libhut is a vulkan & wayland wrapper library.
This is a hobby project, expect building nightmare, runtime crashes, missing features/documentation/tests, although contributions are welcome.
- imgdec: decode various images and upload them to gpu
- imgui: DearImGui backend implementation for libhut
- ktx2: minimal ktx2 support (no basisu or supercompression)
- render2d: axis-aligned box drawing with rounded corners, feather, gradients, ...
- renderdoc: allows triggering renderdoc captures programmatically (used to debug headless unittests)
- text: text layout and rendering
- ui: lightweight ui toolkit using render2d and text extensions
Dependencies (Fedora):
- common: mesa-vulkan-devel, glm-devel.
- wayland: wayland-devel, wayland-protocols-devel, libwayland-cursor, libxkbcommon-devel.
- build time: glslang (KhronosGroup/glslang), KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Reflect (via submodule).
- volk (optional): zeux/volk (via submodule)
- testing (optional): gtest-devel.
- profiling (optional): fmt-devel, boost-devel.
Extensions dependencies (all optional):
- imgdec: randy408/libspng (via submodule).
- imgui: ocornut/imgui (via submodule).
- renderdoc: renderdoc-devel.
- text extension: freetype-devel, harfbuzz-devel.
- ui: entt (via submodule).