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Mod that allows disabling battle effects.

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  • Individual config options for several effects.
  • Hot reload settings.

Hot Reload

Reload your settings without having to restart the game.

  • Change the settings inside SelectiveEffects.cfg (see Settings) and the save the file.
  • The settings will reload only outside the charts.


The config file can be found at ${Your muse dash folder}/UserData/SelectiveEffects.cfg


  • Enabled stores the last status of the toggle.
  • DisableAllEffects uses a general method to disable all effects in battle.


  • DisableFever disables fever's background and stars.
  • DisableBackground disables the fever background (keeping the stars and the ending transition). If only this fever option is enabled it behaves exactly like BALLCOCK mod.
  • DisableStars disables the fever stars.
  • DisableTransition disables the ending transition. Looks better with DisableBackground.


  • DisableJudgement disables the judgments (including early/late).
  • DisablePerfects disables the perfect judgement.
  • DisableGreats disables the great judgement.
  • DisablePass disables the pass judgement.
  • DisablePerfectPerfects disables perfect judgement (non early non late).
  • MakeJudgementSmaller makes judgments smaller.
  • JudgementScalePercentage original judgement size percentage (0% → invisible judgments, 100% → original size judgments).


  • DisableHitDisappearAnimation disables the enemies animation when they have been hit and makes them disappear immediately.
  • DisableHitEffects disables hit effects and particles.
  • DisableGirlHitFx the same as DisableHitEffects but doesn't disappear the out_fx of some enemies.
  • DisableGirlHitParticlesOnly disables the hit star particles.
  • DisablePressFx disables some particles when pressing the holds.


  • DisableMusicNotesFx disables the particles and text that appear when you touch a music note.
  • DisableHeartsFx disables the particles and text that appear when you touch a heart.


  • DisableBossFx disables some effects the boss has when deploying enemies.
  • DisableDustFx disables the dust effect when the character falls to the ground.
  • DisableHurtFx disables the text that appear when the character is hurt.
  • DisableElfinFx disables elfin effects.


  • DisableStageBackground disables the stage background (Takes precedence over DisableStageExceptFloor).
  • DisableStageExceptFloor disables the stage background except the floor.
  • DisableStageHitPoints disables the stage Hit Points


  • DisableGirl disables the girl's sprite.
  • DisableElfin disables the elfin's sprite.


  • DisableHealthBar disables the health & fever bar.
  • DisableScore disables the score counter.
  • DisableCombo disables the combo.
  • DisablePauseButton disables the pause button.
  • DisableProgressBar disables the progress bar.


It is preferred to use the DisableAllEffects option instead of the individual options (this doesn't apply to the Fever, Stage, and GameScene since they are handled in a different way).



  • Make sure you have MelonLoader 0.6.1 or higher installed and working on your Muse Dash.


  1. Download the latest release from releases.
  2. Move SelectiveEffects.dll to ${Your muse dash folder}/Mods.
  3. Run the game and modify the settings on the config file.