A simple python script that will generate 2-6 machine names from the now infamous Lainkusanagi PEN-200 practice list. This is just for fun. I was finding myself constantly going back to or seareching for the google doc to lookup practice machines and I though this would be a fun project. Please reach out with tips, comments, concerns. I will try to update the machines database as well when new ones are added. Thanks and enjoy!
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/MAX-P0W3R/OSCP-machine-generator
- Move to the dir
cd OSCP-machine-generator
- This basic program will run with
python3 mockexam.py
and present you with a few choices. First, which platform would you like to use:
Choose a platform:
1. ProvingGrounds Practice
2. HackTheBox
3. TryHackMe
4. Virtual Hacking Labs
5. ProvingGrounds Play
Enter a number (1-5):
Then you will be able to choose how many machines to generate:
How many machines would you like to attempt? (2-6):
Next you can select OS or ALL for a random selection:
Which trait do you want to filter by? (Linux, Windows, Active Directory, all):
Finally the terminal will output the selected machines for practice, Difficulty, OS, and average difficulty:
The last line will show an average difficulty for the machines selected based on 1-3 (1=Easy, 2=Intermediate, 3=Hard)
Average Difficulty Level:____
Known issues: