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3. Application Business Rules Layer

Khoshnaw edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 1 revision


In most clean architecture implementations you see that use cases are just a class with a single method. I don’t know where that concept comes from. But I don’t think that this concept is related to clean architecture. UseCase is much more than a class with a single method. It is your user story. your business rules. You basically need to translate the user story that you have in your Jira ticket to a UseCase class in your Application Business Rules layer.

Base Implementation

Back to our template in the base package, you will see InputPort, OutputPort And UseCase, base classes.


As you can see the ViewModel has an object of the UseCase that has an InputPort type. And then the UseCase also has an Object of ViewModel with the type OutputPort. This will reverse the dependency between UseCase and ViewModel. Let’s look at the actual code.

interface InputPort<in O : OutputPort> {
    suspend fun registerOutputPort(outputPort: O)

Our InputPort has a general type of OutputPort. We will be using this general type in the registerOutputPort function to register the ViewModel in the UseCase as an outputPort. You might think that this is better to be done with dependency injection. Well, you are absolutely right, But I faced some limitations with android ViewModels that made me not able to use dependency injection to bind the ViewModel to the outPort. So I’m sticking to this function for now. Maybe in the future, I will find a better solution for this.

The OutputPort is a simple interface.

interface OutputPort

Now coming to the main course, UseCase has a general type of OutputPort that we use for the outputPort variable. The onReady function will be called right after the outputPort is registered. So you can run your setup code. We also have the default implementation for registerOutputPort.

abstract class UseCase<O : OutputPort> : InputPort<O> {
    protected lateinit var outputPort: O

    protected open suspend fun onReady() = Unit

    override suspend fun registerOutputPort(outputPort: O) {
        this.outputPort = outputPort

Then last but not least we have the base Repository interface. Which is an empty interface that might be useful in future for some polymorphism implementation. We will discuss Repository in more detail later on. But for now, you just need to know that Usecases will use a Repository to access data in our android framework. Like data in remote API or local DB.

interface Repository

Repository interfaces

For this template, we only have one repository called MovieRepository

interface MovieRepository : Repository {
    suspend fun updateMovieList()
    suspend fun observeMovies(): Flow<List<Movie>>
    suspend fun loadMovieSize(): Int


Let's look at LoadMovieListInputPort. Our input port has one command that starts updating a movie list in the system cash.

interface LoadMovieListInputPort : InputPort<LoadMovieListOutputPort> {
    suspend fun startUpdatingMovieList()

Then we have LoadMovieListOutputPort which has two commands showLoading that hide and show loading while the movie is loading. And observeMovies provides a flow that can be used to observe the list of movies in our cash.

interface LoadMovieListOutputPort : OutputPort {
    suspend fun showLoading(loading: Boolean)
    suspend fun observeMovies(flow: Flow<List<Movie>>)

Now let's check the LoadMovieList. Our usecase has a MovieRepository object that will be used to access systems data. In onReady we are making our output port observe the locally cached movie list using our MovieRepository object. When the usecase is ready we also load new movies if we don’t have any movies in our cash.

The startUpdatingMovieList is used to start the loading of a new movie process. First, we tell our output port to show the loading. Then we try to update our movies locally using our repository, then we hide the loading again. Notice that if we fail to update movies we throw an exception. But we are throwing the exception after we hide the loading.

class LoadMovieList @Inject constructor(
    private val movieRepository: MovieRepository,
) : UseCase<LoadMovieListOutputPort>(), LoadMovieListInputPort {

    override suspend fun onReady() {

    override suspend fun startUpdatingMovieList() {
        val e = tryTo { updateMovies() }
        e?.let { throw e }

    private suspend fun loadMoviesIfNeeded() {
        if (movieRepository.loadMovieSize() <= 0) startUpdatingMovieList()

    private suspend fun observeMovies() = outputPort.startObserveMovies(movieRepository.observeMovies())

    private suspend fun showLoading() = outputPort.showLoading(true)

    private suspend fun hideLoading() = outputPort.showLoading(false)

    private suspend fun updateMovies() = movieRepository.updateMovieList()
