Releases: JasperFx/marten
Releases · JasperFx/marten
What's Changed
- Fix null check in mt_jsonb_fix_null_parent.sql by @marcin-brzozowski in #3725
- Make sure unaccent extension is enabled and plays nice with migration by @jakobt in #3721
- Fix mt_grams_array gets added to all generated migrations @mysticmind #3727
New Contributors
- @marcin-brzozowski made their first contribution in #3725
Full Changelog: V7.39.2...V7.39.3
What's Changed
- Make sure unaccent is enabled. by @jakobt in #3719
- Bug fixes and refactor of master table tenancy functionality. @mysticmind #3726
Full Changelog: V7.39.0...V7.39.2
What's Changed
- Make sure to process compound parts depth first and do it recursively by @jakobt in #3711
- Upgrade of Weasel for corrected postgres view delta detection by @jeremydmiller in #3712
- Applying unaccent to ngram searches for better multilingual experience by @jakobt in #3713
- New IEventStream.TryFastForwardVersion() API by @jeremydmiller in #3714
- AES and PgCrypto encryption of connection strings for Master Table Tenancy Model by @mysticmind in #3715
- Update metadata codegen to support records by @Hawxy in #3716
- Exposing the existing functionality to wait for non stale data from t… by @jeremydmiller in #3718
- Fix flaky test by @jakobt in #3717
Full Changelog: V7.38.1...V7.39.0
What's Changed
- Doc updates for 7.38 by @jeremydmiller in #3693
- Allow structs to be used in FlatTableProjection Map statements by @jakobt in #3695
- Nested patch path issue when using predicate by @jakobt in #3696
- Patch predicates with no member access by @jakobt in #3697
Full Changelog: V7.38.0...V7.38.1
What's Changed
- Fix projection metadata handling when records are used by @Hawxy in #3684
- Minor fix to documentation on
by @slovely in #3675 - New API for DeleteAllTenantDataAsync. Closes GH-3686 by @jeremydmiller in #3687
- Fixes #3688 Fix rebuild querryforteantids using discrepancy in streamalias by @schadowfax in #3689
- Ability to use Patch() operations in EventProjection s running in the… by @jeremydmiller in #3692
New Contributors
- @schadowfax made their first contribution in #3689
Full Changelog: V7.37.3...V7.38.0
What's Changed
- Fix for strong typed identifier usage w/ CustomProjection by @jeremydmiller in #3676
Full Changelog: V7.37.2...V7.37.3
What's Changed
- #3661 Custom projection session gets disposed after first await in slicer by @erdtsieck in #3662
- problems fetch latest on async custom projection on string ids by @erdtsieck in #3658
- ProjectionWrapper honoring settings of projections based on EventFilterable by @netijoe in #3663
- Add predicate for patching by @kyle69 in #3666
- Added some notes about the CreateBy metadata tracking. Closes GH-3656 by @jeremydmiller in #3672
- Fixing order of operations issue w/ generated projection code using p… by @jeremydmiller in #3671
- Updating samples and documentation for using CustomProjection w/ Aggr… by @jeremydmiller in #3673
New Contributors
Full Changelog: V7.37.1...V7.37.2
What's Changed
- Upgrading JasperFx.Core, rudimentary support for OptionsDescription by @jeremydmiller in #3648
- Show a hint in the duplicate projection exception by @AlexZeitler in #3646
- Ignore
when scanning compiled types usingAutoRegister
by @pomianowski in #3645 - ApplyMetadata() on SingleStreamProjection is applied during FetchForW… by @jeremydmiller in #3649
- Setting app assembly on AutoRegister if it's missing to the entry ass… by @jeremydmiller in #3650
New Contributors
- @pomianowski made their first contribution in #3645
Full Changelog: V7.37.0...V7.37.1
What's Changed
- Correct FlatTableProjection being called FlatFileProjection by @jakobt in #3629
- #3634 livestream aggregations break on multi tenancy by @erdtsieck in #3635
- Add overload that allows a custom parameter placeholder. by @elexisvenator in #3622
- Upgrading Weasel to get the new behavior around detaching partitions.… by @jeremydmiller in #3638
- Little addition to docs on strong typed identifiers with FetchForWriting by @jeremydmiller in #3640
- Input validation on projection registration to prevent invalid registrations of SingleStreamProjection by @jeremydmiller in #3639
- Fix some issues with PostgreSQL not running with an english locale by @e-tobi in #3616
- #3636 Explicit live aggregations should support string stream identities by @erdtsieck in #3637
- Fix for value type Select(x => x.ValueTypeWrappingString) errors by @jeremydmiller in #3641
Full Changelog: V7.36.0...V7.37.0