Releases: LibrePhotos/librephotos-linux
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - June - Bugfix
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - June
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: You can now save captions (Implemented by abdulasiraj)
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Support reading XMP face metadata
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Uploading does not need CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS anymore
- ✨ Frontend: Clicking on the image icon in Face Dashboard now displays the original photo
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Face Dashboard now re-renders less, which should lead to a better experience
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Unknown - Other Faces, will now get matched to a person, if the confidence is larger than 50%
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Finding confidence values for faces is now faster
- ✨ Frontend: Logo linking to home
- ✨ Frontend: Documentation is now linked in the sidebar
- ✨ LibrePhotos: django-admin now contains all models
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Performance improvements for a couple of endpoints
- ✨ Frontend: A lot of fetching was refactored to RTK (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: A lot of new and improved translations from the community
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed opening shared albums resulting in a blank page
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed empty names of persons
- 🔨 Frontend: Fixed Videos don't show the player and left/right arrows are missing
- 🔨 Frontend: Videos are now viewable in the light box in FaceDashboard
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed a Timeout when loading persons with a lot of faces
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed Timestamps not generating for IMG_20230101_A.jpg
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed reading of exif data from .jxl files
New Issues:
- 🐛 UserViewSet returns too much information for regular users (Link)
- 🐛 Compose container renaming broken as described in docs (Link)
- 🐛 Unable to browse and scan Nextcloud Directories (Link)
- 🐛 Running Calculate Clip Embeddings doesn't work on read only files (Link)
- 🐛 Sharing high amounts of pictures with other user(s) fails (Link)
- 🐛 Face training is ineffective (Link)
- 💡 Allow external process to signal file addition (Link)
- 💡 Add "move face to unknown - other" and "delete face" options to image browser (Link)
- 💡 Add hability to download albums (Link)
- 💡 Improve docker image versioning (Link)
- 💡 Docs on memory requirements (Link)
- 💡 Ability to back up face scoring models (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 9 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - May
- 🚀 Frontend: New profile page (Implemented by jcalado )
- 🚀 Frontend: New admin page (Implemented by jcalado )
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Add five new languages (Arabix, Hungarian, Portugues Brazil, Slovak and Urdu)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: A lot of new and improved translations from the community
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix scan will not add JPG photos when set to readonly (Implemented by sickelap)
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Raw images are not getting scanned (Implemented by sickelap)
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Automatically created photo albums do not open
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Failure reading exif tags: Multiple tag issues returned, invalid use case
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Crash on Create Embed Clip
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Scan job exits with exception Internal Server Error: /api/jobs/ on ARM
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: "Calculate Clip Embeddings" looks completed but in fact is not
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Calculate Clip Embeddings stuck (like #758?)
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix i18n label when missing credentials
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix photoset immutability
- 🔨 Frontend: Sort persons alphabetically
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix Nextcloud types
New Issues:
- 🐛 Photos are not uploading through the web interface (Link)
- 🐛 sklearn ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead: (Link)
- 💡 Tell the algorithm when it found something that's not a face (Link)
- 💡 Make face preview of OG photo either wide or zoom in on the face (Link)
- 💡 Open original photo from faces tab (Link)
- 💡 Add memories (Link)
- 💡 Android App to give notification for memories (Link)
- 🐛 With latest library dashboard with French language button are too small or non-responsive (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 7 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - April
Breaking change: You have to add CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS with the URL you want to access it from in order to upload assets and if you want to access the Django admin panel / silk / swagger
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: We now support Motion Photos from Samsung and Google Phones (Implemented by sickelap)
- 🚀 Frontend: New library page (Implemented by jcalado )
- ✨ Frontend: Migrate directory list to RTK (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Move to Django 4 and psycopg3
- ✨ Docker: Use Ubuntu lunar
- ✨ Docker: Add libjxl to dependencies
- ✨ Docker: Bump to python 3.11, should give a performance boost
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Django Admin now accessible under api/django-admin
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Cluster size will now increase with increase of faces
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Bubble up exceptions more consistently
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Only calculate hash once (Implemented by savvasdalkitsis)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Improve /api/person performance
- ✨ LibrePhotos: A lot of new and improved translations from the community
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix nextcloud job scheduling (Implemented by sickelap)
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Do not show hidden photos as a cover image for auto album
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Use BigInt for size, fixes a crash in scan photos
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Sort directories alphabetically
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Ensure that only persons for a given user are loaded in FaceListView
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix scanning behavior when rescanning a photo
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Always ensure that a cluster has a user
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Remove people without faces when clustering
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix error handling when categorizing photos
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix FirstTimeSetup when there is also a deleted user in the system
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix delete
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fix check files
- 🔨 Frontend: Do not show "finished task" twice
- 🔨 Frontend: Count faces correctly
- 🔨 Frontend: Truncate text in ModalPersonEdit
- 🔨 Frontend: Show more useful values in worker logs
- 🔨 Frontend: Invalidate UserList when you create a new user
- 🔨 Frontend: Don't scroll when LightBox is open
- 🔨 Frontend: Allow downloading images from lightbox
- 🔨 Frontend: Center Lightbox image by overriding getTransform
- 🔨 Frontend: Do not allow zooming for videos
- 🔨 Frontend: Handle invalid token more gracefully
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix album sharing
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix header for shared albums
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix avatar in sharing dialog
- 🔨 Frontend: Keep mobile footer consistent
- 🔨 Frontend: Rerender less in FaceDashboard
- 🔨 Frontend: Remove cookies on logout
- 🔨 Frontend: Fix padding and scroll issues in PhotoListView
- 🔨 Frontend: Sort persons alphabetically (Implemented by Nerodacles)
New Issues:
- 💡 Allow Users to Select Different Face Thumbnail (Link)
- 💡 Ditch the predatory Mapbox for something that actually has a free tier (Link)
- 🐛 Auto album generation stuck (looks like #584) (Link)
- 🐛 Problem with Nextcloud import (Link)
- 💡 Access to photo folders owned by other users (Link)
- 🐛 Default timezone not being applied (Link)
- 🐛 "Calculate Clip Embeddings" looks completed but in fact is not (Link)
- 🐛 Errors in new Web UI (Link)
- 🐛 Face dashboard displays a totally empty page on the latest dev (Link)
- 🐛 Scan crashes on character '\udceb' (Link)
- 💡 Added Assets processed by Rescan all Photos in Response (Link)
- 🐛 Calculate Clip Embeddings stuck (like #758?) (Link)
- 🐛 Undesired popup appears (Link)
- 💡 Document secret.key (Link)
- 💡 IPTC support? (Link)
- 💡 Switch from FAISS to pgvector (Link)
- 💡 Replace square_thumbnail_small with thumbhash (Link)
- 🐛 Unable to display picture / run video from detail tab (original file) if accentuated : error 404 (Link)
- 🐛 Scan keeps failing (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 7 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - March
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: We now have a new docs page!
- 🚀 Mobile: Added downloading image to local storage
- 🚀 Mobile: Implemented backing up photos
- 🚀 Mobile: Implemented to remove backed up images
- 🚀 Mobile: Show local images
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Improve test coverage (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Mobile: List rendering now faster
- ✨ Docs: Added docs for uploading images
- ✨ Docs: Added docs for job system
- ✨ Docs: Added docs for settings
- ✨ Docs: Updated features for Google Photos and Immich (Implemeted by WhiteHatRootkitJedi and justadri)
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed ARM64/PyTorch Fatal Python error: Illegal instruction
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed import of RAW (.NEF) files
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed a bug, where removing missing images would get stucl
- 🔨 Mobile: Login does now work correctly with case-sensitive usernames
New Issues:
- 🐛 Can share picture but not albums (Link)
- 💡 Support for google motion photos (Link)
- 🐛 Hidden file can be event album cover (Link)
- 💡 Add JXL file support (Link)
- 💡 ability to deselect subfolders for inclusion (Link)
- 🐛 No local photos (Link)
- 🐛 Scan job exits with exception Internal Server Error: /api/jobs/(Link)
- 💡 Implement backing up only certain locations (Link)
- 💡 Implement uploading images from the background (Link)
- 💡 Notify the user to activate MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Link)
- 💡 Replace pylint, black and isort with ruff (Link)
- 🐛 Delete Missing Photos Stuck (Link)
- 🐛 Long name in face selection don't work well (Link)
- 🐛 The faces tab scrolling is very slow with huge amount of face to sort (Link)
- 🐛 In face tab when typing the name it says person already exist and can't see to this (Link)
- 💡 In faces tab, have the possibility to sort by more photos that match faces (Link)
- 💡 Implement viewing videos (Link)
- 💡 Migrate to TypeScript ([Link] (LibrePhotos/librephotos#762))
- 💡 Implement directory permission checker (Link)
- 💡 Single sourcing of state management and translations between frontend and mobile (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 7 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - January / February
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Local photos now show up in main Feed. Also showing sync state (local/remote/synced) in preparation of full photo sync
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Choosing Camera folder if more than one folder exists inside DCIM folder
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Allowing user to set max memory and disk caches up to their device maximums
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Showing progress notification for full feed sync
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Showing current/total progress in notification for jobs
- 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Allowing user to cancel jobs from the notification
from feed - 🚀 UhuruPhotos: Showing local media in the photo map
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: It's now opt-in if you want your profile to be public (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Improve testing tool chain and added tests (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Camera media are prioritised when scanning local media so they appear faster in the UI and in the feed
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Showing both local and remote paths for media in Lightbox details
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Hiding the refresh day button on feed for days with only local media
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Opening app when tapping notification
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Showing local media status (permissions and sync) on the main
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Lightbox displays media sync status (synced/local/remote) when navigating
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fixing bug with precaching thumbnails constantly restarting
- ✨ Translations: More Vietnamese, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Russian, German translations by stnokott, Vistaus, cyrasafia , hsa00000, J. Lavoie, BMN, Atalanttore, RandomHacks-Git, IhorHordiichuk, Nerodacles, renemadeira, zlo2k, gallegonovato and many more
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Expose only relevant data when using /api/user/
- 🔨 Frontend: Searching for people works again (Implemented by Nerodacles)
- 🔨 Mobile: Login does now work correctly with case-sensitive usernames
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fixed bug where local photo albums would have photos jump around showing up in wrong dates
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: There was still a bug with precaching which should now be fixed. (thanks @ᓰᕵᕵᓍ for spotting it)
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fixing notification icon
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: "Do Not Ask Again" button in Feed actually remembers preference
New Issues:
- 💡 Update people thumbnails ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#759))
- 🐛 Calculate Clip Embeddings Stuck ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#758))
- 💡 Run librephotos from URL subdirectory ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#757))
- 🐛 LibrePhotos keeps restarting and cannot access pages ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#755))
- 💡 Better People searching ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#754))
- 💡 Add deduplication ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#753))
- 💡 Multiple scan directory ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#751))
- 💡 Video library filter ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#750))
- 💡 Manually detect/outline faces ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#749))
- 💡 Manually add people to a photo ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#748))
- 💡 feature flag support ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#747))
- 💡 Import already tagged faces with 3rd party software ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#746))
- 🐛 Scanning faces broken: get() returned more than one Cluster -- it returned 2! ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#745))
- 🐛 ARM64/PyTorch Fatal Python error: Illegal instruction ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#744))
- 🐛 Librephotos search is very inaccurate ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#742))
- 💡 Prefill the demo website ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#741))
- 🐛 can't scan ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#738))
- 💡 Download image to local storage ([Link] LibrePhotos/librephotos#737))
- 💡 Remove backed up images (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 14 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2022 - Week 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 / 50
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: You can now reset datetime rules (Implemented by sickelap)
- 🚀 Docker-Compose: The backend image is now 800 MB smaller (Implemented by JcMinarro)
- ✨ Frontend: You can now see which datetime rules are a default (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Frontend: You can now search datetime rules (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Frontend: Migrated more pages to RTK (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Frontend: Added the first E2E test for the frontend (Implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Translations: More Vietnamese, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Russian, German translations by stnokott, Vistaus, Matthew Wu (吴嘉俊), hsa00000, J. Lavoie, BMN, loulou91, RandomHacks-Git, IhorHordiichuk, Nerodacles, TouchySpidey, Gau Map, gallegonovato
- 🔨 Frontend: Images no longer leak between users when switching accounts (Link)
- 🔨 Frontend: Settings page now loads values correctly (Link)
New Issues:
- ❓ Newbie basics: how to share (Link)
- ❓ Library Scans (Link)
- 🐛 sorting by 'date' becomes sorting by 'confidence' after a browser refresh (Link)
- 🐛 Standard local install, cannot connect to BE (Link)
- ❓ Unable to Share Photos with Other users (Link)
- 💡 Integrate pull request preview environments (Link)
- 💡 Base URL functionality (Link)
- 💡 Use EXIF metadata to supplement labelling people (Link)
- 🐛 When searching a person, it does not appear (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by 13 awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2022 - Week 42 / 43 / 44 / 45
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: You can now sort faces by date (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Scrollbar now shows the date in PhotoListView (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Scrollbar now shows the name of the person in FaceDashboard (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Migration to Mantine v5 (implemented by sickelap)
- ✨ Frontend: Replaced moment.js with luxon
- ✨ Frontend: You can now also change the time taken of a photo
- ✨ Translations: More Vietnamese, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Norwegian, German translations by stnokott, Vistaus, Matthew Wu (吴嘉俊), hsa00000, J. Lavoie, BMN, loulou91, RandomHacks-Git, IhorHordiichuk, Nerodacles, TouchySpidey, Gau Map, gallegonovato
New Issues:
- 💡 CLI or API for guessing faces (Link)
- 💡 Select the language of the clouds of words, things and places Link)
- 🐛 Scan Photos task resulted with 0 Item(s) processed after rescan non-zero directory (Link)
- 🐛 User's settings can't load to web (Link)
- 🐛 Delete_missing_photos crashes after 30sec or so (Link)
- 💡 Add album share to the cover photo's vertical-dot-menu (Link)
- 💡 Sharing People Albums (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by eleven awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2022 - Week 40 / 41
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Duplicates are now visible in the frontend, and you can delete them
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: It's now possible to scan single files with the CLI
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Faster inferred faces confirmation with a one click confirmation (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- 🚀 LibrePhotos: Add album share to the cover photo's vertical-dot-menu (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- 🚀 Frontend: Add confirmation popup before delete face (Link)
- ✨ Frontend: Add timestamps to faces (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- ✨ Frontend: Replaced moment.js (Implemented by 5m4u66y)
- ✨ Frontend: More Polish, Dutch, Chinese, Finish and Dutch translations by Darek, Jacek PiotrEsse, Vistaus, Cnzw, RandomHacks-Git
- 🔨 Frontend: It's possible to translate via Weblate again
- 🔨 Frontend: Fixed a zod bug, which caused user albums not to be shown
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: SubjectDistance gets now handled correctly
New Issues:
- 💡 Change date format (Link)
- 💡 Sharing People Albums (Link)
- 💡 Add a Zod Error Message (Link)
- 🐛 My Albums disappear and new ones are no longer created/visible : Showing 0 user created albums (Link)
- 💡 Create albums based on date (Link)
- 💡 Search without diacritics (Link)
- 🐛 Cant remove pictures from "Person" album (Link)
You can find my livestreams and development videos here.
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by eleven awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal
LibrePhotos Development: 2022 - Week 37 / 38 / 39
- ✨ LibrePhotos: Improvements, when uploading a new photo (implemented by meeseek)
- ✨ Frontend: Improve layout of sidebar items
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Adding animated video thumbnails across the app
- ✨ UhuruPhotos: Memories cards now loop between all the photos of the day
- 🔨 Frontend: Handle when a video does not have a length
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Use new hdbscan version to resolve an error
- 🔨 LibrePhotos: Remove cachelot, which lead to slow loading times when developing
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fixing memories cards padding
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fix crash relating to lightbox page being out of bounds
- 🔨 UhuruPhotos: Fix crash relating to search suggestions with only 1 item
New Issues:
- 💡 Add option to disable video previews (Link)
- 🐛 Can't upload video .mp4 Link)
- 🐛 Fix "Scan Photos (filesystem)" to only scan new photos again (Link)
- 🐛 Place Tree is bugged (Link)
- 💡 Faces workflow: add "Recently tagged" section to faces popup, sorted by number of recent tag choices (Link)
If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel
Sponsoring development:
My work is sponsored by eleven awesome people!
If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal