This project aims to compare the performance of longest common subsequence problem (LCS) using dynamic programming. The project counts individual cell comparisons to serve as a basis for comparison, and it handles alphanuermic strings.
- IDE: Spyder IDE 5.4.3 (conda)
- Python Version: Python 3.9.13 64-bit | Qt 5.15.2 | PyQt5 5.15.7 | Darwin 22.3.0
Implements LCS search using dynamic programming for 2 strings. Has functions to construct dp table and reconstruct LCS string.
This module executes reading strings read from the file. It performs validation checks on input and contains functions to read and represent a string from a file.
This module performs and writes the results of LCS pairs to an output file. It also writes runtime metrics to a CSV file.
This file creates visualizations for comparing the performance of LCS. Can be called optionally.
- Navigate to directory containing the
- Run the program as a module:
python -m proj3 -h
. This will print the help message. - Run the program as a module (with real inputs):
python -m proj3 <input_file> <output_file>
a. IE:python -m proj3 files/input/DynamicLab2Input.txt DynamicLab2Output.txt
Output will be written to the specified output file after processing the input file.
- Please ensure that the input strings have only alphanumeric input.
usage: python -m proj3 [-h] [--plot] in_file out_file
positional arguments:
in_file Pathname of the input file.
out_file Pathname of the output file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--p, --plot Include to plot the asymptotic analysis.
python -m proj3 files/input/DynamicLab2Input.txt files/output/DynamicLab2Output.txt
# To plot runtime graph
python -m proj3 files/input/asymtoticInput.txt files/output/asymtoticOutput.txt -p