Random Password Generator with python.
Network Scanner using bash tools for automating penetration testing and vulnerability analysis.
The Daily Dungeon A solo DND style quest built for quick adventures. Scaling up to create a new map and set of enemies, weapons, and magic each day.
Mobile Application- Budget planner using flutter and dart.
Creating a C# text-based adventure game based off the 80's classic 'Lone Wolf'.
Plex server running on (you guessed it) a Raspberry Pi!.
Building and creating cryptocurrency on blockchain/web3. (under so much construction)
Ski report & current weather with RGB matrix board and raspberry pi (COMING SOON!)
Making a LED powered METAR map (COMING SOON!)
Rule# 76: No excuses. Always play like a champion.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my axe.