LaraProto is a Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management.
Just install and glue your front end views
Based on Laravel 5.1
- Download zip and extract to a web server folder
- Copy .env.example to .env and edit your local configuration
- Install as you would install a Laravel application
- ./composer.phar install --prefer-dist
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- Give write permissions to web server to the following folders:
- storage
- bootstrap/cache
- public/storage
- resources/views/pages
- Open browser
Check web server logs for errors
p: admin
Take a look at the Demo
- Authentication
- Backoffice (based on Twitter Bootstrap)
- Users
- Roles
- Permissions
- Website Brand
- Pages
- Content
- SEO fields
- Summernote (WYSIWYG)
- Main content picture - Allows to upload a main picture
- Event - Allows to associate a time to start/end
- Images (Gallery) - Allows to upload and associate several images
- Attachments - Allows to upload attachments
- Location - Allows to associate a location
- Transfer content ownership - Useful with permissions
- Create a duplicate - Useful to create similar content
There are 2 types of permissions: application and content
- Application - allows to restrict users to application HTTP routes
- Content - allows to restrict content editing to users ie. only owner (same user or same role)
Please contribute or just fill in issues...