These are dashboards I use in my home systems. They are built using Jsonnet and Grafonnet but you don't need any of those unless you want to submit changes to this repo, because the compiled dashboards are available under dashboards.
You can push these into your Grafana as admin (assuming you have curl and jq installed) using
bin/ http://admin:yourpassword@my-grafana-host:3000
Monitor a Consul cluster's Consul servers.
Monitor a Consul cluster's services using consul_exporter.
Monitor a Nomad cluster's Nomad servers.
Monitor a Nomad cluster's Nomad client agents.
Monitor a Nomad cluster's Nomad jobs.
High-level view of the most important process-exporter metrics.
Drill down on process-exporter memory and disk metrics.
Detail view of process-exporter metrics not covered by process-exporter-storage.
Monitor Prometheus scrape targets for up
and scrape_duration_seconds
Use script-exporter and raspberrypi_exporter to monitor your Pi hardware.
Derived from the Robust Perceptions dashboard, this one is tweaked to my needs.