Please be careful with your saves ALWAYS KEEP A BACKUP.
- Gender
- Name
- Zenny
- Playtime
- HR points
- HR
- All character customization characteristics: voice, skin tone etc...
- Blademaster and Gunner Pouches
- Item Box
- Equipment Box, including creating custom illegal talismans
The path to saves for MHTri EU is dolphin-emu/Wii/title/00010000/524d4850/
The path to saves for MHTri US should be dolphin-emu/Wii/title/00010000/524d4845/
You'll have to export your saves and unpack them with FE100
Go to releases and download the latest
Just extract to its own directory with windows or 7zip.
Fire up the save editor by clicking on mh3se-webui.exe
It should give you a link, open it on any browser
Under the "Load Save File" section upload your save file, select your desired save slot (can't be empty one) and load it!
If it has successfully loaded you can now edit it according to your liking
Once you're done go under the "Build New Save File" section, select preferrably your original save file and corresponding save slot and build it!
Hopefully no bugs happened and it show prompt you to download data00 the save file you gave but with the modifications injected in it.
Now you can just close the browser tab and the mh3se-webui.exe tool window.
Enjoy your new save file!
A significant part of the reverse engineering work was based off this information
And the ID Database was formed thanks to this database