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Name Author Description DownloadLink GameVersion
AccuracyDisplay PBalint817 Adds a live accuracy display to the game. AccuracyDisplay.dll *
AccuracyIndicator Azn9 & lxy Adds a more exact accuracy indicator on the bottom of the screen. Also displays average accuracy in milliseconds at the end of the level. AccuracyIndicator.dll *
Album scroll bnfour While holding shift, use the arrow keys to switch song categories in song selection. AlbumScroll.dll *
AltTabMute Dom Gintoki Mutes the game when it's not focused. AltTabMute.dll *
AlwaysAprilFool lxy Boss always shoot pigeon and tutorial is always april fool's, activate good tek hidden AlwaysAprilFool.dll *
AlwaysBadApple lxy A mod which changes the background and character etc into black and white in tohou scene. AlwaysBadApple.dll *
AlwaysPigeons lxy Boss always shoot pigeon, do not use AlwaysAprilFool at the same time. AlwaysPigeons.dll *
BALLCOCK Ashton Memer Implements a simplified, less eye-straining and distracting fever effect. Also includes a distasteful console message. Ballcock.dll *
BestCombinationSuggest brooke_zb Displays the best character combination for a level in the pause screen. The character combo displayed is usually correct, but don't put your blind faith in it. When in doubt, refer to CharacterScoreboard. BestCombinationSuggest.dll *
BetterNativeHook PBalint817 A library mod to do what NativeHook was never for... ...and another hint as to what's coming next. BetterNativeHook.dll *
BPMDisplay lxy A mod which displays the BPM info above level designer on preparation screen. BPMDisplay.dll *
CharacterRandomizer lxy Everytime you play a chart, a random character combination will be selected. CharacterRandomizer.dll *
CharacterScoreboard Creepler13 & lxy Displays which character a specific score was achieved with on the leaderboard. CharacterScoreboard.dll *
ChartReview lxy Automatically selects sleepwalker, sets offset to 0, sets fever to manual, disables certain UI elements. Can be toggled on/off while in-game. ChartReview.dll *
ChartDeleter PBalint817 Allows you to queue charts to be deleted when you exit the game using a configurable keybind. ChartDeleter.dll *
ChineseMode RobotLucca Censores certain aspects of the game. (Characters, illustrations, etc) ChineseMode.dll *
Cinema Ashton Memer The mod that allows you to see video backgrounds in custom charts. Cinema.dll *
CinemaToggler PBalint817 Allows you to toggle the Cinema mod on/off in-game. CinemaToggler.dll *
CurrentCombination Asgragrt Shows the current selected character and elfin in the song selection menu and the song view. CurrentCombination.dll *
CustomAlbums Team Baller The mod that allows you to load in custom charts. CustomAlbums.dll *
CustomAnchorSupport PBalint817 Adds streamer mode support to custom songs via the 'streamer' tag in 'info.json'. CustomAnchorSupport.dll *
CustomBGBrightness lxy Allows you to adjust background brightness lower than 40%. CustomBGBrightness.dll *
CustomHitSound lxy Allows you to make custom hit sound. Detailed instructions on github readme. CustomHitSound.dll *
CustomLoadingScreens Mr. Talk Allows you to add custom loading screens. CustomLoadingScreens.dll *
CustomResolution PBalint817 Allows you to set a custom resolution. CustomResolution.dll *
FadeIn Asgragrt Allows you to make all notes fade out. FadeIn.dll *
FavGirl RobotLucca & Ashton Memer Allows you to favorite characters and elfins. This will make you look like that character even if another character is selected. You will have the abilities of the selected character & your plays will be submitted as such. FavGirl.dll 4.1.0
FavGirlCatFix PBalint817 Fixes a bug with favorited cat characters. FavGirlCatFix.dll *
FC AP indicator* lxy Tells you whether you're on All Perfect/Full Combo pace, and displays the number of misses/greats. FC AP.dll 3.12.0
FeverEffectDisable lxy Disables the fever background effect (duh.) FeverEffectDisable.dll *
Headquarters Ashton Memer Allows you to submit scores on custom charts obtained from the MDMC website. Headquarters.dll *
HiddenQol RobotLucca & lxy Adds a button to always show hidden difficulties. E.g. you don't need to spam click and such to unlock them before playing. HiddenQol.dll *
Info+ KARPED1EM Displays additional in-game info including Chart Info, Accuracy, Miss/Great/Early/Late/Hit/Total Counts, Score/Accuracy Gap from Personal Best, Sky/Ground Speed and so on. Info+.dll *
IntroSkip PBalint817 Skips past the intro sequence. IntroSkip.dll *
KeybindManager PBalint817 A library for other mods to implement configurable keybinds, and listen to key combinations. KeybindManager.dll *
LeagueIsBad... PBalint817 ...and you should feel bad. Closes the game if League of Legends is found on your PC. LeagueIsBad.dll *
LocalizeLib PBalint817 Makes localizing mods for the game's language settings easier. LocalizeLib.dll *
LockCursor Mr. Talk Locks your cursor in the middle of the screen while in-game. LockCursor.dll *
MDRPC Brasileiro Muse Dash Rich Presence, which is exactly what it says it is. MDRPC.dll *
ModManager* Creepler13 Allows you to disable & delete mods while in-game. ModManager.dll 3.7.0
MuseDashMirror lxy A library that makes it easier to access PlayerData, BattleComponents info and create UI elements. This mod does nothing by itself. MuseDashMirror.dll *
MuseDashModTools lxy & "Bálint" as balls Automatically detects and logs available mod updates. MuseDashModTools.dll *
NoAutoPause Ashton Memer Prevents the game from automatically pausing when the game loses focus. NoAutoPause.dll *
NoLevelUpAnimations PBalint817 Makes leveling up a bit more bearable. NoLevelUpAnimations.dll *
PopupLib PBalint817 A library for other mods to display prompts, take input, etc., using the game's built-in windows. PopupLib.dll *
PreventLowAcc PBalint817 Lets you disable score submissions, in case you want to take a screenshot of a low acc high score, but not actually submit it. Future uses may have something to do with challenge runs, stay tuned ;) PreventLowAcc.dll *
QuickRestart Ashton Memer Allows you to use Delete to instantly leave a chart & Allows you to use Backspace to instantly restart a chart Update now allows you to set custom keybinds. QuickRestart.dll *
QuickSwitchCombination lxy Allows you to set keybinds to quickly change your characters. Now has an in-game menu to add keybinds. QuickSwitchCombination.dll *
RomajiSongName Asgragrt Romanizes song names, doesn't include song names. Breaks the search function in a way that you can't use spaces. RomajiSongName.dll *
SaveMySpace PBalint817 Deletes old log files and similar junk automatically. SaveMySpace.dll *
SceneEggs* RobotLucca Makes it possible for customs to use certain background decorations that the default charts use. SceneEggs.dll 2.11.0
Scoreboard characters and elfins* bnfour Similar to CharacterScoreboard, however, it instead adds icon clickable icon representations, which automatically switches to the character combo when clicked. Follow the instructions on this mod's homepage to install it on latest. ScoreboardCharacters.dll 3.12.0
ScrollSpeed* RobotLucca Allows charters (not players) to set custom scroll speeds. It's completely up to you whether you wanna use this, most charters don't use it though. ScrollSpeed.dll 2.10.0
SelectiveEffects Asgragrt Mod that allows disabling battle effects. SelectiveEffects.dll *
ShopLift Mr. Talk Removes the store button and (attempts to) recreate the old UI. ShopLift.dll *
SongDesc lxy Displays the title, artist, and difficulty of the song in the top-right corner during play. SongDesc.dll *
Song info bnfour Displays the BPM and duration for selected song. SongInfo.dll *
StricterJudge Asgragrt A mod which changes the judgement window and make the game harder. StricterJudge.dll *
True rank for 999+ bnfour Displays actual ranking instead of "999+" for ranks 1000 to 2000. TrueAbove1kRank.dll *
UIDisable* lxy Allows you to disable certain visual aspects of the game (example: hit circles). UIDisable.dll 4.1.0
UltraInstinctSleepwalking RobotLucca Makes Sleepwalker Rin do mashers at max speed instead of the normal slow speed. UltraInstinctSleepwalking.dll *
UI tweaks bnfour Various small UI fixes. UITweaks.dll *
UnlockAll thegamemaster1234 Unlocks all master difficulties for as long as the mod is installed. UnlockAll.dll *
VictoryScreenSwitcher Ultra_Rabbit Allows you to switch victory screen in the settings menu either to DjMax or Arknights. Swaps original screen with arknights/djmax and vise versa. VictoryScreenSwitcher.dll *

PRs Welcome


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