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File metadata and controls

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reagent module

Based on ClojureScript reagent library; used for writing a simplified interface to Mithril components (mostly for defining components as functions returning view in Hiccup format, as well as tying redraws to state changes).

Short overview of Hiccup format (in mreframe/Mithril context):

  • ['tag#id.class1.class2', props, ...children] is eqivalent to m('tag#id.class1.class2', props, ...children)
    (nesting notation of 'tag>child1>child2' is currently not supported)
  • ['>', Component, props, ...children] is equivalent to m(Component, props, ...children)
  • ['<>', ...items] is equivalent to [...items]
  • r.with(meta, ['<>', ...items]) is equivalent to m.fragment(meta, [...items])
    (r.with({key: id}, ['<>', foo, bar]) is equivalent to ^{:key id} [:<> foo bar baz] in Clojure)
  • [component, ...args] is equivalent to m(component, {}, ...args) (with component(...args) called internally)
  • r.with(meta, [component, ...args]) is similarly equivalent to m(component, meta, ...args)

Suggested imported module name is r.

Compared to regular Mithril components, each of Reagent components will have a RAtom (r.atom) defined in state of its vnode; additionally, they can be defined as functions returning Hiccup (or functions returning such functions). The vnode of current component can be accessed at runtime by calling r.currentComponent().

Since JS doesn't support adding metadata easily, you can use r.with to supply props (particularly key) to Reagent components or to fragments. For tags and adapted components, use the first argument (like in Mithril).

_init (opts)

Is a setup function (only necessary if you're using nodeps bundle); opts may include:

  • redraw: redraw hook function (defaults to m.redraw);
  • mount: vnode mount function (defaults to m.mount);
  • hyperscript: vnode generation function (defaults to m; .fragment is used for rendering fragments if present);

Only included options are updated, so if you need to disable redraw for some reason you can simply call r._init({redraw: identity}).

resetCache ()

Clears function-components cache (shouldn't really be necessary).

Creates an atom; it calls the redraw hook on every successful data update (but doesn't update when setting the same value).

var x = r.atom(42)      // ⇒ RAtom(42)
reset(x, {answer: 42})  // ⇒ {answer: 42} /* m.redraw() is called on update */
reset(x, {answer: 42})  // ⇒ {answer: 42} /* m.redraw() is not called as the value has not changed */

creates a derived atom; it also skips updates when new value is the same as the old one

  • if src is a function, deref(rcursor) returns src(path), and reset(rcursor, value) calls src(path, value);
  • otherwise, deref() returns getIn(deref(src), path), and reset() calls swap(src, assocIn, path, value).
var x = r.atom({foo: {bar: 42, baz: 5}}),  y = r.cursor(x, ['foo', 'bar'])
deref(y)      // ⇒ 42
reset(y, 12)  // ⇒ 12 /* x was updated, so m.redraw() is called */
deref(x)      // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 12, baz: 5}}
reset(y, 12)  // ⇒ 12 /* x wasn't updated, so m.redraw() isn't called */
var inBounds = (([l, r], v) => (v ? reset(y, v) : Math.max(l, Math.min(r, deref(y))))),
    z        = r.cursor(f, [1, 10])
deref(z)      // ⇒ 10
reset(z, 4)   // ⇒ 4
deref(x)      // ⇒ {foo: {bar: 4, baz: 5}}

Combines multiple CSS class definitions into a class attribute value (a definition can be a string, a list, or a dictionary).

r.classNames("foo bar", [1 && 'x', 0 && 'y', 'z'],
             {answer: 42, foo: null, error: false}) // ⇒ "bar x z answer"

Invokes Mithril directly to produce a vnode (props are optional when there's no children); when props are provided, each of Mithril CSS class (class, className & classList) attributes is replaced using classNames() (unless it's nil).
Note: for performance, children are passed to Mithril as an array (fragment with no metadata).

r.createElement('div', {class: ['foo', x && 'bar', 'baz']}, "Hello World")
// ~ m('div', {class: r.classNames(['foo', x && 'bar', 'baz'])}, "Hello World")

Note regarding classList: in Mithril, it works same way as class or className (accepts a string and not a list), except that including classes in tag selector (e.g. overrides it instead of it being appended to generated CSS classes.

Converts a Mithril component into a Reagent component.
Its arguments are passed to the vnode as children, and metadata is passed as attrs.

var x = r.adaptComponent({view: ({attrs, children}) => m('div', attrs, "Hello, World", children)}),
    y = () => r.with(meta, [x, 1, 2, 3]) // ~ ['>', x, meta, 1, 2, 3]

Converts Hiccup form(s) into Mithril vnodes.

r.asElement(['>', mComponent, 1, 2, 3])          // ⇒ m(mComponent, 1, 2, 3)
r.asElement([rComponent, 1, 2, 3])               // ⇒ m(/*rComponent*/, {}, 1, 2, 3)
r.asElement(['<>', ['div', {class: 'foo'}, 42]]) // ⇒ m.fragment({}, [m('div', {class: 'foo'}, 42)])

with (meta, form)

Adds metadata (meta) to the form of a fragment or a Reagent component in place of props; can be used to supply a key.

r.asElement( r.with({key: 42}, [rComponent, 1, 2, 3]) )  // ⇒ m(/*rComponent*/, {key: 42}, 1, 2, 3)
r.asElement( r.with({key: 42}, ['<>', x && ['div', {id: x}]]) )
// ⇒ m.fragment({key: 42}, [x && ['div', {id: x}]])

Creates a Reagent component based on provided hook methods (mostly based on Clojure equivalents; in Wisp, use symbols as keys):

Note: shouldComponentUpdate overrites Reagent changes detection

For all of these, vnode is bound to this as well as passed as the first argument (like in Mithril), and constructor additionally accepts props as the 2nd argument. The only exception is renderReagent which only expects function arguments (same as function components).

var canvas = r.createClass({
  componentDidMount: ({dom, state}) => { = dom.getContext('webgl')},
  componentWillUnmount: ({state}) =>'WEBGL_lose_context').loseContext(),
  reagentRender: () => ['canvas'],
// ~ {
//   oncreate ({dom}) { = dom.getContext('2d')},
//   onremove () {'WEBGL_lose_context').loseContext()},
//   view: () => m('canvas'),
// }

Mounts a Hiccup form as a component onto a DOM element.

r.render([App], document.body)
// ~ m.mount(document.body, {view: () => r.asElement([App])})

Returns the vnode of current component (in a function component or a method of a Reagent component).
Note that if you use an unbound function in either case, the vnode will be accessible as this.

var rComponent = () => [...r.currentComponent().children] // ~ {view: ({children}) => [...children]}

Returns children of the Mithril vnode.

var rComponent = () => [...r.children( r.currentComponent() )]
// ~ {view: ({children}) => [...children]}

Returns props (attrs) of the Mithril vnode.

var rComponent = () => ['div', r.attrs( r.currentComponent() )]
// ~ {view: ({attrs}) => m('div', attrs)}

Returns the Hiccup form passed to the Reagent component.

var rComponent = () => {console.log(r.argv( r.currentComponent() ));  return ['div']}
// prints [rComponent, 1, 2, 3] if used as such

Returns RAtom containing state of a Reagent component.

var rComponent = r.createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({answer: 42}),
  reagentRender: () => ['div', "Answer: ", deref(r.stateAtom( r.currentComponent() )).answer],

Returns state of a Reagent component (same as deref( r.stateAtom(vnode) )).

var rComponent = r.createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({answer: 42}),
  reagentRender: () => ['div', "Answer: ", r.state( r.currentComponent() ).answer],

Replaces state of a Reagent component (same as reset(r.stateAtom(vnode), newState)).

var rComponent = r.createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({answer: 42}),
  reagentRender () {
    let x = r.state(this).answer;
    return ['div',
             "Answer: ", x, " ",
             ['button', {onclick: () => r.replaceState(this, {answer: x+1})}, "+1"]],

Partially updates state of a Reagent component (same as swap(r.stateAtom(vnode), merge, newState)).

var rComponent = r.createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({answer: 42, foo: 1}),
  reagentRender () {
    let x = r.state(this);
    return ['div',
             "Answer: ", x.answer, " (",, ") ",
             ['button', {onclick: () => r.setState(this, {answer: x+1})}, "+1"]],