A curated list of Jsonnet libraries, utilities, and other resources.
A data templating language for app and tool developers
- Generate config data
- Side-effect free
- Organize, simplify, unify
- Manage sprawling config
A simple extension of JSON
- Open source (Apache 2.0)
- Familiar syntax
- Reformatter, linter
- Editor & IDE integrations
- Formally specified
Source: jsonnet.org
- jsonnet - Original C++ implementation of Jsonnet.
- go-jsonnet - An implementation of Jsonnet in pure Go.
- jsonnet-bundler - The jsonnet-bundler is a package manager for Jsonnet.
- Jsonnet Tutorial - Official Jsonnet tutorial.
- Jsonnet Getting Started - Official Jsonnet getting started guide.
- Implus Jsonnet Tutorial - Jsonnet high-level tutorial.
- Jsonnet Community - Jsonnet communities.
- Jsonnet Language Reference - Explains Jsonnet in detail.
- Jsonnet Standard Library Reference - Describes the functions available in Jsonnet's standard library.
- Jsonnet Style Guide - Jsonnet coding style guide by Databricks.
- Jsonnet Bindings - Official and recommended 3rd party bindings.
- terraform-provider-jsonnet - Terraform provider for generating JSON documents from Jsonnet.
- JsonnetUnit - Unit testing framework for Jsonnet.
- xtd - Extended Jsonnet standard library.
- Jsonnet Tooling - Official and recommended 3rd party tooling.
- docsonnet - Jsonnet docs generator.
- Jsonnet Docblock Parser - Parser that extracts docblocks from Jsonnet.
- vscode-jsonnet - VS Code language support for Jsonnet.
- vim-jsonnet - Jsonnet filetype plugin for Vim.
- intellij-jsonnet - Intellij Jsonnet Plugin.
Jsonnet packages/libraries that contain Grafana dashboards, Prometheus recording rules, and/or Prometheus alerts. See the Prometheus Monitoring Mixins Design Doc.
- monitoring.mixins.dev - Comprehensive resource for mixins.
- promtools.dev - Generate SLOs for Prometheus with Jsonnet. Implements SLO libsonnet.
- Ceph Mixin - Prometheus alerts for Ceph.
- cert-manager Mixin - Prometheus Mixin for cert-manager.
- CockroachDB Mixin - Monitoring definitions for CockroachDB.
- Consul Mixin - Reuseable and extensible dashboards and alerts for running Hashicorp's Consul.
- CoreDNS Mixin - Grafana dashboard and Prometheus Alerts to monitor CoreDNS.
- Cortex Mixin - Monitoring for cortex-jsonnet.
- ECS Mixin - Set of panels, metrics, templates to visualize state of your ECS clusters.
- etcd Mixin - Customizable Prometheus alerts for etcd.
- Gluster Mixin - Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Gluster.
- grafana-builder - Library for building Grafana dashboards with Jsonnet, following the builder pattern.
- grafana-dashboards - Collection of misc Grafana dashboards created by ncabatoff.
- Grafonnet - Jsonnet library for generating Grafana dashboard files.
- Jaeger Mixin - Grafana's monitoring definitions for Jaeger.
- Jaeger Mixin - Official Prometheus monitoring mixin for Jaeger.
- Kube State Metrics Mixin - Monitoring definitions for Kube State Metrics.
- Kubernetes Mixin - Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes.
- Memcached Mixin - Reuseable and extensible dashboards for Memcached.
- mixin-utils - Grafana Labs' mixin utilities.
- Node Mixin - Monitoring definitions based on the metrics exported by the Node Exporter.
- Prometheus Ksonnet Mixin - A set of extensible configurations for running Prometheus on Kubernetes.
- Prometheus Mixin - Configurable, reusable, and extensible alerts and dashboards for Prometheus.
- Sealed Secrets Mixin - Dashboards, recording rules, alerts and alert tests for Sealed Secrets.
- SLO libsonnet - Generate Prometheus alerting & recording rules and Grafana dashboards for your SLOs.
- Thanos Mixin - Extensible and customizable monitoring definitions for Thanos.
- mixtool - mixtool is a helper for easily working with jsonnet mixins.
- Grizzly - A utility for managing Jsonnet dashboards against the Grafana API.
- Everything You Need to Know About Monitoring Mixins
- Tanka: Declarative Dashboards for Declarative Clusters - Grafanacon 2020 talk by Malcolm Holmes.
- Repo: tanka-grafanacon-2020
- Managing Grafana Dashboards with grafonnet and git - PromCon 2019 talk by Adam Wolfe Gordon.
- Repo: grafana-dashboards
- Using Jsonnet to Package Together Dashboards, Alerts, and Exporters - PromCon 2018 talk by Tom Wilkie.
- Automating Grafana Dashboards with Jsonnet - Grafanacon 2018 talk by Julien Pivotto.
- Grafonnet Lib Docker - Simple Docker image that has Jsonnet and Grafana's grafonnet lib for CI/CD purposes.
- grafana-dashboards - Example project containing Github actions to automate dashboard CI/CD.
- blackbox-exporter-jsonnet - Jsonnet for basic Kubernetes manifests for the blackbox-exporter.
- cortex-jsonnet - Jsonnet for deploying Cortex and the related monitoring in Kubernetes.
- ksonnet-loki - Jsonnet for deploying Loki in Kubernetes.
- ksonnet-promtail - Jsonnet for deploying promtail in Kubernetes.
- kube-cockroachdb - Jsonnet for deploying CockroachDB in Kubernetes.
- kube-prometheus - Jsonnet for deploying Prometheus in Kubernetes.
- kube-state-metrics - Jsonnet for deploying Kube State Metrics in Kubernetes.
- kube-thanos - Kubernetes specific configuration for deploying Thanos.
- kubernetes-grafana - Grafana on Kubernetes with Prometheus.
- oauth2-proxy - Jsonnet for deploying bitly's OAuth proxy to Kubernetes.
- Tanka - Grafana's reimplementation of Ksonnet. Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes.
- qbec - Tool to configure and create Kubernetes objects on multiple environments by Splunk.
- k8s - Code generator for the Jsonnet Kubernetes library.
- How the Jsonnet-based project Tanka improves Kubernetes usage - FOSDEM 2020 talk by Tom Braack and Malcolm Holmes.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Jacob Colvin has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.