What's Changed
- Make sure to process compound parts depth first and do it recursively by @jakobt in #3711
- Upgrade of Weasel for corrected postgres view delta detection by @jeremydmiller in #3712
- Applying unaccent to ngram searches for better multilingual experience by @jakobt in #3713
- New IEventStream.TryFastForwardVersion() API by @jeremydmiller in #3714
- AES and PgCrypto encryption of connection strings for Master Table Tenancy Model by @mysticmind in #3715
- Update metadata codegen to support records by @Hawxy in #3716
- Exposing the existing functionality to wait for non stale data from t… by @jeremydmiller in #3718
- Fix flaky test by @jakobt in #3717
Full Changelog: V7.38.1...V7.39.0