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[WIP] Flux feature parity #13

merged 12 commits into from
Feb 27, 2024
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
name = "WeightInitializers"
uuid = "d49dbf32-c5c2-4618-8acc-27bb2598ef2d"
authors = ["Avik Pal <> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.5"
version = "0.1.6"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
PartialFunctions = "570af359-4316-4cb7-8c74-252c00c2016b"
PrecompileTools = "aea7be01-6a6a-4083-8856-8a6e6704d82a"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Expand All @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ WeightInitializersCUDAExt = "CUDA"
Aqua = "0.8"
CUDA = "5"
ChainRulesCore = "1.21"
LinearAlgebra = "1.9"
PartialFunctions = "1.2"
PrecompileTools = "1.2"
Random = "1.9"
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59 changes: 58 additions & 1 deletion ext/WeightInitializersCUDAExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
module WeightInitializersCUDAExt

using WeightInitializers, CUDA
import WeightInitializers: __partial_apply, NUM_TO_FPOINT
using Random
import WeightInitializers: __partial_apply, NUM_TO_FPOINT, identity_init, sparse_init,

const AbstractCuRNG = Union{CUDA.RNG, CURAND.RNG}

Expand All @@ -19,4 +21,59 @@

function sparse_init(rng::AbstractCuRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
sparsity::Number, std::Number=T(0.01)) where {T <: Number}
if length(dims) != 2
throw(ArgumentError("Only 2-dimensional outputs are supported for sparse initialization."))

Check warning on line 27 in ext/WeightInitializersCUDAExt.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L27 was not covered by tests

rows, cols = dims
prop_zero = min(1.0, sparsity)
num_zeros = ceil(Integer, prop_zero * rows)
sparse_array = randn(rng, T, dims...) .* std
sparse_array[1:num_zeros, :] .=

return CUDA.@allowscalar mapslices(shuffle, sparse_array, dims=1)

function identity_init(rng::AbstractCuRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
gain::Number=1, shift::Integer=0) where {T <: Number}
if length(dims) == 1
# Bias initialization
return CUDA.zeros(T, dims...)
elseif length(dims) == 2
# Matrix multiplication
rows, cols = dims
mat = CUDA.zeros(T, rows, cols)
diag_indices = 1:min(rows, cols)
CUDA.fill!(view(mat, diag_indices, diag_indices), gain)
return CUDA.circshift(mat, shift)
# Convolution or more dimensions
nin, nout = dims[end - 1], dims[end]
centers = map(d -> cld(d, 2), dims[1:(end - 2)])
weights = CUDA.zeros(T, dims...)
#we should really find a better way to do this
CUDA.@allowscalar for i in 1:min(nin, nout)
index = (centers..., i, i)
weights[index...] = gain

Check warning on line 60 in ext/WeightInitializersCUDAExt.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L60 was not covered by tests
return CUDA.circshift(weights, (ntuple(d -> 0, length(dims) - 2)..., shift, shift))

for initializer in (:sparse_init, :identity_init)
@eval function ($initializer)(rng::AbstractCuRNG, dims::Integer...; kwargs...)
return $initializer(rng, Float32, dims...; kwargs...)

@eval function ($initializer)(rng::AbstractCuRNG; kwargs...)
return __partial_apply($initializer, (rng, (; kwargs...)))
@eval function ($initializer)(rng::AbstractCuRNG,
::Type{T}; kwargs...) where {T <: Number}
return __partial_apply($initializer, ((rng, T), (; kwargs...)))

9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/WeightInitializers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ module WeightInitializers
import PrecompileTools: @recompile_invalidations

@recompile_invalidations begin
using ChainRulesCore, PartialFunctions, Random, SpecialFunctions, Statistics
using ChainRulesCore, PartialFunctions, Random, SpecialFunctions, Statistics,

Expand All @@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ for f in [
:zeros64, :ones64, :rand64, :randn64, :zeros32, :ones32, :rand32, :randn32, :zeros16,
:ones16, :rand16, :randn16, :zerosC64, :onesC64, :randC64, :randnC64, :zerosC32,
:onesC32, :randC32, :randnC32, :zerosC16, :onesC16, :randC16, :randnC16, :glorot_normal,
:glorot_uniform, :kaiming_normal, :kaiming_uniform, :truncated_normal]
:glorot_uniform, :kaiming_normal, :kaiming_uniform, :truncated_normal, :orthogonal,
:sparse_init, :identity_init]
@eval @non_differentiable $(f)(::Any...)

Expand All @@ -25,5 +27,8 @@ export zerosC64, onesC64, randC64, randnC64, zerosC32, onesC32, randC32, randnC3
export glorot_normal, glorot_uniform
export kaiming_normal, kaiming_uniform
export truncated_normal
export orthogonal
export sparse_init
export identity_init

209 changes: 208 additions & 1 deletion src/initializers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,9 +122,216 @@ function truncated_normal(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...; mean=T(
return xs

orthogonal([::AbstractRNG=_default_rng()], [T=Float32], dims::Integer...;
gain = 1) -> AbstractArray{T, length(dims)}

Return an `AbstractArray{T}` of the given dimensions (`dims`) which is a
(semi) orthogonal matrix, as described in [^Saxe14]

The function constructs an orthogonal or semi-orthogonal matrix depending on the specified
dimensions. For two dimensions, it returns a matrix where `dims = (rows, cols)`.
For more than two dimensions, it computes an orthogonal matrix of
size `prod(dims[1:(end - 1)])` by `dims[end]` before reshaping it to
the original dimensions.

Cannot construct a vector, i.e., `length(dims) == 1` is forbidden.

# Arguments

- `rng::AbstractRNG`: Random number generator.
- `T::Type{<:Real}`: The type of the elements in the array.
- `dims::Integer...`: The dimensions of the array.
- `gain::Number`: Scaling factor for the elements of the orthogonal matrix.

# References

[^Saxe14] Saxe, McClelland, Ganguli. "Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of
learning in deep linear neural networks",
ICLR 2014,
function orthogonal(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
gain::Number=T(1.0)) where {T <: Number}
@assert length(dims)>1 "Creating vectors (length(dims) == 1) is not allowed"

if length(dims) == 2
rows, cols = dims
rows = prod(dims[1:(end - 1)])
cols = dims[end]

if rows < cols
return permutedims(orthogonal(rng, T, cols, rows; gain))

mat = randn(rng, T, rows, cols)
Q, R = qr(mat)
mat .= Q * sign.(Diagonal(R)) .* T(gain)

if length(dims) > 2
return reshape(mat, dims)
return mat

sparse_init([::AbstractRNG=_default_rng()], [T=Float32], dims::Integer...;
sparsity::Number, std::Number=0.01) -> AbstractArray{T}

Creates a sparsely initialized weight matrix with a specified proportion of zeroed elements,
using random numbers drawn from a normal distribution for the non-zero elements.
This method is introduced in [^Martens2010].
Note: The sparsity parameter controls the proportion of the matrix that will be zeroed.
For example, a sparsity of 0.3 means that approximately 30% of the elements will be
set to zero. The non-zero elements are distributed according to a normal distribution,
scaled by the std parameter.

# Arguments

- `rng::AbstractRNG`: The random number generator to use.
- `T::Type{<:Number}`: The numeric type of the elements in the returned array.
- `dims::Integer...`: The dimensions of the weight matrix to be generated.
- `sparsity::Number`: The proportion of elements to be zeroed. Must be between 0 and 1.
- `std::Number=0.01`: The standard deviation of the normal distribution
before applying `gain`.

# Returns

- `AbstractArray{T}`: A sparsely initialized weight matrix of dimensions `dims`
and type `T`.

# Examples

using Random

# Initialize a 5x5 sparsely initialized matrix with 30% sparsity
rng = MersenneTwister(123)
matrix = sparse_init(rng, Float32, 5, 5; sparsity=0.3, std=0.01)

5×5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0 0.00273815 0.00592403 0.0 0.0
0.00459416 -0.000754831 -0.00888936 -0.0077507 0.0
0.0 -0.00194229 0.0 0.0 -0.00468489
0.0114265 0.0 0.0 -0.00734886 0.00277726
-0.00396679 0.0 0.00327215 -0.0071741 -0.00880897

# References

[^Martens2010] Martens, J, "Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization"
_Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on International Conference
on Machine Learning_. 2010.
function sparse_init(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
sparsity::Number, std::Number=T(0.01)) where {T <: Number}
if length(dims) != 2
throw(ArgumentError("Only 2-dimensional outputs are supported for sparse initialization."))

rows, cols = dims
prop_zero = min(1.0, sparsity)
num_zeros = ceil(Integer, prop_zero * rows)
sparse_array = randn(rng, T, dims...) .* std
sparse_array[1:num_zeros, :] .= zero(T)
return mapslices(shuffle, sparse_array; dims=1)

identity_init([::AbstractRNG=_default_rng()], [T=Float32], size...; gain::Number=1,
shift::Union{Integer, Tuple{Integer, Integer}}=0) -> AbstractArray{T}

Constructs an array that aims to provide an identity mapping when used as parameters in
most layers of a neural network. The identity mapping is scaled by the `gain` parameter.

# Behavior

- 1D: Returns a `Vector` of zeros (useful for biases in layers where
`input_size == output_size`).
- 2D: Returns an identity matrix
(useful for fully connected layers with equal input and output sizes).
- More than 2D: Returns a tensor where the central slice along the last
two dimensions is an identity matrix, and the rest are zeros
(useful for convolutional layers, simulating an identity convolution).

# Caveats

- Not all layers will result in an identity mapping when using this initializer.
Exceptions include recurrent and normalization layers.
- Layers must have `input_size == output_size` for a perfect identity mapping.
In cases where this condition is not met, the function pads extra dimensions with zeros.
- For convolutional layers to achieve an identity mapping, kernel sizes must be odd,
and appropriate padding must be applied to ensure the output
feature maps are the same size as the input feature maps.

# Arguments

- `rng::AbstractRNG`: An optional random number generator,
included for consistency with other initializers but ignored since the
output is deterministic.
- `T::Type{<:Number}`: The numeric type of the array elements.
- `size...`: The dimensions of the array to be initialized.
- `gain::Number=1`: A scaling factor applied to the identity mapping.
- `shift::Union{Integer, Tuple{Integer, Integer}}=0`: An integer or
a tuple specifying the circular shift applied to the output array.

# Returns

- `AbstractArray{T}`: An array initialized to represent an identity mapping,
scaled by `gain` and optionally shifted by `shift`.

# Examples

using Random

# Identity matrix for fully connected layer
identity_matrix = identity_init(MersenneTwister(123), Float32, 5, 5)

# Identity tensor for convolutional layer
identity_tensor = identity_init(MersenneTwister(123),
Float32, # Bias initialization
5, # Matrix multiplication
shift=(1, 0))
function identity_init(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
gain::Number=1, shift::Integer=0) where {T <: Number}
if length(dims) == 1
# Bias initialization
return zeros(T, dims...)
elseif length(dims) == 2
# Matrix multiplication
rows, cols = dims
mat = zeros(T, rows, cols)
for i in 1:min(rows, cols)
mat[i, i] = gain
return circshift(mat, shift)
# Convolution or more dimensions
nin, nout = dims[end - 1], dims[end]
centers = map(d -> cld(d, 2), dims[1:(end - 2)])
weights = zeros(T, dims...)
for i in 1:min(nin, nout)
index = (centers..., i, i)
weights[index...] = gain
return circshift(weights, (ntuple(d -> 0, length(dims) - 2)..., shift, shift))

# Default Fallbacks for all functions
for initializer in (:glorot_uniform, :glorot_normal, :kaiming_uniform, :kaiming_normal,
:truncated_normal, :orthogonal, :sparse_init, :identity_init)
NType = ifelse(initializer === :truncated_normal, Real, Number)
@eval function ($initializer)(dims::Integer...; kwargs...)
return $initializer(_default_rng(), Float32, dims...; kwargs...)
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