In the the Monster Hunter Tri save there are 3 kind of files.
- The network file, which store some network settings like the network assistance code.
- The system file, I really don't know what are in there and it isn't a priority as of right now.
- Then the most interesting part, data files.
These data files are "files" where you can store hunters, all their properties and they also store common option settings for them. This post will more likely detail all the content found in these data files and sometimes how to exploit them.
The game uses a checksum to check the save integrity. To compute the checksum you need to add each byte from the address 0x08 (which is the 9th byte) to the end of the file.
- Checksum address: 0x04 [Size: 4 bytes (uint32)]
Each data file is made with three hunter profiles and file options common to them.
- 0x00 - File used (0x00/0x01) [uint32]
- 0x04 - Checksum [uint32]
- 0x08 - File name [string]
- (...)
- 0x19 - Hunter selected (0x00~0x02) [uint8]
- 0x1A - Used Hunter slot 1? (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
- 0x1B - Used Hunter slot 2? (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
- 0x1C - Used Hunter slot 3? (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
- (...)
- 0x2A - Quick Aim Controls (0x00~0x03) [uint8]
- 0x2B - Camera Angle [uint8]
- 0x2C - Pointing Mode (0x00~0x01) [uint8]
- (...)
- 0x2E - Orientation (0x00~0x01) [uint8]
- 0x2F - Control Type (0x00~0x02) [uint8]
- 0x30 - Camera (0x00~0x03) [uint8]
- 0x31 - Scope Controls (0x00~0x03) [uint8]
- 0x32 - Swim Controls (0x00~0x01) [uint8]
- 0x33 - Quick Aim Camera (0x00~0x02) [uint8]
- (...)
- 0x35 - Map display (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
- (...)
- 0x37 - Zoomed map (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
- (...)
- 0x39 - BGM Volume (0x00~0x07) [uint8]
- (...)
- 0x44 - Is Wii Speak enabled (0x00~0x01) [bool/uint8]
These profiles seem to be 0x6000 (24.576) bytes each. Supposing that the file options are 0x48 (78) bytes, then profiles are arranged like that:
- Profile 1 address: 0x0048
- Profile 2 address: 0x6048
- Profile 3 address: 0xC048
Here are various hunters' statistics and properties.
- Gender Type [Size: 1 byte]
- 0x00 - Male
- 0x01 - Female
- Hunter Properties
- 0x00048 | 0x006048 | 0x00C048 - Gender Type
- (...)
- 0x0004B | 0x00604B | 0x00C04B - Hunter's name
- (...)
- 0x00060 | 0x006060 | 0x00C060 - Zennis [uint32]
- 0x00064 | 0x006064 | 0x00C064 - Time played [uint32]
In fact, even if there are two kind of pouch: the Blademaster Pouch and the Gunner pouch, the only difference between them is a matter of size. A pouch is made of Item Slots which are a pairs of Item ID [uint16] and Quantity [int16]. A gunner pouch is one page (x8 Item Slot) bigger than a blademaster pouch. However this pouch can only contains gunner class items (ammos).
- Item Slot [Size: 4 bytes]
- 0x00 - Item ID [uint16]
- 0x02 - Quantity [int16]
- Pouch Page [Size: Item Slot (x8) | 0x20 (32) bytes]
- 0x00 - Item Slot (x8)
- Blademaster Pouch [Size: Pouch Page (x3) | 0x60 (96) bytes]
- 0x0000E8 | 0x0060E8 | 0x00C0E8 - First slot
- 0x000144 | 0x006144 | 0x00C144 - Last slot
- Gunner Pouch [Size: Pouch Page (x4) | 0x80 (128) bytes]
- 0x000148 | 0x006148 | 0x00C148 - First slot
- 0x0001C4 | 0x0061C4 | 0x00C1C4 - Last slot
Hunters' Item Box is composed of (x800) Item Slots which are a pairs of Item ID [uint16] and Quantity [int16].
- Item Slot [Size: 4 bytes]
- 0x00 - Item ID [uint16]
- 0x02 - Quantity [int16]
- Item Box [Size: Item Slot (x800) | 0xC80 (4800) bytes]
- 0x0001C8 | 0x0061C8 | 0x00C1C8 - First slot
- 0x000E44 | 0x006E44 | 0x00CE44 - Last slot
- Equipment ID
- 0x00 - None
- 0x01 - Head
- 0x02 - Chest
- 0x03 - Arms
- 0x04 - Waist
- 0x05 - Legs
- 0x06 - Talisman
- 0x07 - Great Sword
- 0x08 - Sword and Shield
- 0x09 - Hammer
- 0x0A - Lance
- 0x0B - (Gun) Frames
- 0x0C - (Gun) Barrel
- 0x0D - (Gun) Stock
- 0x0E - Long Sword
- 0x0F - Switch Axe
- Equipment Slot
- 0x00 - TODO
- Equipment Box
Hunters can register equipment sets to automatically equip appropriate equipment parts. Slots are based on equipments position in Equipment Box.
- Equipment Sets Slot [Size: 18 bytes]
- 0x00 - Weapon Part 1 [uint16]
- 0x02 - Weapon Part 2 (gunner only) [uint16]
- 0x04 - Weapon Part 3 (gunner only) [uint16]
- 0x06 - Chest Position [uint16]
- 0x08 - Arms Position [uint16]
- 0x0A - Waist Position [uint16]
- 0x0C - Legs Position [uint16]
- 0x0E - Cap Position [uint16]
- 0x10 - Talisman Position [uint16]
- Equipment Sets
Hunters can register bowgun sets to automatically equip appropriate bowgun parts. Slots are based on equipments position in Equipment Box.
- Bowgun Sets Slot [Size: 6 bytes]
- 0x00 - Part 1 [uint16]
- 0x02 - Part 2 (gunner only) [uint16]
- 0x04 - Part 3 (gunner only) [uint16]
- Bowgun Sets [Size: Bowgun Sets Slot (x20) | 0x78 (120) bytes]
- 0x003710 | 0x009710 | 0x00F710 - First slot
Hunters network properties.
- 0x003E2C | 0x009E2C | 0x00FE2C - Hunter Rank (HR) [uint16]
Hunting Boats allow you to collect items by sending your fleets on different locations. During the game you'll be able to manage 3 boats, the Cap'n ship, the Black ship and the Red ship.
- Cap'n
- 0x003F80 | 0x009F80 | 0x00FF80 - Boat status [uint8]
- 0x003F81 | 0x009F81 | 0x00FF81 - Fisher's mood [uint8]
- 0x003F82 | 0x009F82 | 0x00FF82 - Boat Level [uint8]
- 0x003F83 | 0x009F83 | 0x00FF83 - Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F84 | 0x009F84 | 0x00FF84 - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x003F85 | 0x009F85 | 0x00FF85 - Prefered Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F86 | 0x009F86 | 0x00FF86 - Tackle [uint16]
- 0x003F88 | 0x009F88 | 0x00FF88 - Rewards [uint16]
- 0x003F8A | 0x009F8A | 0x00FF8A - Previous Mood [uint8]
- 0x003F8B | 0x009F8B | 0x00FF8B - Previous Prefered Destination [uint8]
- Black
- 0x003F8C | 0x009F8C | 0x00FF8C - Boat status [uint8]
- 0x003F8D | 0x009F8D | 0x00FF8D - Fisher's mood [uint8]
- 0x003F8E | 0x009F8E | 0x00FF8E - Boat Level [uint8]
- 0x003F8F | 0x009F8F | 0x00FF8F - Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F90 | 0x009F90 | 0x00FF90 - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x003F91 | 0x009F91 | 0x00FF91 - Prefered Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F92 | 0x009F92 | 0x00FF92 - Bait ID [uint16]
- 0x003F94 | 0x009F94 | 0x00FF94 - Rewards [uint16]
- 0x003F96 | 0x009F96 | 0x00FF96 - Previous Mood [uint8]
- 0x003F97 | 0x009F97 | 0x00FF97 - Previous Prefered Destination [uint8]
- Red
- 0x003F98 | 0x009F98 | 0x00FF98 - Boat Status [uint8]
- 0x003F99 | 0x009F99 | 0x00FF99 - Fisher's mood [uint8]
- 0x003F9A | 0x009F9A | 0x00FF9A - Boat Level [uint8]
- 0x003F9B | 0x009F9B | 0x00FF9B - Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F9C | 0x009F9C | 0x00FF9C - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x003F9D | 0x009F9D | 0x00FF9D - Prefered Destination [uint8]
- 0x003F9E | 0x009F9E | 0x00FF9E - Bait ID [uint16]
- 0x003FA0 | 0x009FA0 | 0x00FFA0 - Rewards [uint16]
- 0x003FA2 | 0x009FA2 | 0x00FFA2 - Previous Mood [uint8]
- 0x003FA3 | 0x009FA3 | 0x00FFA3 - Previous Prefered Destination [uint8]
The farms levels and the box contents can be found at those addresses for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd profiles respectively:
- Farms Level
- 0x00469C | 0x00A69C | 0x01069C - Herb Level [uint8]
- 0x00469D | 0x00A69D | 0x01069D - Shroom Level [uint8]
- 0x00469E | 0x00A69E | 0x01069E - Honey Level [uint8]
- 0x00469F | 0x00A69F | 0x01069F - Insect Level [uint8]
- Slot 1
- 0x0046A0 | 0x00A6A0 | 0x0106A0 - Item ID [uint16]
- 0x0046A2 | 0x00A6A2 | 0x0106A2 - Catalyser ID [uint16]
- 0x0046A4 | 0x00A6A4 | 0x0106A4 - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x0046A5 | 0x00A6A5 | 0x0106A5 - Number of days [uint8]
- 0x0046A6 | 0x00A6A6 | 0x0106A6 - Reward [uint16]
- Slot 2
- 0x0046A8 | 0x00A6A8 | 0x0106A8 - Item ID [uint16]
- 0x0046AA | 0x00A6AA | 0x0106AA - Catalyser ID [uint16]
- 0x0046AC | 0x00A6AC | 0x0106AC - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x0046AD | 0x00A6AD | 0x0106AD - Number of days [uint8]
- 0x0046AE | 0x00A6AE | 0x0106AE - Reward [uint16]
- Slot 3
- 0x0046B0 | 0x00A6B0 | 0x0106B0 - Item ID [uint16]
- 0x0046B2 | 0x00A6B2 | 0x0106B2 - Catalyser ID [uint16]
- 0x0046B4 | 0x00A6B4 | 0x0106B4 - Days remaining [uint8]
- 0x0046B5 | 0x00A6B5 | 0x0106B5 - Number of days [uint8]
- 0x0046B6 | 0x00A6B6 | 0x0106B6 - Reward [uint16]
Your quests can begin at different places. One single byte sets where you're going (in offline mode), the exact same byte that sets the day-night cycle which takes respectively the value 0 or 1. Unfortunately if the value is above 1 (which should normally never happen) you're going somewhere else allowing you to change the quest location.
- Cycle value
- 0x00 - Day cycle
- 0x01 - Night cycle
- 0x?? - Quest location changer
- Cycle address
- 0x003E48 | 0x009E48 | 0x00FE48 - Cycle value [uint8]
Arena records are stored in a very strange way. Indeed they do not use seconds but something similar to ticks. To convert this time in seconds, you need to divide this value by 30. Of course, online records are saved the exact same way and also save the teamate's name.
- Record's time
- 0x???????? - Time [int32]
Time / 30 = Record's time in seconds
Time equals 0 = "WANTED" quest i.e. need to be done
Time value can be negative (ex: -33:-02)
- 0x???????? - Time [int32]
- Flags
- 0x005328 | 0x00B328 | 0x011328 - Unlocked Offline Arena Quests [uint32]
Bits from right to left (bitmask)
- The Great Jaggi Challenge (0x0001)
- The Qurupeco Challenge (0x0002)
- The Barroth Challenge (0x0004)
- The Royal Ludroth Challenge (0x0008)
- The Rathian Challenge (0x0010)
- The Lagiacrus Challenge (0x0020)
- The Uragaan Challenge (0x0040)
- Wyvern Team Takedown (0x0080)
- Water Arena Rumble (0x0100)
- Arena Free-For-All (0x0200)
22 unused bits (all flags enabled = 0x03FF)
- 0x005328 | 0x00B328 | 0x011328 - Unlocked Offline Arena Quests [uint32]
- Offline Arena Records (Solo) [10 records]
- 0x00532C | 0x00B32C | 0x01132C - The Great Jaggi Challenge
- 0x005330 | 0x00B330 | 0x011330 - The Qurupeco Challenge
- 0x005334 | 0x00B334 | 0x011334 - The Barroth Challenge
- 0x005338 | 0x00B338 | 0x011338 - The Royal Ludroth Challenge
- 0x00533C | 0x00B33C | 0x01133C - The Rathian Challenge
- 0x005340 | 0x00B340 | 0x011340 - The Lagiacrus Challenge
- 0x005344 | 0x00B344 | 0x011344 - The Uragaan Challenge
- 0x005348 | 0x00B348 | 0x011348 - Wyvern Team Takedown
- 0x00534C | 0x00B34C | 0x01134C - Water Arena Rumble
- 0x005350 | 0x00B350 | 0x011350 - Arena Free-For-All
- Offline Arena Records (Duo) [10 records]
- 0x005354 | 0x00B354 | 0x011354 - The Great Jaggi Challenge
- 0x005358 | 0x00B358 | 0x011358 - The Qurupeco Challenge
- 0x00535C | 0x00B35C | 0x01135C - The Barroth Challenge
- 0x005360 | 0x00B360 | 0x011360 - The Royal Ludroth Challenge
- 0x005364 | 0x00B364 | 0x011364 - The Rathian Challenge
- 0x005368 | 0x00B368 | 0x011368 - The Lagiacrus Challenge
- 0x00536C | 0x00B36C | 0x01136C - The Uragaan Challenge
- 0x005370 | 0x00B370 | 0x011370 - Wyvern Team Takedown
- 0x005374 | 0x00B374 | 0x011374 - Water Arena Rumble
- 0x005378 | 0x00B378 | 0x011378 - Arena Free-For-All
- Online Arena Records [12 records]
- 0x00537C | 0x00B37C | 0x01137C - Grudge Match: Qurupeco
- 0x005380 | 0x00B380 | 0x011380 - Grudge Match: Lagiacrus
- 0x005384 | 0x00B384 | 0x011384 - Grudge Match: Royal Ludroth
- 0x005388 | 0x00B388 | 0x011388 - Grudge Match: Rathian
- 0x00538C | 0x00B38C | 0x01138C - Grudge Match: Uragaan
- 0x005390 | 0x00B390 | 0x011390 - Grudge Match: Wyvern Trio
- 0x005394 | 0x00B394 | 0x011394 - Grudge Match: Bird and Brute
- 0x005398 | 0x00B398 | 0x011398 - Grudge Match: Sea Power
- 0x00539C | 0x00B39C | 0x01139C - Grudge Match: Brute Horns
- 0x0053A0 | 0x00B3A0 | 0x0113A0 - Grudge Match: Ice and Fire
- 0x0053A4 | 0x00B3A4 | 0x0113A4 - Grudge Match: The Two Flames
- 0x0053A8 | 0x00B3A8 | 0x0113A8 - Grudge Match: Land Lords