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Khoshnaw edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 2 revisions


This application is a basic study application that implements clean architecture, with the MVI architecture pattern. In addition to the most commonly used tools in the android development community.


When starting a new project it is always difficult to build the setup environment. Building the application architecture and choosing the desired architecture pattern (MVI, MVVM or MVP) can be challenging. I always Liked to have a template that I can use whenever I need it. In addition, when using this template in a large application you discover the pros and cons of your template structure. And you can always come back to the template and improve it for the next project. This Repository Will be my first android application template. In this template clean architecture and MVI architecture pattern is my weapon of choice.


For this template, we don't need to go crazy with features. We just need enough to understand the architecture and have some basic configurations that we can reuse In future. The application is a basic movie app. That uses TMDB API to cash a list of popular movies. And then show it to the user. With the ability to refresh the cache when the user needed it.

  • Add the key tmdb_api_key={API_KEY} in your file to run the project
  • ⚠️🚧 Don't check out API keys to version control ⚠️🚧
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