Uses the XDDP communication protocol to create a pipe between Xenomai applications and ROS nodes
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XDDP-based RT/NRT threads communication demo.
Real-time Xenomai threads and regular Linux threads may want to exchange data in a way that does not require the former to leave the real-time domain (i.e. secondary mode). Message pipes - as implemented by the RTDM-based XDDP protocol - are provided for this purpose.
On the Linux domain side, pseudo-device files named /dev/rtp give regular POSIX threads access to non real-time communication endpoints, via the standard character-based I/O interface. On the Xenomai domain side, sockets may be bound to XDDP ports, which act as proxies to send and receive data to/from the associated pseudo-device files. Ports and pseudo-device minor numbers are paired, meaning that e.g. port 7 will proxy the traffic for /dev/rtp7. Therefore, port numbers may range from 0 to CONFIG_XENO_OPT_PIPE_NRDEV - 1.
All data sent through a bound/connected XDDP socket via sendto(2) or write(2) will be passed to the peer endpoint in the Linux domain, and made available for reading via the standard read(2) system call. Conversely, all data sent using write(2) through the non real-time endpoint will be conveyed to the real-time socket endpoint, and made available to the recvfrom(2) or read(2) system calls.
Both threads can use the bi-directional data path to send and receive datagrams in a FIFO manner, as illustrated by the simple echoing process implemented by this program.
See Makefile in the xeno_rt/ directory for more information
NOTE: XDDP is a replacement for the legacy RT_PIPE interface available from the native skin until Xenomai 3.
On the ROS side, a node opens the pipe, reads the traffic, echoes it back and publishes on a defined topic. Another node subscribes and treats the data sent. An effective bridge indeed.
Note : the project was tested with Xenomai 3, patched on a 4.19.117 kernel, and using ROS Melodic.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
- Build the project :
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
- Launch the xenomai echo application :
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_xenomai_bridge/talker
$ make
$ sudo ./
- Run the ROS chatter node in a new terminal (read the pipe and publish the data)
$ rosrun xddp_talker chatter
Note : the xenomai application terminal should start echo-ing messages that were sent and echoed back by the ROS node
- Run the ROS listener node in a new terminal (subscribe to /xddp and print the data)
$ rosrun xddp_talker listener
Note : everything went smoothly if it prints the same message echoed by the Xenomai Application terminal
If it ran with the expected behaviour, you can run the reactive navigation project!
- Launch the xenomai sensor application :
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_xenomai_bridge/sensors
$ make
$ sudo ./
- (New Terminal) Launch the Reactive Navigation package along with the ROS xddp_sensor node :
$ roslaunch xddp_bringup xddp_project_navigation.launch
The Xenomai application should have two real time threads printing respectively Odometry and Laser Scan data from the ROS application.
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Erwin Lejeune - @spida_rwin -