Very Fast, limited FASTA file processor
- C++20 or higher
- CMake 3.16 or higher
$ git clone ffp
$ cd ffp && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && cmake --build .
- Unit testing using Catch2, installed by CMake's FetchContent.
- Libraries, executable and test code separated in distinct folders.
- Use of modern CMake for building and compiling.
#include "fileio.h"
int main(){
string FASTA_FILE_PATH="PATH/input.fasta" ;
string PROTEIN_CSV_FILENAME = "/proteins.csv" ;
string PEPTIDE_CSV_FILENAME = "/data/peptides.csv";
string MAPPINGS_CSV_FILENAME = "/data/mappings.csv";
// open the fasta file, if the file was not found, the program will terminate
ifstream fasta_file = FileIO::openFastaFile(FASTA_FILE_PATH);
// convert all the protein sequences in fasta file to 'Protein' objects and put them in a vector container
vector<Protein> all_seq = FileIO::getProteinSequence(fasta_file);
// close the original *.fasta file
// creating protein csv file
FileIO::writeProteinsCSV(PROTEIN_CSV_FILENAME, all_seq);
// creating peptides csv file
FileIO::writePeptidesCSV(PEPTIDE_CSV_FILENAME, all_seq);
// creating mapping csv file
FileIO::writeMappingsCSV(MAPPINGS_CSV_FILENAME, all_seq);
return 0;