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util module

These are common low-level utilities which can be found in many libraries but were implemented locally instead to minimize the library size. And, since they've been implemented already, I might as well expose them for external usage.

Returns its argument.

identity(x) // ⇒ x

type (x)

Returns type of its argument (that is, the type constructor, or x itself for nil values).

type(new Date)  // ⇒ Date
type(/x/)       // ⇒ RegExp
type([])        // ⇒ Array
type({})        // ⇒ Object
type(0)         // ⇒ Number
type(null)      // ⇒ null
type(void 0)    // ⇒ undefined

Returns keys of its argument (same as Object.keys(x) except it doesn't fail on nil values); in case of an Array its keys are stringified indices.

keys({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3})  // ⇒ ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
keys(['a', 'b', 'c'])           // ⇒ ['0', '1', '2']
keys(null)                      // ⇒ []
keys(void 0)                    // ⇒ []

Returns vals of its argument (same as Object.values(x) except it doesn't fail on nil values); in case of an Array its vals are simply its items.

vals({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3})  // ⇒ ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
vals(['a', 'b', 'c'])           // ⇒ ['0', '1', '2']
vals(null)                      // ⇒ []
vals(void 0)                    // ⇒ []

entries (o)

Returns key-value pairs of its argument in unspecified order (same as Object.entries except it doesn't fail on nil values).

entries({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}) // ⇒ [['foo', 1], ['bar', 2], ['baz', 3]]
entries(['a', 'b', 'c'])          // ⇒ [['0', 'a'], ['1', 'b'], ['2', 'c']]

dict (kvs)

Returns a dictionary built from provided key-value pairs (same as Object.fromEntries except it doesn't fail on nil values).

dict([['foo', 1], ['bar', 2], ['baz', 3]])  // ⇒ {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}

Checks if its argument is an Array (alias to Array.isArray(x)).

isArray([])   // ⇒ true
isArray({})   // ⇒ false
isArray(null) // ⇒ false

Checks if its argument is a dictionary, i.e. a plain object used as a by-key collection (its type() is Object).

isDict([])    // ⇒ false
isDict(/x/)   // ⇒ false
isDict({})    // ⇒ true
isDict(null)  // ⇒ false

Checks if its argument is a function (its type() is Function; note that JS classes are also, in fact, functions).

isFn(() => {})  // ⇒ true
isFn(Date)      // ⇒ true
isFn(Object)    // ⇒ true
isFn({})        // ⇒ false

Returns a dictionary composed by merging keys from os into an empty object (alias to Object.assign({}, ...os)); merging is done successively left-to-right (right-fold), so in case of repeating keys, the last instance will be used.

merge({foo: 1}, {bar: 2}, {baz: 3})     // ⇒ {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
merge({foo: 1, bar: 2}, null, {foo: 3}) // ⇒ {foo: 3, bar: 2}
merge(['a', 'b', 'c'])                  // ⇒ {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c'}
merge()                                 // ⇒ {}

Returns a copy of dictionary o with the value for key k set to v (alias to merge(o, {[k]: v})).

assoc({foo: 1, bar: 2}, 'baz', 3) // ⇒ {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
assoc({foo: 1, bar: 2}, 'foo', 3) // ⇒ {foo: 3, bar: 2}
assoc([1, 2, 3], 1, 4)            // ⇒ [1, 4, 3]
assoc([1, 2, 3], 4, 9)            // ⇒ [1, 2, 3, , 9]
assoc([1, 2, 3], 'foo', 42)       // ⇒ {'0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3, foo: 42}
assoc([1, 2, 3], -4, 42)          // ⇒ {'0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3, '-4': 42}
assoc(null, 'answer', 42)         // ⇒ {answer: 42}

Returns a copy of dictionary o without the keys ks.

dissoc({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}, 'bar', 'baz') // ⇒ {foo: 1}
dissoc([1, 2, 3], 1, 4)                        // ⇒ [1, , 3]
dissoc(null, 'foo')                            // ⇒ {}

Returns a copy of dictionary o with the value k updated by calling the function f on it (same as assoc(o, k, f(o[k], ...args)) except it doesn't fail on a missing key).

update({answer: 42}, 'answer', n => n+1)        // ⇒ {answer: 42}
update({foo: {bar: 1}}, 'foo', assoc, 'baz', 2) // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 1, baz: 2}}
update([1, 2, 3], 1, n => n-3)                  // ⇒ [1, -1, 3]

Returns the value in a nested structure, where path is a sequence of keys (e.g. getIn(o, [foo, bar, baz]) is equivalent to o[foo][bar][baz], except it doesn't fail on missing keys); getIn can be used as a trivial extractor (e.g. rf.regSub('foo', getIn) implements the ['foo'] query – as well as ['foo', 'items'], ['foo', 'items', 4], etc.).

getIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['foo', 'bar'])  // ⇒ 1
getIn([{answer: 42}], [0, 'answer'])    // ⇒ 42
getIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['baz', 'bar'])  // ⇒ undefined
getIn(null, ['foo', 'bar'])             // ⇒ undefined

Returns a copy of dictionary o with the value for getIn(it, path) set to v; if part of the path is missing, an empty dict is provided instead (thus, path is guaranteed to exist).

assocIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['foo', 'bar'], 42)  // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 42}}
assocIn([{answer: 12}], [0, 'answer'], 42)    // ⇒ [{answer: 42}]
assocIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['baz', 'bar'], 42)  // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 1}, baz: {bar: 42}}
assocIn(null, ['foo', 'bar'], 42)             // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 42}}

Returns a copy of dictionary o with the value for getIn(it, path) set to f(v, ...args) (where v is the previous value); if part of the path is missing, an empty dict is provided instead (thus, path is guaranteed to exist).

updateIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['foo', 'bar'], n => n+1)          // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 2}}
updateIn([{answer: 12}], [0, 'answer'], ((a, b) => a-b), 2)  // ⇒ [{answer: 10}]
updateIn({foo: {bar: 1}}, ['baz', 'bar'], () => 42)          // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 1}, baz: {bar: 42}}
updateIn(null, ['foo', 'bar'], () => 42)                     // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 42}}
let dissocIn = (o, path, ...ks) => updateIn(o, path, dissoc, ...ks);

Returns the array passed to it split into chunks the size of n; leftover values are put in an extra chunk (equivalent to (partition-all n xs)).

chunks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)  // ⇒ [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
chunks("abcdef", 3)         // ⇒ ["abc", "def"]
chunks("", 2)               // ⇒ []

Returns a flattened version of the provided array (with every element in nested arrays insterted in place of those arrays, until there's no array elements left).

flatten([[1], [2, [3], 4], 5])  // ⇒ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

repr (x)

Returns a normalized stringified version of its argument; equivalent to JSON.stringify(x), except the dict keys are sorted, and RegExp values are replaced with their .toString() (e.g. /x/g"/x/g"); used as a workaround for Map only supporting identity comparison.

repr( [{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: /3/}] )  // ⇒ `[{"bar": 2, "baz": "/3/", "foo": 1}]`

Is a by-pointer identity comparison; it's the comparison function used by reagent and re-frame modules for most ratom update checks. The difference from === is that it also checks for NaN (so that any value is identical to itself).

identical("foo", "foo")  // ⇒ true
identical(NaN, NaN)      // ⇒ true

Is a by-value deep-comparison of plain data structures (supporting arrays and dictionaries); it's the comparison function used by re-frame module for db update checks (can be overridden by calling _init({eq: …})).

eq([{foo: 1, bar: NaN}], [{bar: NaN, foo: 1}])  // ⇒ true

eqShallow (a, b)

Is a by-value shallow-comparison of plain data structures (supporting arrays and dictionaries); it's used for comparing flat data structures.

eqShallow({foo: 1, bar: NaN}, {bar: NaN, foo: 1})    // ⇒ true
eqShallow(['foo', 'bar', NaN], ['foo', 'bar', NaN])  // ⇒ true

Threads x through the provided list of functions, passing either x or result of previous function as the first argument; extra arguments can be passed if you wrap the function in an array.

chain({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3},
      [merge, {answer: 42}],
      [dissoc, 'foo'],
// ⇒ ['bar', 'baz', 'answer']

Is a simple multimethod generator; it produces a function which dispatches using the dispatch function (by identity comparison; default dispatch is by 1st argument) over the map of provided implementations.

  • .when (x, f) sets the dispatched value x to implementation f (returns the multimethod so it can be chained)
  • .default (f) sets the fallback dispatch to f (without it a TypeError is thrown instead; also returns the multimethod); equivalent to (defmethod … :default …)
let foo = multi((...args) => args.length).when(0, () => "").when(1, x => `[${x}]`)
foo()                 // ⇒ ""
foo('bar')            // ⇒ "[bar]"
foo('bar', 'baz', 42) // TypeError("Invalid arguments")
foo.when(2, (k, v) => `{${k}: ${v}}`)
foo('bar', 'baz')     // ⇒ "{bar: baz}"
foo.default((...args) => repr(args))
foo('bar', 'baz', 42) // ⇒ `["bar","baz",42]`