Based on ClojureScript re-frame library; used for managing state, events and side-effects in a reagent application.
Suggested imported module name is rf
The general usage is as follows:
- a view (component) can dispatch events (
), and subscribe to queries (rf.subscribe()
) - an event handler is a pure function which receives event query and current state (computed by coeffects), and returns a set of effects to be actioned later (dictionary of key-value pairs, each determining an effect and its argument)
- a coeffect is a value obtained via impure calculation (like current time or a
value) - an effect is a function which produces side-effects (like sending AJAX requests or updating
) - an interceptor is a modifier which is added to event processing chain to alter its coeffects or effects
- interceptors have 2 methods (
is called when processing the chain upwards to the event handler,after
is called when the event handler had been run and chain is being processed downwards
Aside from implementing most of re-frame API, this module exports 2 helper functions: dsub
), and disp
wrapper to be used in effects, includes event existence check & allows for supplying additional parameters).
Includes 4 built-in effects (see rf.regEventFx
): db
, dispatch
, and dispatchLater
A setup function (only necessary if you're using nodeps
bundle); opts
may include:
: deep equality comparison (for db update checks; defaults toutil.eq
);- additional
This is the _init
exported in the main mreframe
module. It also invokes r._init()
which is where most opts
are actually used.
To replace db update checks with shallow-equality, run rf._init({eq: eqShallow})
, and to use identity checks instead,
run rf._init({eq: identical})
(see util
Asynchronously dispatches an event (described as ['id', ...args]
rf.dispatch(['set', 'key', value]) // dispatches event ['set', 'key', value] after a tick
Dispatches an event immediately (use for synchronous updates,
like oninput
of a text fields with supplied value
, or for state initialization).
rf.dispatchSync(['set', 'key', value]) // *immediately* dispatches the event
rf.dispatchSync(['init-db', initialState])
Assigns handler
to event id
, with optional interceptors
added to the processing chain;
handler accepts (db, event)
as arguments and returns new db
rf.regEventDb('set', (db, [_, key, value]) => assoc(db, key, value))
rf.regEventDb('set-in', [trimV], (db, [path, value]) => // removed event id from the query
ssocIn(db, path, value))
Same, but handler accepts (coeffects, event)
as arguments (db
is accessible as coffects.db
) and returns effects
(dict of key-value pairs describing effects to be actioned; the one updating app-db is called 'db'
rf.regEventFx('fetch-data', ({db}, [_, url, key]) =>
({db: assoc(db, 'lastUrl', url),
fetch: {url, onSuccess: ['set', key]}}))
rf.regEventFx('show-time', [rf.injectCofx('now')], ({time}, _) => // 'time' supplied by custom coeffect
({alert: `Current time is ${time}`}))
Same, but handler accepts (context)
as argument.
rf.regEventCtx('debug', context => ({...context, effects: {log: context}})) // logs context value
rf.regEventCtx('walk-back', [injectCofx(foo), injectCofx(bar)], context =>
({...context, stack: context.stack.slice().reverse()})) // reverse interceptors list on walk back
Removes a single event by id
, or all events if no id
was provided.
rf.clearEvent('debug') // remove event at runtime
rf.clearEvent() // remove all events
Registers a subscription; computation
accepts (db, query)
as arguments and returns its result.
rf.regSub('lists', getIn) // supports queries ['lists'], ['lists', id], ['lists', id, 5]…
Registers a subscription; computation
accepts (inputs, query)
as arguments, with inputs
depending on result of calling signals(query)
deref( signals() )
is a function regurning an atomsignals().map(deref)
is a function returning a list of atomsdict( entries( signals() ).map(([k, v]) => [k, deref(v)]) )
is a function returning a dictionary of atoms
rf.regSub('count', ([_, id] => rf.subscribe(['lists', id])), (list, _) => list.length)
rf.regSub('join', ([_, ...ids] => => rf.subscribe(['lists', id]))), (lists, _) =>
([_, foo, bar] => {[foo]: rf.subscribe(['lists', foo]), [bar]: rf.subscribe(['lists', bar])}),
(o, [_, foo, bar]) => ({foo: o[foo], bar: o[bar]}))
Same, but signals
function is presented as a list of subscription shorthands
('<-', ['foo', 1], '<-', ['bar', 2]
is equivalent to _ => [rf.subscribe(['foo', 1]), rf.subscribe(['bar', 2])]
in case of one subscription it's a single-value instead ('<-', ['foo', 1]
→ _ => rf.subscribe(['foo', 1])
rf.regSub('total-length', '<-', ['lists'], (lists, _) =>
Object.values(lists).map(xs => xs.length).reduce((n, m) => n+m, 0))
'<-', ['lists', 'foo'],
'<-', ['lists', 'bar'],
([foo, bar], _) => [].concat(foo, bar))
Returns an atom which deref
s to the current value of subscription defined by query
(with the result of computation
being cached by its signals
for each query
abstain from passing non-plain data here! (only scalars, strings, arrays, dicts, and RegExp
s are supported).
rf.subscribe(['lists', 'foo']) // cursor that queries 'lists' with parameter 'foo'
Removes a single subscription by id
, or all subscriptions if no id
was provided.
rf.clearSub('total-length') // remove subscription at runtime
rf.clearSub() // remove all subscriptions
Removes all subscriptions from the cache (useful for development/debugging).
Registers an effect by id
; handler
accepts one argument passed by the event that triggers it
(so foo: 1
triggers effect foo
with argument 1
rf.regFx('fetch', ({url, onSuccess, onFailure}) =>
fetch(url).then(x => x.text()).then(s => {onSuccess && rf.dispatch([...onSuccess, s])})
.catch(error => {onFailure && rf.dispatch([...onFailure, error])}))
Removes a single effect by id
, or all effects if no id
was provided.
rf.clearFx('fetch') // remove effect at runtime
rf.clearFx() // remove all effects
Produces an interceptor with before
and after
methods (id
is decorative).
let fxLogger = rf.toInterceptor({
id: 'fx-logger',
after: context => (console.warn( rf.getEffect(context) ), context),
// ⇒ interceptor structure which prints out effects on backtracking (for debug purposes)
rf.regEventFx('some-event', [fxLogger], someFxEvent)
Registers a coeffect by id
; handler
accepts (coeffects, arg?)
and returns new coeffects
rf.regCofx('now', cofx => assoc(cofx, key, new Date())) // see rf.regEventFx example
rf.regCofx('load', (cofx, key) =>
assoc(cofx, key, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || "null")))
Returns an interceptor calling id
coeffect in its before
rf.injectCofx('now') // ⇒ interceptor that supplies current time as coeffects.time
rf.injectCofx('load', 'foo') // ⇒ interceptor that supplies as
rf.regEventFx('reset-foo', [rf.injectCofx('load', 'foo')], ({db, foo}, _) =>
({db: merge(db, {foo})}))
Removes a single coeffect by id
, or all coeffects if no id
was provided.
rf.clearCofx('now') // remove coeffect at runtime
rf.clearCofx() // remove all coeffects
Produces an interceptor which substitudes db
with its path
in the context with its before
and replaces subvalue of db
in path
with db
value in context (from effects
or coeffects
may contain nested lists.
rf.regEventDb('inc-5th-foo', [rf.path('lists', 'foo', 5)], n => n+1)
// equivalent to db => assocIn(db, ['lists', 'foo', 5], 1 + getIn(db, ['lists', 'foo', 5]))
const urls = ['config', 'urls']
let fetchFxEvent = (url, [_, key]) => ({fetch: {url, onSuccess: ['set', key]}})
urlIds.forEach(id => rf.regEventFx(`fetch-${id}`, [rf.path(urls, id)], fetchFxEvent)
// equivalent to {fetch: {url: getIn(db, [...urls, id]), onSuccess: ['set', key]}}
Produces an interceptor which applies f
to db
and event
in its after
method and replaces effects.db
with it.
let fallbackStr = rf.enrich((db, [_, key]) => assoc(db, key, db[key] || ""))
rf.regEventDf('set-string', [fallbackStr], (db, [_, key, value]) => assoc(db, key, value))
// ensure that a string value db[key] is never changed to nil
An interceptor which replaces event in context with its first parameter (original event is set in coeffects.originalEvent
rf.regEventDb('inc-counter', [rf.unwrap], (db, key) => update(db, key, n => n+1))
rf.dispatch(['inc-counter', 'foo'])
An interceptor which replaces event in context with its parameters (original event is set in coeffects.originalEvent
rf.regEventFx('log-value', [rf.trimV], (db, path) => ({log: getIn(db, path)}))
rf.dispatch(['log-value', 'lists', 'foo', 5]) // prints out[5]
rf.dispatch(['log-value']) // prints out db
Produces an interceptor which applies a side-effect to db
rf.regEventDb('add-list', [rf.trimV, rf.path('lists'), rf.after(console.warn)],
(lists, [k, v]) => assoc(lists, k, v))
// an event which alters db.lists then prints it out
Produces an interceptor which updates outPath
if any of the values on inPaths
got changed, by calling f()
on these values.
let concat = (...xss) => [].concat(...xss)
[rf.trimV, rf.path('lists'), rf.onChanges(concat, ['fooBar'], ['foo'], ['bar'])],
(lists, [k, v]) => assoc(lists, k, v))
// an event which sets a value in db.lists, and recalculates .fooBar if .foo or .bar change
Returns coeffects from event context (or one of coeffects by key
, or notFound
if it wasn't in there).
rf.getCoeffect(context) // ⇒ coeffects
rf.getCoeffect(context, 'foo') // ⇒
rf.getCoeffect(context, 'foo', 42) // ⇒ or 42 (if .foo was not found)
Returns updated context where key
field in coeffects
is set to value
rf.assocCoeffect(context, 'foo', 42) // ⇒ updated context, = 42
Returns effects from event context (or one of effects by key
, or notFound
if it wasn't in there).
rf.getEffect(context) // ⇒ effects
rf.getEffect(context, 'db') // ⇒ effects.db
rf.getEffect(context, 'db', rf.getCoeffect(context, 'db')) // ⇒ effects.db or coeffects.db
Returns updated context where key
field in effects
is set to value
rf.assocEffect(context, 'db', rf.getCoeffect(context, 'db')) // reset changes to db
Adds more interceptors to the end of the interceptors queue.
rf.enqueue(context, [rf.path( rf.getCoeffect('event')[1] )])
// dynamically add rf.path from event parameter
Cancels all scheduled events.
An alias to deref( subscribe(query) )
rf.dsub(['lists', 'foo']) // same as deref( rf.subscribe(['lists', 'foo']) )
A helper for dispatching partial events.
rf.regFx('fetch', ({url, onSuccess, onFailure}) =>
fetch(url).then(x => x.text()).then(s => rf.disp(onSuccess, s))
.catch(error => rf.disp(onFailure, error)))
builtin effect
Resets app-db to its argument.
{db: assoc(db, 'answer', 42)}
builtin effect
Actions effects in the given order (e.g. fx: [['foo', 1], ['bar', 2]]
invokes foo: 1
then bar: 2
also allows for actioning the same effect multiple times, or to action effects conditionally.
{fx: [['db', assoc(db, 'answer', 42)],
(db.answer !== 42) &&
['alert', "State was updated!"]]}
{fx: [['fetch', {url: "/api/foo", onSuccess: ['setFoo']}],
['fetch', {url: "/api/bar", onSuccess: ['setBar']}]]}
builtin effect
Dispatches an event after a delay (see rf.dispatch()
); expects a dict of {ms, dispatch}
(where ms
is delay time, and dispatch
is the dispatched event).
{dispatchLater: {dispatch: ['setTitle', "Ready!"], ms: 5000}}
{dispatchLater: {dispatch: ['setAnswer', 42]}}
builtin effect
Shorthand for dispatchLater
with no ms
argument. Conveniend to use in fx
{dispatch: ['setAnswer', 42]}
{fx: [['dispatch', ['foo']],
['dispatch', ['bar']]]}