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A list of neat projects made in Portugal



🌟 Name Description 🌍
3156 @ruipgil/scraperjs A complete and versatile web scraper.
859 @apocas/dockerode Docker Remote API Node.js Client module
807 @magalhas/backbone-react-compo… A bit of nifty glue that automatically plugs your Backbone models and collections into your React components, on the browser and server ↗️
444 @satazor/js-spark-md5 Lightning fast normal and incremental md5 for javascript
422 @pgte/fugue Unicorn for node.js
363 @Quicksaver/Tab-Groups Reimplementation of Firefox Tab Groups as an add-on. ↗️
264 @ramitos/jsctags jsctags generator using tern
199 @Couto/groundskeeper node.js package to remove forgotten console statements and specific blocks of code from you Javascript files
193 @premasagar/tim A tiny, secure JavaScript micro-templating script.
187 @ramitos/react-tvml React bindings to Apple's TVJS and TVML
154 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer 🌍 P2P Network Routing Overlay designed for the Web platform (browsers)
151 @pgte/skiff Node.js implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm
150 @pgte/alfred Node is your mansion, Alfred is your butler. Node.js key-value store ↗️
119 @pgte/pouch-websocket-sync… Pouch Stream example
115 @pgte/carrier Evented stream line reader for node.js
100 @premasagar/pablo Pablo is a lightweight, expressive JavaScript SVG library. Pablo creates interactive drawings with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), giving access to all of SVG's granularity and power. ↗️
99 @pgte/konphyg Cascading configuration files made easy in Node.js.
95 @diasdavid/ipscend 🎆 Quick and simple deploy tool to host Native Web Applications and Static Web Pages in IPFS
95 @premasagar/sqwidget JavaScript widget toolkit, for the creation and distribution of third-party web widgets.
85 @dmfrancisco/Desligado A simple web application supporting disconnection and deferred updates ↗️
82 @dmfrancisco/react-icons React Component for Icons using Inline SVG ↗️
82 @diasdavid/npm-on-ipfs 📦 Install npm modules through IPFS!
79 @pgte/pouch-redux-middlewa… PouchDB Redux Middleware
73 @pgte/simple-redis-safe-wo… Node.js Redis-based simple and safe work queue
72 @dmfrancisco/escrito Collaborative writing with Markdown & Textile ↗️
72 @pgte/handson_nodejs_sourc… Source code for the Hands-on Node.js book
71 @pgte/banzai Document processing framework for Node ↗️
69 @Quicksaver/FindBar-Tweak A firefox add-on that lets you customize the Find Toolbar the way you like it. ↗️
64 @tdantas/it-interviews Easy way to find good IT interview questions
61 @Quicksaver/The-Fox--Only-Better A Firefox add-on to improve the feeling of using the new Australis theme. ↗️
60 @premasagar/sandie Create a new JavaScript context within the browser. This allows external scripts to be loaded and arbitrary JavaScript to be executed without affecting the global scope. Potential conflicts between scripts are avoided via the sandbox of a 'sourceless' iframe document.
57 @Couto/grunt-groundskeeper Remove console statements, debugger and specific blocks of code
54 @premasagar/appleofmyiframe JavaScript library for creating & manipulating 'sourceless' iframe documents (i.e. those without an external document src); jQuery plugin.
51 @cusspvz/btsync.docker 🔄 A 32MB docker image sync service built for persisting data on clusters
50 @ricardofbarros/linter-js-standard Atom linter plugin for JavaScript, using JavaScript Standard Style ↗️
47 @rogeriopvl/nodo Command line TODO app ↗️
46 @pgte/skiff-algorithm Raft implementation in Node.js
46 @pgte/level-jobs Job Queue in LevelDB
42 @nneves/Raspberrypi_GPIO Remote control appliances via WebInterface by using a RaspberryPi + Node.js + GPIO Relay control board (turning On/Off a coffee machine, toaster, heater, etc from a webpage in your mobile phone, tablet or laptop)
38 @apocas/docker-modem Docker Remote API network stack.
35 @rogeriopvl/gulp-ejs Gulp plugin for ejs templates
33 @pgte/node-patterns-code Code for the Node Patterns Book Series
32 @magalhas/express-react-engine A React's JSX express rendering engine
30 @diasdavid/mailgun-validate-ema… Use mailgun Email Validation API to validate email addresses
29 @hugorodrigues/lxc.js LXC Linux Containers Interface for nodeJS
28 @pgte/node-openni-browser Kinect on the browser
27 @pgte/pouch-websocket-sync PouchDB live sync through websockets
26 @rogeriopvl/gulp-mustache A gulp plugin that renders mustache templates
26 @tdantas/async-if-else Conditional capabilities to NodeJS Async module
26 @ramitos/inverted inverted-index for level with pagination, sift3/cosine distance, tf-idf ranking, and more
23 @Quicksaver/OmniSidebar A firefox add-on designed to provide more control over the behavior of the sidebar. ↗️
22 @pgte/moving-average Moving Average
22 @diasdavid/webrtc-ring Chord inspired ring DHT algorithm using WebRTC as transport layer for P2P in the browser
21 @nneves/R2C2_WebInterface WebInterface using Node.JS on a Linux Embedded board to remote control an R2C2 RepRap 3D printers/CNC board.
20 @pgte/procmon Process Monitor UI
20 @hugorodrigues/rpc.js Simple and lightweight JSON-RPC [gateway, server and documentation] for Node.JS
20 @cusspvz/c4 🔥 a javascript engine burster
20 @diasdavid/simple-raytracer simple-raytracer works as a standalone version of the JS raytracer found in, which was inspired by jsRayTracer. It's purpose is to offer a simple raytracing interface that can be run locally in, in a distributed fashion on a server or even in browsers
19 @apocas/node-whmcs WHMCS's API Node.js client
19 @Quicksaver/Bootstraped-Addon-Ba…
19 @premasagar/poloniex.js
18 @pgte/nodetuts_26 Node Tuts episode 26
18 @premasagar/nitelite A low-level Lightbox plugin for jQuery.
18 @pgte/dribbledb MVCC database written in javascript
17 @rogeriopvl/gulp-jsonlint jsonlint plugin for Gulp
16 @ramitos/rating rating widget ↗️
16 @rogeriopvl/downstagram Command line tool to download and backup all your Instagram photos
15 @pgte/flowbench HTTP traffic generator. Supports user flows with alternative paths. Stores stats on latency.
15 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer-sign…
15 @diasdavid/piri-piri piri-piri is a browser orchestration tool to enable decentralized browser applications tests. Ah and it is hot :)
15 @pgte/pipeline Build stream pipe chains
15 @brunocasanova/chathellup Because sometimes just chat the hell up!
13 @nneves/3DPrinterInterface 3D Printer Interface
13 @pgte/duplex-emitter Turns a duplex streams into an event emitter.
12 @JosePedroDias/musicnot experimenting with musical score processing for playback and visualization ↗️
12 @ramitos/dots loading animation with dots ↗️
11 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer-peer… DHT circular IDs generator and methods
11 @diasdavid/js-multistream implementation of multistream spec
11 @callmephilip/backbone-tyler Composite views with backbone and handlebars.js
11 @pgte/node_tuts_episode_13 Node Tuts episode 13
11 @premasagar/cmd.js A lightweight, asynchronous flow controller / file loader
11 @pgte/nodetuts_code Some code for the nodetuts screencasts
11 @Quicksaver/Puzzle-Toolbars A Firefox that adds many toolbar choices to fully customize the browser window. ↗️
11 @magalhas/httpd-mock httpd-mock for Node.js runs a http static server. Supports mock API implementation
11 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer-visu…
11 @pgte/level-vectorclock Vector Clocks in LevelDB
10 @BrunoBernardino/ProjQueryPlugins Code Repository for the Pro jQuery Plugins eBook:
10 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer-brow…
10 @pgte/pouch-remote-stream Remote Stream for PouchDB
10 @diasdavid/webrtc-ring-signalin…
10 @diasdavid/webrtc-explorer-simu…
10 @JosePedroDias/avconv-utils extracts frames from a video, composing a mosaic suitable for previewing à là youtube; parses video metadata too
9 @diasdavid/raytracer-browser-p2…
9 @fabriceleal/SweetJsTests Tests with sweet.js, macros in Javascript! :3
9 @diasdavid/webrtc-chord-signall…
9 @diasdavid/webrtc-chord-uuid
9 @diasdavid/webrtc-chord
9 @premasagar/theywriteforyou Data journalism mashup, showing the number of articles by MPs in British newspapers. ↗️
9 @premasagar/important css !important manipulator (jQuery plugin)
9 @pgte/cyclops Controlling remote browser session with a pure javascript solution
9 @apocas/outkept Auto-discover, reactive monitoring platform. ↗️
9 @diasdavid/canela
8 @pgte/propagate Propagate events from one event emitter into another
8 @JosePedroDias/div3d div3d - my take on transformed CSS ↗️
8 @Quicksaver/Omnibar-Plus A firefox add-on designed to bring extra functionality to the Omnibar add-on ↗️
8 @cusspvz/set-asap setAsap - async variable call control
8 @pgte/woosh Streaming composable templates - IN CONSTRUCTION
8 @Couto/Blueprint Sugar syntax for Prototypal Inheritance
8 @pgte/verbose Remote peer-to-peer event synchronization
7 @dmfrancisco/spacehorse WIP – Organize your knowledge in a visual way
7 @ricardofbarros/terminal-converter Query google converter inside your terminal
7 @premasagar/mishmash An assortment of little JavaScript functions, snippets and jQuery plugins. Stuff that doesn't warrant its own repository, but is too big or important for a gist.
7 @diasdavid/lan-chat Chat for your lan parties, events, trainings and other things were the WAN simply fails :)
7 @rogeriopvl/generator-gulpfile A Gulpfile generator for Yeoman
7 @waldyrious/learning-holography Some notes, diagrams and animations to help understanding the basis of holography ↗️
7 @cusspvz/ect-loader ect templates compiler for webpack
7 @hugorodrigues/child Minimalistic nodejs process manager. Similar to forever-monitor
6 @ramitos/jsonstream2 Dominic Tarr's JSONStream using Rodd Vaggs' through2
6 @ramitos/dimensions jQuery based dimensions getters and setters (innerHeight, innerWidth, height, width, outerHeight and outerWidth)
6 @ramitos/modella-level-relati… levelup based modella relations
6 @diasdavid/webrtc-connect Establish WebRTC Data Channels between browser-node and node-node with a TCP/HTTP/WebSockets "createServer/attach" like interface
6 @diasdavid/blog-maker Blog generator from .md post files, highly inspired from
6 @premasagar/revolutionaries @sciencehackday hack - an explorer of the evolution of great scientific inventors, thinkers and their discoveries ↗️
6 @diasdavid/node-dirbuster
6 @magalhas/react-cli Render React components through the command line
6 @diasdavid/webcrypto WebCryptoAPI polyfil to work in Node.js in the Browser (so that you don't have to be concerned about moving crypto code between a browser and server side app)
6 @rogeriopvl/windrose Convert compass degrees into points of the compass and vice versa
5 @satazor/redux-boilerplate A boilerplate for starting a large redux based app
5 @fabriceleal/ExpJavascriptMVC Some experiences at making a MVC Framework with Javascript, allowing development of dynamic web apps using only client-side code. ↗️
5 @diasdavid/js-ucat ucat(uTP cat) implementation is JavaScript to be used with Node.js
5 @ramitos/react-worker react in a web worker
5 @JosePedroDias/aframe-extrude-and-l… This module offers lathe and extrude components to aframevr ↗️
5 @JosePedroDias/simple-tts
5 @waldyrious/semantic-linebreaker A utility to help you apply semantic linebreaks to any text ↗️
5 @ricardofbarros/battleship-game Terminal battleship game
5 @tdantas/slack-json-proxy Slack JSON Api Proxy
5 @apocas/dashode Simple HTTP daemon realtime web dashboard for clf based webservers.
5 @fabriceleal/Jsoned The json stream editor utility.
4 @jgradim/youtube-dj A turn table set where your CD's are YouTube videos.
4 @waldyrious/odot A simple but powerful task manager
4 @rogeriopvl/chatstorm A brainstorming web application that uses a real-time chat to share ideas. ↗️
4 @JosePedroDias/video360 plays and allows exploring both cubemap (fb) and equirectangular (youtube) videos. Relies on WebGL and the video element with CORS headers ↗️
4 @diasdavid/sise-project-templat… This repo contains a template and instructions on how to submit the Project for the SISE-CWEB Course
4 @ramitos/errg
4 @premasagar/promisespromises ↗️
4 @diasdavid/js-merkledag-store JavaScript MerkleDAG Storage implementation
4 @tdantas/bullshit-font-genera… Bullshit Font Generator
4 @apocas/lxjs-dns LXJS workshop DNS Server
4 @cusspvz/card-sharing Fetches card sharing servers configurations from a group of selected sources and generates output as: plain lines, oscam and possibly others if you PR them. :)
4 @BrunoBernardino/node-google-cloud-he… A CLI Node.js helper for Google Cloud
4 @ramitos/json-to-react-elemen… json > react-element
4 @ramitos/xmlstream2 Pipeable XML parser
4 @ramitos/resizable-textarea make a textarea auto resizable ↗️
4 @nneves/3DPrinterCloudClient Node.js 3D Printer Cloud Client
4 @diasdavid/codebits Codebits API Node.js Module Wrapper
4 @magalhas/grunt-jasmine-html-r…
4 @magalhas/jasmine-html-runner jasmine-html-runner for Node.js runs your spec html runner and outputs the results in the console
4 @Quicksaver/AutoPager
4 @jgradim/jquery-jsoncomplete Minimal jQuery plugin to provide autocomplete funcionality to text fields with JSON formated data
4 @tdantas/princeXML Module to use PrinceXML
3 @krishaamer/TomeApp Tomé Storyworld Companion for the iPhone
3 @ramitos/sift3 SIFT3 Algorithm
3 @ramitos/csv-to-md
3 @ramitos/TWiT-Player TWiT Player for webOS 3.0.4
3 @brunocasanova/uptoload Repository for image upload with node.js
3 @BrunoBernardino/filebox.js filebox.js is just a simple and personal file hosting system.
3 @jgradim/react-user-media React components for webcam and audio
3 @Couto/grunt-simple-dox Simply run dox
3 @Couto/ Independent blocks of functionality extracted from jQuery core for use externally. Ignore at all costs.
3 @cusspvz/await-delay use delay/sleep/wait to async/await ES7
3 @ruipgil/pocketmark From pocket to chrome bookmarks
3 @waldyrious/procrastinever A time-tracker that works in the background and collects statistics about what desktop or web apps you use the most.
3 @JosePedroDias/stl-viewer improved STL viewer using THREE.js ↗️
3 @dmfrancisco/gideo A minimal video player. ↗️
3 @JosePedroDias/stage-core web framework for multiplayer and bot game creation for the masses
3 @diasdavid/ A information retrieval system for IST, UTL student get notified about new scholarships that are available ↗️
3 @JosePedroDias/tenbyten a 1010! game clone in vanilla JS and snapSVG ↗️
3 @diasdavid/seshata seshat is a new way to document your API, without documenting anything at all! Just let your users try it, live!
3 @JosePedroDias/sam_rocket_w_snabbdo… SAM's rocket launcher example using snabbdom ↗️
3 @rogeriopvl/generator-riotjs Riot.js Yeoman generator
3 @JosePedroDias/serve-gundb example nodejs gundb server ↗️
3 @rogeriopvl/8bit Transform images into pixelated artwork
3 @hugorodrigues/setup Nodejs system setup
3 @rogeriopvl/ink-oembed Ink plugin for embedding stuff
3 @hugorodrigues/questions Interactive shell for your node.js cli apps
3 @magalhas/dropbox-media-center Dropbox Media Center (powered by Node.js, MongoDB and HTML5)
3 @nneves/Raspberrypi_GPIO_njs… RaspberryPi GPIO XMPP (Gtalk) bot interface based on njsbot project
3 @premasagar/planetjs Planet websites (RSS/Atom feed aggregator), in JavaScript
3 @satazor/eslint-config My own eslint configurations
3 @apocas/nodechecker-engine engine
3 @marcooliveira/webapp_boilerplate A simple boilerplate for quickly setting up a new app
3 @tdantas/selenium-saucelabs-l… setup tests locally or on saucelabs
3 @marcooliveira/poc-client-side-zip-… POC of client-side file zipping and upload
3 @apocas/realtimechat Quick and dirty internal full JS web realtime chat using node.JS+socket.IO+Redis
3 @ramitos/luminosity color luminosity tools
3 @premasagar/js1k 1KB JavaScript apps ~ #1: Phi ↗️
2 @apocas/node-olx
2 @ricardofbarros/examine assert + error-first callback
2 @ricardofbarros/mongules Mongoose model validator
2 @ricardofbarros/clean-obj Clean javascript objects recursively
2 @ramitos/wheel normalize mousewheel delta values
2 @ramitos/handlebarizer Solution for compiling handlebars templates into vanilla JS functions for client-side use. Inspired by templatizer
2 @ramitos/imdb-list
2 @Couto/connect-purgatory Middleware for Connect. Add a whitelist or blacklist of IPv4 ranges
2 @Couto/VisualHash Small snippet to show colored passwords
2 @ramitos/cosine calculate the cosine distance between 2 arrays of strings
2 @ramitos/carousel image carousel ↗️
2 @ramitos/force-array
2 @rogeriopvl/node-meocloud MEOCloud API wrapper ↗️
2 @jgradim/lapd academic project
2 @tdantas/node-bash.env bash.env configuration for nodejs
2 @jgradim/jquery-placeholder Minimal jQuery plugin to add a placeholder text to text fields
2 @fabriceleal/Maniraptora
2 @ramitos/react-transform-hapi… A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level
2 @fabriceleal/MonadTests Trying to understand monads with javascript, dart ... whatever it takes
2 @ramitos/react-json-stream react > stream > json
2 @fabriceleal/Gengetopt-Js Gengetopt-like lib for parsing command line args for Node
2 @brunocasanova/zewtree Clustering with express
2 @fabriceleal/Lambda-Lang A quick and dirty language based in lambda calculus, so I (and you...) can practice lambda calculus. ↗️
2 @brunocasanova/restfuller Node Rest api
2 @fabriceleal/fabriceleal.github.c… My personal web page... generated from ↗️
2 @rogeriopvl/movees Watch movies on the command line
2 @fabriceleal/MadMonkeyJs A lib for generating random javascript programs
2 @rogeriopvl/hnstack Chrome extension to focus on the really fresh and unread news in YCombinator - Hacker News. Relocates read items into the bottom of the website. ↗️
2 @fabriceleal/chrome-extension-url… Shows a QR code of the url of the selected tab.
2 @hugorodrigues/reloadOnFocus Simple javascript that helps preview your work. Reloads browser window on focus
2 @fabriceleal/fabriceleal.github.c… Scripts (shell + jsoned + js) used to create the data (jsons) for the charts in my personal page (
2 @JosePedroDias/webcam2hls serve your webcam via the MediaStream Recording API on the browser, will send webm videos to the server which will generate HLS stream for playback
2 @fabriceleal/GeneticProgrammingJs aka gpjs: A simple framework for genetic programming in Javascript ↗️
2 @JosePedroDias/golo a football game experiment using the playcanvas engine ↗️
2 @tdantas/ng-experiment the best way to understand something is replicating something !
2 @JosePedroDias/divconq divide and conquer using webworkers
2 @JosePedroDias/video-tag-editor recipe for video scene detection w/ web interface for tweaking cuts ↗️
2 @satazor/stylelint-config My own stylelint configurations
2 @premasagar/localbusiness An experiment in visualising council payments data ↗️
2 @JosePedroDias/wifi-probe my take on this article -…
2 @tdantas/node-slack-api Slack nodejs api (WIP)
2 @marcooliveira/collective-memory Collective Memory
2 @smit1678/slumlord-mapping
2 @marcooliveira/node-gamepad Module for reading input from my old PS3 like controller
2 @apocas/ssh2-multiplexer SSH2 exec channel queuer/multiplexer/backpressure
2 @JosePedroDias/ang angular project w/ best practices & few dependencies, using npm scripts
2 @apocas/establish Establish
2 @JosePedroDias/oxy a proxy server to aid development
2 @apocas/nodechecker-crawler NPM crawler
2 @JosePedroDias/dagre-canvas A simple canvas renderer for directed graphs based on dagre ↗️
2 @waldyrious/primerpedia Proof of concept for Concise Wikipedia proposal ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
399 @pires/android-obd-reader Android OBD-II Reader application that uses pure OBD-II PID's Java API.
392 @Vazkii/Botania A magic mod for Minecraft based on nature and plant life. Also literally the seed of all evil on the modding community. ↗️
204 @pires/obd-java-api OBD-II Java API
154 @samaxes/minify-maven-plugin Combine and minimize JavaScript and CSS files for faster page loading. ↗️
143 @Vazkii/Psi 10th Grade Mathematics: The Mod. ↗️
68 @pires/spring-boot-shiro-or… A simple REST API built with Spring Boot and OrientDB (Object API) datastore, secured with Apache Shiro (distributed session storage powered by Hazelcast).
54 @pires/hibernate-postgres-j… A working implementation of JSONB support on a Java + Hibernate application.
38 @Vazkii/Quark Small things.
35 @pires/obd-server Webapp responsible for storing OBD (Android OBD Reader) readings.
26 @samaxes/javaee-cache-filter Java EE Cache Filter
24 @radcortez/wow-auctions World of Warcraft Auctions using Java EE Batch - JSR-352
18 @Vazkii/Emotes Wave! Dance! Facepalm! Emotes mod for Minecraft!
14 @radcortez/jpa-performance A showcase of tests with performance measurements for JPA applications
14 @Vazkii/MineTunes Minecraft music player
13 @Vazkii/Morph-o-Tool The wrench to end all wrenches. Or have them be used?
11 @radcortez/wildfly-custom-login… Custom LoginModule for Wildfly
11 @Vazkii/ChatFlow A mod that allows for chat control.
11 @samaxes/jaxrs-beanvalidation… Integrate Bean Validation with JAX-RS and internationalize error messages using JBoss' proprietary implementations.
11 @Vazkii/CMPDL Curse Modpack Downloader
9 @samaxes/jaxrs-beanvalidation… Validating JAX-RS resource data with Bean Validation in Java EE 7
8 @pires/simple-jpa-hibernate… A simple proof-of-concept of a desktop Java application with database access using JPA, Hibernate and Guice.
8 @samaxes/java-ee-testing Java EE testing code examples.
8 @Vazkii/Ambience Your music in minecraft
8 @pires/hazelcast-kubernetes… Hazelcast cluster discovery mechanism for Kubernetes.
8 @pires/fabric8-persistence-… Fabric8 + E-OSGi JPA 2.1 managed persistence (Aries + Hibernate 4.3.x) + REST service demonstration code.
8 @Vazkii/Neat Functional minimalistic Unit Frames for the modern Minecrafter
6 @Vazkii/Waterproof Small mod that lets players make blocks not be destroyed by water
6 @pires/fabric8-cxf-shiro OSGi-enabled authentication & authorization service, powered by Apache Shiro and Hazelcast cluster. Goes really well with Fabric8 or JBoss Fuse for auto-scaling.
6 @Vazkii/GenCreator The GenCreator mod, a mod that allows you to make Worldgen structures from within the game.
5 @Vazkii/CraftHeraldry The CraftHeraldry mod, a mod for Minecraft that allows you to Craft Heraldry, as the name implies.
5 @jpbarbosa/AirlineManager A simple project to manage an airline company.
5 @Vazkii/ReCubed Mod for Modjam 3.
4 @pires/simple-jersey-rest-a… A simple proof-of-concept of RESTful web service implemented with Jersey and Glassfish.
4 @radcortez/rest-ssl
4 @Vazkii/PfaeffsMod Update of Pfaeff's mod for newer versions of minecraft
3 @Vazkii/Vazcore
3 @Vazkii/ElementalTinkerer The Elemental Tinkerer minecraft mod. (Deprecated) ↗️
3 @jpbarbosa/BetAndUin
3 @samaxes/ddr-compare Device Description Repositories comparison.
3 @Vazkii/Pillar World Generation manager using Structure Blocks.
3 @pires/apache-ignite-discov… Apache Ignite discovery for Kubernetes.
3 @ruippeixotog/chess-piece-collecto… An utility for collecting training data for a chess board recognition ML system.
2 @pires/simple-kundera-embed… A simple proof-of-concept of a Java application with embedded Cassandra integration, using Kundera and Guice.
2 @pires/sherlock Message-driven, NoSQL-powered auditing framework
2 @ruippeixotog/permission-explorer An Android application that shows information about the permissions granted to applications.
2 @radcortez/wildfly-spring-batch JSR-352 Spring Batch implementation as Wildfly module
2 @radcortez/cbrjug-lambdas First lambdas
2 @pires/fabric8-cxf-dosgi-de… Simple Fabric8-oriented CXF + DOSGi demonstration code.
2 @jpbarbosa/Library Very simple database system
2 @arestivo/druid drUID Unexpected Interactions Detector
2 @arestivo/sfs Shop Floor Simulator
2 @Vazkii/Recall ↗️
2 @Vazkii/EasyFPS
2 @jpbarbosa/AeminiumAM Actors Model for the Aeminium project
2 @Vazkii/Layman-Mod-Maker ↗️
2 @davidmartinho/fenix-framework
2 @jcarvalho/ssh-server
2 @Vazkii/CraftingCreation My Entry for Searge's ModJam.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
66 @rjperes/Postal.NET Postal.NET
20 @saramgsilva/NotificationHubs Sample to help developers to implement Push Notification, through Azure Notification Hubs, in mobile applications. ↗️
18 @kappy/FlatMapper FlatMapper is a library to import and export data from and to plain text files.
15 @saramgsilva/ModernUISamples Samples for WPF using Modern UI
13 @kappy/ OSDB implementation for .Net (
13 @tritao/SteamBot Steam trading bot.
12 @cmorgado/MultiPlatform base solution for building Windows Store and Windows Phone 8 app
10 @vilaca/RemoteView Windows desktop sharing HTTP server
8 @saramgsilva/BluetoothSampleUsing… Sample that show how to send data through Bluetooth in a WPF application using 32feet.Net
7 @cmorgado/WordPressToWindowsPh… Windows Phone Toolkit to get your Wordpress site/blog as a Native App
7 @saramgsilva/XamarinWorkshop This repository will describe the requirements, resources, guides and demos for the Xamarin Workshop. ↗️
5 @tritao/LLDBSharp LLDB C# bindings generated with CppSharp
5 @diogofdsilva/MS-OSM-Querys Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding using MS SQL Server and WCF
4 @danielbcorreia/MARC Parser for MARC records (ISO 2709)
4 @rgl/MailBounceDetector Detects whether a MailKit email Message is a bounce message
3 @danielbcorreia/OutputCacheExtension… Extensions for ASP.NET MVC OutputCache Mechanisms - More on…
3 @pedrosanta/PlaymakerActionsPack Additional custom actions pack for Playmaker, the visual behaviour scripting tool for Unity Engine.
3 @DVDPT/libMPSSE-.Net-Wrappe… A C# wrapper to the FTDI devices library libMPSSE
3 @tritao/BuildSharp BuildSharp extensible CI system in C#
3 @kappy/SpMapper simple Sharepoint Lists object mapper
3 @DVDPT/Programmatically-Spe… Random code about cool stuff
3 @danielbcorreia/MeoWalletDotNetClien… MEO Wallet API Client - .NET/C#
2 @saramgsilva/AzureMobileServices Samples to help developers to use Azure Mobile Services. ↗️
2 @saramgsilva/Office365RESTAPISamp… Consuming Office 365 REST API in WP, Android and IOS using Xamarin Forms.
2 @davidajulio/hx Haxperience ↗️
2 @andrealexandre/NinjectPresentation Some simple code of the Ninject usage.
2 @Talento90/repository.mongodb.n… A generic MongoDb repository (Driver 2.0.1) for C# language.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
17 @VictorCamargo/LocalTheme A beautiful and useful "theme" for localhost.
2 @armthethinker/colorless Popular color libraries in LESS
2 @FMCalisto/e-LearningSenior Online Learning for Elderly ↗️
2 @FMCalisto/ CalliTech Webpage Prototype Repository ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
108 @franciscofranco/mako Nexus 4
104 @franciscofranco/hammerhead Nexus 5
53 @franciscofranco/bacon One Plus One
43 @franciscofranco/tuna Galaxy Nexus
36 @franciscofranco/grouper Nexus 7 2012
34 @ucodev/usched A remote command-line scheduler with an almost-natural language interpreter. ↗️
34 @franciscofranco/Shamu Nexus 6
24 @dmcrodrigues/macro-logger A simplified logging system using macros.
17 @franciscofranco/angler Nexus 6P
16 @alvieboy/arduino-serpro Serial Protocol (packet/frame based) library for Arduino intercommunication
15 @brNX/gameboy-emu Gameboy Emulator (C/C++/Qt)
9 @defer/device_htc_bravo Bravo Device spec for the AOSP build system
9 @dragonpt/Kernel_3.4.67_KK_ZTE… Custom KK Kernel For the ZTE v970 [MT6577 SoC]
8 @franciscofranco/flo Nexus 7 2013
8 @franciscofranco/manta Nexus 10
7 @franciscofranco/bullhead Nexus 5X
6 @dragonpt/Kernel_3.4.67_KK_Wik… Custom OpenSourced MTK KitKat Kernel 3.4.67+ (MT6582 SoC)
5 @jopereira/java-tpcw Working copy of Java TPC-W implementation used at U. Minho
5 @impegoraro/tagtool Port of the original audio tag tool to gtk+3
5 @brNX/arm-gbz80 Gameboy Emulator running on a Stellaris lm3s1776 (arm cortex m3) using an lcd as screen
4 @brNX/LedCube-client pc side client for led cube
4 @brNX/Attiny85-5x5x5LEDCub…
4 @defer/android_external_jpe…
4 @alvieboy/xtc-base XThunderCore base repository.
3 @dragonpt/Kernel_3.4.67_KK_MMX… Custom OpenSourced KK Kernel for Micromax a110 [MT6577 SoC]
3 @dragonpt/Kernel_Wiko_DarkMoon… OpenSourced JB Kernel for the Wiko DarkMoon (MT6582 SoC)
3 @dardevelin/dbsglinked A small C implementation of a generic linked list to avoid rewriting same code all the time.
3 @dardevelin/dutils
3 @ucodev/libfsma Fast Scalable Memory Allocator ↗️
2 @dmcrodrigues/TimeMonitor The aim of this project is to identify time bottlenecks. It provides checkpoints where you can track time spent on small parts of the code in addition to the total time.
2 @brNX/MMA7260-ATTINY mma7260 pcb using a attiny for i2c/twi
2 @brNX/Line-FollowerV2 Line Follower using 5 selfmade reflectance sensors (irled/phototransistor)
2 @joninvski/ts_7500_kernel Kernel for the ts-7500 devices
2 @joninvski/placas7500 Vários scripts para mexer nas placas 7500 e o README com instrucções
2 @defer/android_hardware_qco…
2 @ucodev/libpsec PSEC Library
2 @dardevelin/XFN
2 @dardevelin/Snippets collection of pieces of code that aren't part of any specific project but might be useful
2 @dmcrodrigues/DRStopwatch Measuring time must be simple. Available for C, C++ and Objective-C.
2 @brNX/Pov-tiny2313 pov display using an attiny2313
2 @duartebarbosa/rt-kernel-testing RT-Kernel tests files for the Arm T7500 boards
2 @joninvski/USB_Wifi_RT2501_TS-7… The source of the module for the rt2501 for the ts7500 arm device


🌟 Name Description 🌍
666 @SupSuper/OpenXcom Open-source clone of the original X-Com ↗️
28 @GrimshawA/Nephilim C++ Game Engine
7 @naps62/parallel-sort Parallel sorting algorithm implementation in OpenMP and MPI
5 @ferrolho/feup-contests A repository to host students resolutions of programming contest problems.
5 @CAMBADA/cambada-pub This is the public software git for the CAMBADA robot soccer team software releases
4 @pspkzar/OptiXRenderer
4 @AfonsoTsukamoto/frogger The frogger game in OpenGL for academic purposes
2 @DDuarte/feup-blackjack FEUP: Programming - EIC0012 - 2011/2012 - Blackjack C++ game, with Allegro
2 @naps62/barneshut-galois A Barnes Hut implementation based on the Galois system
2 @naps62/papi-cuda A PAPI CUDA analysis using a pathtracer implementation


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @vmlf01/CasparTimer CasparCG Timer component
2 @vmlf01/CasparSystemTime CasparCG System Time display component


🌟 Name Description 🌍
8 @bitmaker-software/tomee-cli The fast way to configure Apache TomEE


🌟 Name Description 🌍
59 @quintans/goSQL a ORM like library in Go (golang)
12 @rodkranz/ff Find Text or File
3 @quintans/toolkit Several tools to support my Go pet projects
2 @rusco/rxjs FRP versus Golang Channels comparison ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
7 @ulisses/Static-Code-Analyzer The main goal of this project is to implement several software metrics to be able to classify software projects. We use as a test case a programming contest, where the participants send code to the system, and when the contest closes, the administrator (a teacher for example.) receives the code analysis report. ↗️
3 @ulisses/network-map-generato… A complete network map generator. Generates a graph of dependencies services
3 @ulisses/analyzer Static Code Analyzer (command line program - Haskell sources)
3 @ulisses/hhoneydstats Haskell honeydstats, statistics for Honeyd honeypot
2 @ulisses/imperative-language-… A simple compiler made in Haskell to compile a simple language
2 @ulisses/pointwise-pointfree-… A implementation of a pointwise-pointfree conversor in Haskell
2 @ulisses/disk-catalogue Catalogue CD's DVD's and HD's


🌟 Name Description 🌍
7 @MrTheSoulz/NerdPack
5 @ChicoRDL/-GTi-RPG-V3- Grand Theft International RPG - Official Open Source
2 @MrTheSoulz/NerdPack-MTS_Routine…


🌟 Name Description 🌍
685 @hsousa/HCSStarRatingView Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C
89 @mluisbrown/LCZoomTransition A UIViewController custom animated and interactive transition that uses a delightful zoom animation.
79 @schmitzoide/MSMotionScroller A simple class that enables anything that can be scrolled to be scrolled by bumping the device in a certain direction.
31 @pedrovieira7/PVAsyncImageView A simple NSImageView subclass that let's you download images asynchronously from the web on the Mac with some other useful properties. ↗️
13 @pedrovieira7/DaVinci A small library that generates a PNG image with a message inside it. ↗️
6 @nunojfg/NGUtilities
6 @edualm/StoreSizer Resize the AppStore 512*512 PNG to Normal, Retina and iPad Icons! ↗️
5 @edualm/LowBattery A local push notifications iOS example
4 @edualm/EMLX-Parser Parse EMLX files the easy way!
3 @jpedroso/higherorderkit Higher order functions for Cocoa collections, using Objective-C blocks.
3 @edualm/iHelpers iHelpers is a set of classes designed to help you develop Cocoa Touch apps.
3 @edualm/SendGrid-Emailer Cocoa API for sending e-mails using SendGrid.
2 @rizo/CATextLayerLab A simple example demonstrating CoreAnimation text layer features.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
37 @ambs/Books My repository to book projects... if I eventually have the guts to write more than one... ↗️
29 @melo/scripts My personal script stash ↗️
15 @cog/perlbaldoc Perlbal documentation
14 @melo/perl-anyevent-nsq A AnyEvent-based client for
11 @ambs/Quiki Quick Wiki in Perl ↗️
9 @melo/rasputine A XMPP-to-MUD/Moo/Talker systems
8 @melo/amqp-tools An AMQP stack for Perl
6 @melo/bash-completion A Perl distribution to create your own bash completion solutions
6 @melo/alterego A XMPP bot that works as your alter ego
6 @jbarber/vmware-perl Perl scripts for basic VMware administration and reporting
6 @melo/dbix--class--tree--n… A DBIx::Class component to implement a tree structure using nested sets
5 @melo/anyevent--xmpp My patches to Net::XMPP2 ↗️
5 @melo/anyevent-smtp AnyEvent-based SMTP client and server ↗️
5 @melo/anyevent--mojo Module to run Mojo apps using the AnyEvent framework
4 @melo/perl-sapo-broker A set of Perl modules to work with SAPO Broker
4 @melo/dist-zilla-tools My Dist::Zilla plugins and tools
4 @melo/cil DVCS-powered ticketing system ↗️
4 @melo/proc-metrics Perl modules to measure process metrics like CPU and memory usage
3 @melo/smoke-it A set of tools do build a smoke testing environment
3 @melo/perl-app-cacm Keep track of directory in quasi-realtime using Git
3 @melo/perl-libnet Mirror of SVN repository for Libnet ↗️
3 @melo/amazon-pl Amazon::* modules, done right
3 @melo/perl-benchmarks Small benchmarks of small perl topics
3 @melo/app-htttpthis A simple static content server using Plack ↗️
3 @melo/dbic-indexing Easy way to create indices for your DBIx::Class sources ↗️
3 @melo/anyevent--httpd Tweaks to AnyEvent::HTTPD
3 @smpb/bootstrap-wiki Simple wiki engine using Mojolicious and Bootstrap, with Markdown files as content.
3 @melo/presentations My presentations
3 @smpb/codebits-api A Perl implementation of the API made available for the Portuguese tech company SAPO event, Codebits ↗️
3 @melo/anyevent--http A async HTTP client using the AnyEvent framework
3 @ambs/ExtUtils-LibBuilder Perl module to compile plain C libraries using ExtUtils::CBuilder and cia.
3 @melo/pocs Proof of concepts and other random examples
3 @melo/moose Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl 5 ↗️
3 @melo/codebits Presentations and projects done at SAPO Codebits
2 @ambs/PHP-Include PHP::Include Perl Module ↗️
2 @bmartins/WWW-TVMaze Perl TVMaze API interface
2 @rcm/spln1415 Repositório das aulas de Scripting no processamento de linguagem natural
2 @Shemahmforash/xml-gsa XML::GSA - Creates xml in google search appliance (GSA) format ↗️
2 @cog/Filesys-Diskusage Estimate file space usage (similar to du) ↗️
2 @ambs/Text-Diff-FormattedH…
2 @melo/Dist-Zilla-PluginBun… MELO is lazy, this are his rules ↗️
2 @ambs/Math-Matrix-MaybeGSL Uniform use of Math::MatrixReal and Math::GSL::Matrix.
2 @melo/App-SuperviseMe very simple command superviser ↗️
2 @ambs/Dancer2-Plugin-JWT JWT for Dancer2
2 @ambs/Config-AutoConf Config::AutoConf Perl Module
2 @melo/proc-daemontools-pp Proc::Daemontools::PP - Pure Perl interface to Daemontools services


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3321 @filp/whoops PHP errors for cool kids ↗️
227 @gordalina/cachetool CLI App and library to manage apc & opcache. ↗️
44 @filp/nod Notifications in PHP (notify-send, growl, etc) like that.
39 @mpmont/video_helper A video Helper for codeigniter (to work with youtube and vimeo for now)
28 @gordalina/sample-twitter-api-s… A Twitter REST API in Symfony2 to expose the capabilities of Symfony2 to develop REST APIs
27 @ahilles107/dashboard-widgets Dashboard Widgets system builded on top of Symfony components, Allow 3d party developer to build widets for your application dashboard. Each widgets can have controllers, views, entities, each widget must have repository and can be installed with Composer.
22 @mpmont/thumb_helper Thumb Helper for CodeIgniter
22 @dcsg/ZCE-ExamPreparation My PHP code to prepare myself for the ZCE exam
20 @cossou/trak-io-api Api Client
20 @jfloff/highroller-zf2 HighRoller is an object-oriented PHP Wrapper for the Highcharts JavaScript Library. This is a HighRoller fork with new functionalities and ready for ZF2.
18 @gordalina/CacheToolBundle CacheTool Symfony2 Bundle
18 @taviroquai/MapIgniter MapIgniter is a GeoCMS based on Mapserver, PostGIS, OpenLayers and CodeIgniter.
16 @filp/Markdown A cleaned-up and improved version of Michel Fortin's Markdown_Parser
15 @cossou/laravel-eventcron Laravel EventCron Bundle
11 @gordalina/easypay-php Lightweight library to communicate with API in PHP 5.3
11 @NewEraCracker/php-work Some random php work I've been doing. Feel free to explore and reuse :)
8 @filp/dirp php5 directory indexing interface and framework
8 @mpmont/bugtracker A bug tracker system based in CodeIgniter
8 @taviroquai/duality Micro PHP Framework
7 @gordalina/GordalinaMixpanelBun… Symfony bundle for Mixpanel
7 @cossou/CodeIgniter-Airbrake CodeIgniter Library for Airbrake
6 @taviroquai/laraproto Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management
6 @taviroquai/BootWiki A php Wiki built upon Twitter Bootstrap, RedBeanPHP and Slim Framework ↗️
6 @mpmont/CI-Developers-Toolba… The CI Developer's Toolbar is a replica of CI Profiler Library with additional functionality in order to help development teams with debugging and optimization.
5 @filp/wayne Laravel4 Debug Toolbar
5 @taviroquai/Laravel-Mapserver Mapserver package for Laravel
5 @gordalina/MangopayBundle Symfony2 bundle to integrate Mangopay
5 @dcsg/EventbriteApiConnect… Eventbrite Api Connector is a lightweight PHP 5.3 library for issuing the Eventbrite API.
5 @gordalina/hipay-wallet Official hipay wallet SDK as a composer package
4 @gordalina/mangopay-php PHP library to communicate with API
4 @gordalina/EasypayBundle EasypayBundle for the Symfony Framework
4 @filp/silex-chisel An opinionated silex project accelerator
4 @ahilles107/PersonaBundle Bundle for authentication with Mozilla Persona in Symfony2
4 @filp/Spy Spy is a simple, flexible and easy to extend dependency injection container.
3 @ahilles107/content-performance-… Newsroom Content Analytics for journalists and editors.
3 @NewEraCracker/IPB3LinkBot An attempt to develop a working linkchecker bot for IP.Board 3.1+ (UNSTABLE - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION)
2 @filp/gimme Inject your services with magic
2 @nunomorgadinho/plugin-propagator A plugin propagator
2 @nunomorgadinho/AMMPro
2 @andr3pt/ma.gnolia-de.fibrill… This is a tiny script (spaghetti code!) that I used to recover a couple of my bookmarks from Google Historical Feed API ↗️
2 @filp/turnip A small php-5.3 framework cleverly disguised as a turnip.
2 @dcsg/symfonycon-how-to-bu… Source code of my talk at SymfonyCon 2013 about How to build Console applications
2 @gmmcal/wpht Hand Talk for Wordpress
2 @ahilles107/dashboard-widgets-da… Sample working dashboard for dashboard-widgets system. See Dashboard Widgets in action.
2 @filp/roast lightweight php5.3 api framework
2 @gordalina/IfmbBundle Ifthensoftware IFmb integration into Symfony2
2 @luciano-jr/beerAI A simple project to does specialist system AI


🌟 Name Description 🌍
600 @dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) -…
107 @enen92/program.plexus (discontinued)
66 @alcides/pascal-in-python Pascal compiler implemented in python using Lex, Yacc and LLVM
59 @rcarmo/rss2imap An adaptation of rss2mail that uses IMAP directly
54 @rcarmo/Yaki A filesystem based wiki ↗️
53 @rcarmo/bottle-fever A clean-room clone of the Fever RSS aggregator, focusing on the API
51 @rcarmo/HJKLPlugin A plugin for using vim movement keys (HJKL) to navigate messages and message lists in Mac OS X Mail
37 @rcarmo/pngcanvas A minimalist library to render PNG images using pure Python
33 @rcarmo/imapbackup A Python script for incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes ↗️
30 @rcarmo/soup-strainer A reimplementation of the Readability/Decruft algorithm using BeautifulSoup and html5lib
29 @imankulov/celery-api Celery API discovery module
21 @rcarmo/piku The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen (for the Raspberry Pi, too!)
19 @rcarmo/ink-bottle A minimal skeleton for doing Bottle apps in a structured fashion (targeting Python 2.7 or above)
18 @marado/stars-to-addresses Get addresses from Google location stars
18 @rcarmo/python-utils A set of libraries I constantly re-use for a number of projects
18 @alcides/wallmanager Website and Multitouch app to manage a Multi-Touch surface. ↗️
13 @imankulov/vqmetrics Python functions to convert between different speech quality metrics
11 @rcarmo/transducers-py A (discontinued) attempt at creating a Python transducer library, done as a weekend project
11 @imankulov/speex-quality-evalua… Source data, scripts and makefiles of the experiment for the Speex codec quality evaluation
10 @rcarmo/ Archive of the old SVN repo (snapshot from Launchpad)
10 @enen92/screensaver.atv4 Apple aerial screensavers (apple tv 4) for Kodi
10 @alcides/tarpipe-python Tarpipe API library in Python ↗️
8 @alcides/alcides-bliki My personal bliki ↗️
8 @dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder-Ske… Skeleton application to use with Flask-AppBuilder (pip install flask-appbuilder)
8 @enen92/ RTP Play Video Addon for KODI Entertainment Center
8 @alcides/django-layout My default Django folder structure ↗️
8 @alcides/rdflib rdflib for Python, with SQLite fixes. ↗️
7 @nmariz/xmlgenerator A simple python XML Generator
6 @tnunes/codebits-talkgrabber Download videos and presentations of Sapo Codebits Talks ↗️
6 @enen92/script.module.thespo… Python module for
5 @enen92/script.tvlogo.downlo… TVLogo Downloader program addon for Kodi
5 @ticklemynausea/mbot-shell Shell scripts for mbot's shell module
5 @rcarmo/vagrant-templates Templates for Vagrant VMs with useful snippets
5 @enen92/script.sportscenter kodi addon - WORK IN PROGRESS
5 @imankulov/rpm-packages Fresh specs for RHEL-based and RHED-derived distributions (CentOS, Amazon Linux AMI)
4 @nunolourenco/Protein-Folding Evolutionary Computing Project
4 @nmariz/restview A Python module that makes it easy RESTful views in Django
4 @imankulov/gsod Global Surface Summary of Day (GSOD) loader and parser
4 @joaor/pcompiler
4 @enen92/service.pvrtools A simple addon to extend kodi iptv simple pvr addon
3 @imankulov/django-project-stub my own simple stub for Django projects
3 @crsantos/EmentaSasuc-PyMT A simple url image retriever of sasuc’s canteens menu into a MTKineticList of MTKineticImage
3 @enen92/service.sleeptimer A Kodi addon to automatically stop any streams playing for more than the time you specify. Useful if you have the habit to fall asleep while watching live content
3 @tnunes/becas-python becas API client for Python. ↗️
3 @rcarmo/AirVideo Python port of jphastings' excellent Ruby AirVideo client, enhanced with further functionality ↗️
3 @dgomes/imap2rss Make an IMAP folder available through a RSS interface
2 @imankulov/celery-watcher Celery watcher application
2 @imankulov/sex-server SSH Execution server. Best variant for very lightweight pythonic RPC implementation.
2 @imankulov/sex-client SSH Execution client. Best variant for very lightweight pythonic RPC implementation.
2 @lidiamcfreitas/SimulatorPopulationP… This project is a simulator of population protocols to test abstract and theoretical algorithms related to populations.
2 @imankulov/autobuilder Automatically builds repo snapshots with git-buildpackage
2 @marado/tweet_dumper A tool to retrieve all possible tweets from an user
2 @marado/hattai-fortune Hattai's Fortune: a script that gives news
2 @andrefreitas/rocketchat-nagios Sends Nagios notifications to Rocket.Chat, an Open Source Slack Alternative
2 @andrefreitas/blacklist-serverdens… This is a plugin for Server Density monitoring software to check if the Server IPs are in Email Blacklists
2 @dpgaspar/flask-babelPkg i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz. Support for package development, merging translations
2 @imankulov/trytry A framework for "try-whatever" web services
2 @joaor/Event_Semantic Projecto da cadeira de Web Semantica
2 @imankulov/gevent-websocket Mirror of the bitbucket repo, made for the sake of building deb packages ↗️
2 @crsantos/Chameleon A chameleon' style feed reader
2 @imankulov/google-api Simple Django app demonstrating various usage scenarios of Google authentication mechanisms
2 @rlafuente/isocraft Make isometric vector art from Minecraft constructions
2 @imankulov/django-template My own django template
2 @rcarmo/hyrule An improved REPL for HyLang
2 @alcides/pungi Python microwebframework ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
455 @goncalossilva/acts_as_paranoid ActiveRecord (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
332 @methodmissing/scrooge Fetch exactly what you need
168 @rubenfonseca/twitter-amqp-websock… Simple example of Twitter + AMQP + RabbitMQ + EventMachine + HTML5 WebSocket with no polling ↗️
61 @methodmissing/mysqlplus_adapter
53 @rfelix/my_jekyll_extensions Portable Jekyll extensions I use for my website (to be used with jekyll_ext) ↗️
49 @rfelix/jekyll_ext My attempt to make Jekyll more extendable and to make extensions portable ↗️
45 @webcracy/activity_streams Ruby Activity Streams Parser ↗️
43 @methodmissing/mri_instrumentation dtrace pid provider hooks for mri
41 @goncalossilva/gem_template A skeleton gem
35 @methodmissing/hwia Native MRI HashWithIndifferentAccess implementation ↗️
31 @rubenfonseca/motion-bt-low-energy… Simple example of using Bluetooth LE with RubyMotion to connect to a Heart Rate monitor
30 @rikas/slack-poster Simple gem to post messages on Slack using web hooks.
27 @methodmissing/aftermath An example CQRS implementation in the Ruby language ↗️
24 @david/merb_cucumber Merb + Cucumber integration
22 @webcracy/motion-sparkle motion-sparkle makes it easy to use Sparkle in your RubyMotion OS X apps
21 @sdsantos/sinatra-mongoid-app A template application for setting up Sinatra with Mongoid (Heroku ready).
20 @methodmissing/cb Native MRI callback ↗️
19 @goncalossilva/mongoid-sequence Specify fields to behave like a sequence number (exactly like the "id" column in conventional SQL flavors) while using Mongoid.
16 @goncalossilva/XAccelRedirect A Ruby on Rails plugin for X-Accel-Redirect support (the nginx equivalent of X-Sendfile)
15 @locks/halibut tools to handle the HAL specification ↗️
14 @methodmissing/promise Lightweight Ruby MRI promise extension ↗️
14 @goncalossilva/alfred2-android_sdk_… Alfred workflow for searching the Android SDK class and XML references.
13 @guilhermesimoes/omniauth-popup Pure OmniAuth login with a popup window ↗️
12 @goncalossilva/dummy A Ruby library to generate clever dummy data.
12 @goncalossilva/dummy_data Uses dummy to generate consistent fake data for your models (including associations) and provides a rake task to import it into the database.
11 @rfelix/hostgitrb Simple Git repository hosting using SSH Public Keys ↗️
11 @methodmissing/routing_with_optiona… Selectively enable or disable formatted named routes being generated
10 @rikas/iosdevices iOS device model translation from Apple device types.
10 @methodmissing/memcached_store ActiveSupport Cache Store for…
9 @zamith/github-nice-guy
8 @diogomonica/sinatra_geoip Simple IP Geolocation endpoint deployable to heroku
8 @methodmissing/erubis_template_hand… Rails 2.3 / Edge template handler for erubis ( )
7 @rikas/ios_on_rails iOS on Rails workshop
7 @goncalossilva/rails_performance_ci Rails application for a performance-oriented continuous integration of Ruby on Rails
7 @zamith/mechanic Makes your engines better.
7 @josemotanet/rest-apis-with-grape Sample file uploader application using Grape, Sequel and Carrierwave.
7 @rubenfonseca/tarpipe-ruby Ruby bridge to's REST API ↗️
7 @webcracy/computerbot A Ruby XMPP framework for modular bot creation; a CLI to your social cloud data. ↗️
7 @goncalossilva/Scaling-Rails Master thesis about Rails scalability and performance optimization ↗️
7 @webcracy/computer-bot--twitte… A full-featured Twitter IM bot using the Computer bot framework. ↗️
6 @josemotanet/rails_store_with_bra… Source code for the Tuts+ course: Build a Store with Payment Gateway and Rails.
6 @rfelix/iwannareadit Web app to manage book suggestions, voting, and lending ↗️
6 @diogomonica/urbanspooner Urban Spoon Reservation Bot
6 @dnlserrano/simple_authenticatio… Simple greetings app to showcase the use of the simple_authentication_token gem
5 @methodmissing/railswaycon_imr_shor… Inside Matz Ruby lightning type talk ↗️
5 @methodmissing/rb_darkstar_server JRuby wrapper for the Project Darkstar Server component ↗️
4 @dnlserrano/mongoid-bigbang Mock creation timestamps of MongoDB objects using their ObjectId
4 @rikas/portuguese_validator… This is a simple gem to validate NIB, NIF, BI and phone numbers.
4 @zamith/cohive-core
4 @jsvd/blackboard a layer over moneta for hierarchical storage
4 @rubenfonseca/sinatra-capistrano-w… Code written during the Sinatra and Capistrano workshop at 06/03/2009, in Lisbon ↗️
4 @methodmissing/railswaycon_events Embracing Events ↗️
4 @brunohq/go2dir go2dir is a shorcut manager to speed up your command line cding
3 @rubenfonseca/musicbox workshop and fun experiment to access SAPO's MusicBox service as an API ↗️
3 @jsvd/bank-stats Collect data of last bank transactions, tag them and represent them.
3 @david/dm-is-revisioned DataMapper versioning plugin which is a bit more flexible than dm-is-versioned
3 @rubenfonseca/whitme Ruby library for the URL shortener service ↗️
3 @dnlserrano/token_auth_sample_ap… An alternative to using the simple_authentication_token gem
3 @guilhermesimoes/rails_alacarte_serve… Rails API for mobile applications.
3 @josemotanet/ruby-refactoring Refactoring examples in Ruby.
3 @fredoliveira/taskbot Taskbot is a xmpp/redis-based tasklist management bot
3 @rikas/deeplink Gem to manage deep links parsing.
3 @rikas/app_store_info Apple App Store parser — Get information about iOS apps
3 @methodmissing/stable_session_id Stable Session Identifier support for Cookie Session Store
2 @rikas/enei Workshop ENEI 2004
2 @guilhermesimoes/chrome-bug A bug caused by a browser's aggressive caching and a Vary header not being sent ↗️
2 @zamith/fake-paymill A Paymill fake so that you can avoid hitting Paymill's servers in tests
2 @zamith/Cloudinha-Lock-Manag…
2 @david/logbot A logging bot for IRC
2 @webcracy/shift2010_twitter_ar… SHiFT Conf 2010 Twitter buzz archive ↗️
2 @rubenfonseca/twitter_auth-with-co… Twitter Auth, CouchDB flavor
2 @jsvd/logstash-filter-geoc… Logstash filter that converts strings (addresses) into coordinates using geocoder gem
2 @jsvd/sequel_vectorized Allows Sequel::Dataset to be exported as an Hash of Arrays and NArrays (
2 @rubenfonseca/puny Ruby library for the URL shortener service created by SAPO ↗️
2 @locks/arqsi-soap-client cliente soap para o trabalho prático de ARQSI ↗️
2 @rubenfonseca/newzbin_xmpp Ruby XMPP agent to search the website ↗️
2 @locks/silliness random silliness ↗️
2 @goncalossilva/deep_copy Deep copy for Active Record objects
2 @locks/project_euler yeah, I'll make some stuff as I go along ↗️
2 @josemotanet/tutsplus-dockerapp Source code for the "Deploy a Rails Application with Docker" course.
2 @goncalossilva/code2gist Parse text files (markdown/textile/whatever) for code blocks and gist them
2 @david/logbot-www This is the web interface to logbot
2 @methodmissing/cast Fork of - current pending tracker items ↗️
2 @webcracy/worldpay-html-redire… Helper and callback methods for integrating your Rails app with WorldPay's HTTP redirect payment gateway ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @Molecular-Systems-Bi…/LibjSBML JVM based implementation of LibSBML without any C++ dependecies.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
58 @pmalves/ctools-installer Shell script that installs the CTools
36 @kintoandar/git-hooks github_email_verify: Avoid committing to github with your corporate email
8 @celso/arcade Scripts and Patches for Arcade Machine System
7 @kintoandar/shell_scripts Several shell scripts organized by function: init script to manage multiple Ghost blog instances + backup to an encrypted tar.gz file using gpg + iptables template + ssh vpn + nagios/nrpe/sensu script for monitoring dmraid, modsecurity, ossec + plugin for IRSSI email on mentions ↗️
6 @SandroMachado/xcassetsutils Shell Scripts to extract and restore all the images in an Asset Catalog folder (.xcassets)
5 @marmelo/streaming-pt Live TV and Radio shell scripts from Portugal.
3 @cenourinha/webtuga-gameserver-s… A Linux Bash script that will help you to create and manage gameservers. Great tool for the one's who don't like to remember all that Linux commands that are too confuse for your brain. ↗️
3 @miuiportugal/IdeosX5-U8800-Port ↗️
3 @kintoandar/dummy_ca A quick and dirty way for creating a Root Certification Authority (CA) and one Intermediate CA for testing
2 @rmrodrigues/transmissionbt-notif… This is a small shell script that allows you send notification when a download finish. The notification can be an email, Push Notification and what you want.
2 @francomile/Vagrant-CentOS5-Prov… Vagrant CentOS 5 Provision script for LAMP server


🌟 Name Description 🌍
8 @psalterio/repository musicas do psalterio


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @lmartinho/dotfiles My Settings Files
2 @morgado-jb/vim-pine-script Vim support to edit TradingView's Pine Script files

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀

😋 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖

  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍵

  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❤️

📜 License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


🇵🇹 A list of neat projects made in Portugal








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