Library for adding Custom Characters that can spawn Friendly Minions
Currently in Beta and open for testing. Appreciate any bug reports.
public static CharSelectInfo getLoadout() {
CharSelectInfo info = new CustomCharSelectInfo(
"Character Name",
"Character Flavor",
80, //currentHP
80, //maxHP
0, //maxOrbs
2, //maxMinions
99, //gold
5, //cardDraw
return info;
public class TestMinion extends AbstractFriendlyMonster {
private static String NAME = "Testing Minion";
private static String ID = "TestingMinion";
private AbstractMonster target;
public TestMinion(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
super(NAME, ID, 20, -8.0F, 10.0F, 230.0F, 240.0F, "images/monsters/monster_testing.png", offsetX, offsetY);
private void addMoves(){
this.moves.addMove(new MinionMove("Attack", this, new Texture("images/monsters/atk_bubble.png"), "Deal 5 damage", () -> {
target = AbstractDungeon.getRandomMonster();
DamageInfo info = new DamageInfo(this,5,DamageInfo.DamageType.NORMAL);
info.applyPowers(this, target); // <--- This lets powers effect minions attacks
AbstractDungeon.actionManager.addToBottom(new DamageAction(target, info));
this.moves.addMove(new MinionMove("Defend", this, new Texture("images/monsters/atk_bubble.png"),"Gain 5 block", () -> {
AbstractDungeon.actionManager.addToBottom(new GainBlockAction(this,this, 5));
public void use(AbstractPlayer abstractPlayer, AbstractMonster abstractMonster) {
if(abstractPlayer instanceof AbstractPlayerWithMinions) {
AbstractPlayerWithMinions player = (AbstractPlayerWithMinions) abstractPlayer;
public void use(AbstractPlayer abstractPlayer, AbstractMonster abstractMonster) {
BasePlayerMinionHelper.addMinion(abstractPlayer, companion);