspot flounder FOU
Other piscivores FVB Halibut HAL
Other piscivores FVB Plaice PLA
Other piscivores FVB Summer Flounder SUF
Other piscivores FVB Winter Flounder WIF
Other piscivores FVB Windowpane Flounder WPF
Other piscivores FVB Witch Flounder WTF
White hake FVD White Hake WHK
Bluefish FVS Bluefish BLF
Large piscivores FVT Bluefin Tuna BFT
Large piscivores FVT Billfish BIL
Large piscivores FVT Tunas TUN
Pelagic bacteria PB Pelagic bacteria PB
Pinnipeds PIN Pinnipeds PIN
Diatoms PL Diatoms PL
Pico-phytoplankton PS Pico-phytoplankton PS
Shrimp PWN Northern Shrimp NSH
Shrimp PWN Other Shrimp OSH
Reptiles REP Reptiles REP
Seabirds SB Seabirds SB
Spiny dogfish SHB Spiny Dogfish DOG
Other demersal sharks SHD Demersal Shark DSH
Other demersal sharks SHD Porgeagle Shark POR
Other demersal sharks SHD Smooth Dogfish SMO
Other demersal sharks SHD Sandbar Shark SSH
Pelagic sharks SHP Blue Shark BLS
Pelagic sharks SHP Pelagic Shark PSH
Skates and rays SSK Little Skate LSK
Skates and rays SSK Skate SK
Skates and rays SSK Winter Skate WSK
Baleen whales WHB Baleen whales BWH
Toothed whales WHT Toothed whales TWH
Gelatinous zooplankton ZG Gelatinous zooplankton ZG
Carnivorous zooplankton ZL Carnivorous zooplankton ZL
Copepods ZM Copepods ZM
Microzooplankton ZS Microzooplankton ZS
NA NA Carrion DC
NA NA Lab Detritus DL
NA NA Ref Det DR
NA NA Invasive species INV
NA NA Macroalgae MA
NA NA Right Whale RWH
NA NA Seagrass SG
NA NA Small Whales SWH