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Object Placement

Knux edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 9 revisions

This tab controls elements of the Randomisation process that affect the Object Placement within stages, controlled by the game's .set files.

Randomise Enemies

Changes what enemy types will appear within the stages. The available types can be configured in the list on the first tab of the sub box to the right.

Exclude Bosses

Exempts Bosses from being included in the Enemy Randomisation process, keeping them intact. This does NOT prevent the Enemy Randomiser from changing a standard enemy into a boss however.

Randomise Enemy Behaviour

Changes how the enemies within the stage will behave. This option is heavily recommended if Enemy Type Randomisation is also enabled, as enemies using the behaviour values of other enemies have a VERY high chance to crash the game.

Don't Enforce Behaviour Types

This option is not recommended to be enabled due to it impacting game stability

This option can only be selected if the Randomise Enemy Behaviour checkbox is also enabled, as it is an extension of it. This simply removes the enforcement that the enemy's behaviour should belong to its type, allowing it to select any behavioural type. This option is very likely to cause a game crash, and for that reason, can not be toggled by the Wildcard (but can still be manually enabled before a Wildcard Randomisation).

Randomise Characters

Randomises which characters the player will control during the stages, alongside any amigos that may be present. Some characters will render certain stages (such as Sonic's Wave Ocean) unbeatable due to a lack of specialised states.

The available characters can be configured in the list on the second tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Item Capsules

Changes the contents of the various Item Capsules within the stages. The available items can be configured in the list on the third tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Standard Props

Changes what props spawn at points throughout the stages. Standard Props are objects that pull from the Common.bin file; these usually have collision and interact with the Havok physics engine. The valid props (using their internal names due to the staggeringly high amount) can be configured in the list on the fourth tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Detail Props

Changes what props spawn at points throughout the stages. Detail Props are objects that pull from the PathObj.bin file; these usually have animations of some sort, are non-solid and can follow path splines. This is not considered a Cosmetic Detail due to some of them being surprisingly large and the game using them for odd purposes which can be slightly deceptive (such as the bridges in Soleanna).

The valid props (using their internal names) can be configured in the list on the fifth tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Voice Triggers

Randomises what voice lines are played throughout the stage, from Hint Rings, Invisible Collision Triggers and Bosses (minus the Egg Cerebus due to its lines being hardcoded for some reason). This option adds a modified version of the voice_all_e.sbk to sound.arc to allow for every voice line to be loaded at once so they can play in stages they are not originally from.

The available voice lines (using their internal names due to the staggeringly high amount) can be configured in the list on the sixth tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Door Types

Changes what types of doors show up in stages. This is not considered a Cosmetic Detail due to their differing sizes and collision boxes potentially opening up skips in stages. The valid door types can be configured in the list on the seventh tab of the sub box to the right.

Randomise Draw Distances

This option is not recommended to be enabled due to it impacting game performance

Changes how far away an object can be spawned from, higher values (configurable in the Minimum and Maximum Numerical Selectors below) will cause an object to appear from a longer range, but too many objects loaded in will very likely impact performance.

Randomise Cosmetic Details

Changes elements of various details in stages that do not impact playability of the stages. These are:

  • Changing the colour of the Aquatic Base glass shutters between the standard blue and the unused red.

  • Changing the colour of the Chaos Emeralds in End of the World and Tag Mode.

  • Changing the character spawned by the underused player_npc object.

  • Changing the colour of the posts for the Trials of Soleanna.

  • Changing the level graphic shown on the Mirror of Soleanna.

  • Changing the appearance of the various NPCs in Soleanna (excluding the shop keeper).

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