Configurable RISC-V core with some optimization for FPGA (Altera/Intel)
RV32I architecure with "M", "C" and "A" extensions RISC-V User-Level ISA Version 2.1 RISC-V Privileged Architecture Version 1.9.1
6-stage In-order pipeline
External Bus - Altera Avalon MM
Seperate Data and Instruction Caches (D-Cache & I-Cache)
Memory Management Unit: Local separate TLB's for Data and Instruction (D-TLB & I-TLB) Common pseudo-associative TLB for Data and Instruction (Joint TLB, J-TLB)
Branch Prediction Unit: Branch History Table (BHT) - gshare direction predictor + 2-bit satiration counters Branch Target Buffer (BTB) - multiple-associative target address table Return Address Stack (RS)
Interrupt Controller (PLIC): RISC-V Privileged Architecture Version 1.9.1
Debug Unit: RISC-V External Debug Support Version 0.9 Connection to Host through Virtual JTAG
Trace Unit: RISC-V External Debug Support Version 0.9 Connection to Host through Virtual JTAG
Maximum frequency for FPGA Altera/Intel Cyclone-V - about 140-145 MHz (Quartus 16.0, Balanced Mode synthesis configuration)
Running OS: FreeRTOS 7 - successfully launched Linux - not yet
Directory structure: /rtl/sorcerer - Processor core and SOC /rtl/peripheral - simple peripheral modules for Avalon MM Bus /rtl/peripheral/hw - Avalon MM Bus HW definitions for peripheral modules
Copyright (C) 2017
Alexey Shistko
Andrei Safronov