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๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท A list of neat projects made in Greece


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A list of neat projects made in Greece



๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
2553 @malihu/malihu-custom-scrollโ€ฆ Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin, featuring vertical/horizontal scrollbars, scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support etc. โ†—๏ธ
584 @scoumbourdis/grocery-crud Grocery CRUD is a PHP Codeigniter Framework library that creates a full functional CRUD system without the requirement of extra customisation to the JavaScripts or the CSS to do it so. โ†—๏ธ
361 @tsironis/lockr A minimal API wrapper for localStorage
251 @gmosx/appengine Google App Engine for Javascript โ†—๏ธ
151 @pontikis/bs_grid Bootstrap Datagrid
143 @drumaddict/angular-yii A Gallery Manager demo application with Yii (PHP) REST backend and AngularJS frontend.
92 @thanpolas/grunt-closure-tools Google Closure Tools for grunt
87 @thanpolas/mantri Javascript Dependency System Extraordinaire โ†—๏ธ
79 @scoumbourdis/image-crud Image CRUD โ†—๏ธ
75 @varemenos/codemagic is a powerful online code editor for web development! It's open-source and it follows the philosophy of client-side and fast execution. It's built for creative people who do a lot of web-related experiments and want to test stuff in real-time without the hassle of preparing project files and whatnot. It is also a great place for people to come and learn various web-technologies like HTML, CSS, JS and their derivatives. โ†—๏ธ
74 @gmosx/nitro Nitro Web Application Framework โ†—๏ธ
58 @past/speller A spell-checker written in JavaScript โ†—๏ธ
54 @pontikis/jui_datagrid jQuery datagrid plugin using jQuery UI CSS Framework
54 @gmosx/inflection A port of the Rails/ActiveSupport inflector to JavaScript โ†—๏ธ
53 @malihu/thumbnail-scroller An image scroller plugin that can be used as standalone or along side lightboxes, gallery scripts etc.
49 @thanpolas/generator-closure Closure Library generator using Yeoman
48 @past/nodify A web-based IDE for Node.JS applications โ†—๏ธ
33 @drumaddict/ember-yii Ember.js and with Yii (PHP) REST API Backend,Demo
33 @gmosx/normal-template A simple, powerful and safe templating engine โ†—๏ธ
33 @pontikis/jui_dropdown jquery ui simple dropdown menu
31 @gmosx/markdown A port of Markdown to Javascript (Showdown) โ†—๏ธ
30 @pontikis/jui_filter_rules Create rules to filter dataset using jquery
30 @drumaddict/YiiApp Yii Project Template with Bootstrap layouts and Bootswatch color skins.
30 @gmosx/htmlparser The HTML Parser is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm packaged for CommonJS โ†—๏ธ
29 @thanpolas/grunt-github-pages Push to gh-pages no problem
29 @tsevdos/Gulp-boilerplate-forโ€ฆ Gulp boilerplate for web designers
27 @malihu/jquery-style-my-toolโ€ฆ A simple jQuery plugin to enhance the look of browser tooltips. Small in size script that works just like browserโ€™s native tooltips with few options and styling via CSS.
25 @skounis/supermodular A super modular Ionic starter application
24 @malihu/mresize Event based jQuery element resize
22 @drumaddict/yii-jstree-behavior Tree graphic manipulation of an ActiveRecord with NestedSet Behavior using jstree plugin.
21 @thanpolas/ready.js Watch multiple async operations and trigger listeners when all are complete
20 @pontikis/bs_pagination bootstrap 3 pagination
20 @tsevdos/greek-in-tech An ES6, Backbone, single page application (SPA), that demonstrates many greek words and names that we constantly use on modern computing and software engineering โ†—๏ธ
19 @tsevdos/Grunt-boilerplate-foโ€ฆ Grunt boilerplate for web designers
19 @thanpolas/nodeON node.js web application scaffolding
18 @georapbox/angular-PubSub AngularJS PubSub Service
18 @georapbox/brackets-JSLint-Confโ€ฆ Brackets extension that enables configuration of JSLint options.
15 @thanpolas/server2js Transfer data objects from server to javascript on page load.
14 @thanpolas/entity MVCe
13 @stelabouras/Otomata Otomata music generator made in HTML5 using canvas โ†—๏ธ
13 @past/memory-profiler An add-on for Firefox Developer Tools that allows inspection of the memory consumption of a page
12 @past/node-webdav An experiment for a Node.JS-based WebDAV server
12 @georapbox/brackets-notes Brackets extension that allows adding and managing notes, with Markdown support.
12 @sirodoht/ketchup Pomodoro timer in React โ†—๏ธ
12 @thanpolas/middlewarify Apply the middleware pattern to any property or function
11 @thanpolas/profy Stress test your apps and measure performance
11 @georapbox/brackets-angular-sniโ€ฆ A collection of AngularJS snippets for Brackets.
10 @thanpolas/superstartup The Super Startup Javascript library! User system, metrics, sharing widgets and star dust!
10 @thanpolas/crude CRUD automation for node
9 @past/despin A text editor for Firefox โ†—๏ธ
9 @drumaddict/Yii_Frontend_Backend A starter project template for Yii implementing frontend/backend file structure.
8 @georapbox/brackets-jade-snippeโ€ฆ A collection of Jade snippets for Brackets editor.
7 @thanpolas/cip Classical Inheritance Pattern at its best.
7 @thanpolas/gitfox A github client for firefox OS
6 @gmosx/ui Client-side User Interface for Web Applications โ†—๏ธ
6 @georapbox/jsEssentials ๐Ÿค˜ A collection of standalone javascript utility functions.
6 @sirodoht/aspen Yet another Node.js boilerplate
6 @pontikis/jui_theme_switch jquery ui themes switcher
6 @gmosx/appengine-blog-exampโ€ฆ A simple example powered by AppengineJS โ†—๏ธ
6 @panos-kosmidis/OxyNode OxyNode could considered as an application startup for node.js
6 @panos-kosmidis/node-mailjet API for
5 @sirodoht/es6-talk Talk on ES6 features for Node.js meetup Thessaloniki - Mar 2016 โ†—๏ธ
5 @thanpolas/kansas Usage limited API to go!
5 @Maximilianos/jquery.step A jQuery plugin for looping through an element array or jQuery object with a delay / timeout between each step callback
5 @pontikis/jui_alert jquery plugin which displays a user message (with timeout and close button)
5 @stelabouras/Breakout Breakout made in HTML5 using canvas and box2D library โ†—๏ธ
5 @thanpolas/perf-promises Performance of promises
5 @varemenos/grunt-boilerplate A easy-to-use and modular beginning with grunt
5 @tsironis/backbone.immutable Creating models with immutable attributes
4 @scoumbourdis/grocerycrud-extras
4 @drumaddict/mymusic-rails-api Rails 5 API Demo faking a simple Spotify-like service.Custom Siren Hypermedia adapter for Active Model Serializers.
4 @Maximilianos/ My universal js blog. More coming soon. โ†—๏ธ
4 @tsevdos/nwrapper jQuery plug in โ†—๏ธ
4 @varemenos/ This is the source for my blog โ†—๏ธ
4 @georapbox/brackets-JSHint-Confโ€ฆ Brackets extension that enables configuration of JSHint options.
3 @stelabouras/Zombie-Grooms A simple HTML5 game
3 @thanpolas/Modernizr-CJS Mdernizer tests in Common Module Format
3 @georapbox/Mithril-Bootstrap-Moโ€ฆ
3 @past/igss An iPhone web application for GSS โ†—๏ธ
3 @pontikis/jui_pagination jQuery pagination plugin (using jQuery UI)
3 @Maximilianos/imgGlitch Create an image glitch effect like this one:โ€ฆ
3 @drumaddict/yii-ajax-crud-behaviโ€ฆ Single Page CRUD operations on ActiveRecord models with controller behavior inherited AJAX actions
3 @gmosx/sizzle Sizzle packaged for CommonJS โ†—๏ธ
3 @gmosx/opensocial OpenSocial JavaScript client โ†—๏ธ
3 @skounis/admob This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate the AdMob service with your Titanium Mobile Application. Specifically, the demo project will show you how to create a simple mobile app and display AdMob ads there. โ†—๏ธ
3 @thanpolas/qunit2node QUnit adapter for nodeunit
3 @thanpolas/calendarth Fetch a public Google Calendar using AJAX
3 @trachalakis/fasttrack A torrent tracker written in CakePHP
3 @thanpolas/nodeON-helpers A collection of helper funcs
3 @stream7/backbone-logger Basic logging for backbone apps
2 @pontikis/jquery_plugin_patterโ€ฆ jquery plugin design patterns
2 @varemenos/load-tasks-gulp load gulp tasks automatically, no need to require every single one of them โ†—๏ธ
2 @georapbox/cPie KineticJS Pie Chart plugin
2 @past/jetstatus A Jetpack port of the FireStatus extension โ†—๏ธ
2 @Maximilianos/temperature A collection of simple temperature operations
2 @varemenos/atom-git-travel An Atom package that helps you travel through branches, tags and commits โ†—๏ธ
2 @stelabouras/Game-of-Death Game of Death made in canvas โ†—๏ธ
2 @tsironis/playah An interactive HTML5 player with full playlist functions โ†—๏ธ
2 @tsironis/Calculator Pure CSS3 calculator with UI โ†—๏ธ
2 @sirodoht/angular-gemstore Sample web app in angular from โ†—๏ธ
2 @thanpolas/node-asset-pipeline Asset management for node
2 @varemenos/unique_path Get unique CSS selectors (path) of DOM elements
2 @thanpolas/ffmpeg-binary-linux-โ€ฆ Provides staticly compiled binaries for linux environments.
2 @varemenos/groupby-json
2 @thanpolas/nodeON-error Error Objects for everybody!
2 @varemenos/codemagic-react A W.I.P. React implementation of
2 @thanpolas/grunt-services Start and Stop database services
2 @varemenos/higher.js
2 @thanpolas/idify Get a guaranteed unique Id using Redis SET
2 @Maximilianos/eqheights Give all elements in a group of elements at least the height of the tallest element of the group
2 @thanpolas/httplink Link HTTP Header constructor for your Restfull APIs
2 @ppapadeas/fxos-qreader QR Reader for Firefox OS
2 @OrfeasZ/aiw2 The aIW2 phpBB template used by the alterIWnet project.
2 @thanpolas/kansas-express Express middleware for Kansas


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
526 @pavlospt/RoundedLetterView RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app
422 @pavlospt/CircleView A Circle View containing Title and Subtitle
256 @pavlospt/RxFile Rx methods to get a File and Image or Video thumbnails from a Document Provider on Android (Drive, Dropbox etc)
165 @dspinellis/UMLGraph Declarative specification and drawing of UML diagrams โ†—๏ธ
84 @pavlospt/FoodSearch Showcase project of MVP+Dagger+RxJava+StorIO โ†—๏ธ
51 @pavlospt/RxIAPv3 Android In-App Billing Library which provides several Rx Methods for Purchasing, Consuming and Listing Products
37 @Spasi/LWJGL-FX LWJGL-JavaFX integration demo
36 @pavlospt/ActivityPassProtectiโ€ฆ A library that password protects Activities
25 @dspinellis/ckjm Chidamber and Kemerer Java Metrics โ†—๏ธ
18 @MasterEx/BeatKeeper Just another android metronome!
14 @sptz45/circuit-breaker An implementation of the Circuit Breaker stability design pattern using AOP โ†—๏ธ
9 @dspinellis/greek-vat-data Retrieve the registration data associated with a Greek VAT number
8 @MasterEx/jupar Java desktop application updates made easy! โ†—๏ธ
8 @iocanel/blog iocanel blog code samples โ†—๏ธ
7 @dspinellis/effective-debugging Code examples used in the book Effective Debugging (Addison-Wesley, 2016) โ†—๏ธ
4 @cyberpython/lingua A Gtk3 IDE for the ฮ“ฮ›ฮฉฮฃฮฃฮ‘ programming language โ†—๏ธ
4 @cyberpython/JAwesomeChart Simple chart rendering library for Java โ†—๏ธ
3 @cyberpython/glossa-interpreter A simple interpreter for the โ€˜ฮ“ฮ›ฮฉฮฃฮฃฮ‘โ€™ programming language.
3 @cyberpython/MiniJavaEditor A Java/Swing source code editor that can easily integrate with a MiniJava compiler implementation in Java. โ†—๏ธ
3 @pavlospt/Random_Schedule_Geneโ€ฆ Generate random Schedule for Schools or Universities, based on your personal data
3 @dspinellis/Secrets-for-Java-SE Decode Secrets for Android files on a Java SE platform โ†—๏ธ
2 @javapapo/crawly Small cmd line util written in Java 8, based on JSoup/Rome Fetcher and other libs to crawl news sites and produce a small size html output of a certain number or articles.
2 @MasterEx/djchord a distributed chord filesystem written in java
2 @cyberpython/Reversi A java implementation of the popular game
2 @cyberpython/Slang An Integrated Development Environment for the ฮ“ฮ›ฮฉฮฃฮฃฮ‘ programming language
2 @cyberpython/java-gnome A fork of the java-gnome bindings with minor changes
2 @cyberpython/BMach A Brookshear Machine implementation in Java โ†—๏ธ
2 @kyrcha/poker Poker calculator in Java (hand strength, hand potential, Chen's formula) โ†—๏ธ
2 @cyberpython/ComputationalGeometrโ€ฆ Java implementations of Graham's Scan, Jarvis' March and the Bentley-Ottmann line-segments intersection algorithm


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
72 @expand/eXpand This is a development fork so there may be times that the source code cannot even compile. But nightly builds are available for this fork that can provide the latest compilable version at our downloads page (see url bellow) โ†—๏ธ
39 @moodmosaic/Fare Finite Automata and Regular Expressions - .NET port of dk.brics.automaton. โ†—๏ธ
37 @dgkanatsios/AngryBirdsClone Angry Birds style game in Unity 3D โ†—๏ธ
31 @dgkanatsios/TowerDefense A Tower Defense clone in Unity3D โ†—๏ธ
30 @dgkanatsios/MatchThreeGame A match-3 game in Unity (like Candy Crush and Bejeweled) โ†—๏ธ
19 @biboudis/clashofthelambdas Microbenchmarking Stream APIs of Java 8, Scala, C#, F#. โ†—๏ธ
17 @dgkanatsios/FlappyBirdClone Flappy Bird style game in Unity 3D โ†—๏ธ
11 @dgkanatsios/UniversalHelpers Helpers for Universal apps โ†—๏ธ
11 @biboudis/LambdaMicrobenchmarkโ€ฆ A library to microbenchmark lambdas in C# and F# that runs on both Windows (clr) and Linux (mono).
10 @dgkanatsios/BrickGame BrickGame (like Arkanoid) in Unity 3D
7 @dgkanatsios/PuzzleGameUnity Simple Puzzle Game in Unity 3D โ†—๏ธ
5 @sotirisf/Umbraco-AutoNode This is a simple plugin that automatically creates new child nodes in the Umbraco back end upon publishing a node, based on a set of user-defined rules.
5 @dgkanatsios/InfiniteRunner3D Creating an infinite 3D runner game in Unity โ†—๏ธ
4 @sotirisf/Umbraco-OmitSegmentsโ€ฆ Omits URL segments from a node's URL, based on rules specified in web.config. Works with document types, e.g. omits the URL segment for doctype A if found in the path of doctype B.
4 @dpan/CachingWrapper A simple wrapper class that provides LRU caching to a simple data source such as a db query or a web service.
4 @dgkanatsios/AzureServicesForUnitโ€ฆ Accessing Azure App Service from Unity โ†—๏ธ
4 @dgkanatsios/BubbleBreaker Bubble Breaker clone in Unity 3D โ†—๏ธ
4 @sotirisf/Umbraco-VirtualNodes Lets you specify one or more document types that will be excluded from Umbraco-generated URLs, thus making them "invisible". Those can be used as grouping nodes and they will not appear as part of the URL.
4 @leftos/nba-2k13-roster-editโ€ฆ An NBA 2K13's Rosters and Save files editor. โ†—๏ธ
3 @dgkanatsios/DotNetSamples various .NET samples in C#
2 @sotirisf/Umbraco-NodeRestrict Restricts the number of allowed published child nodes either via rules defined in a config file (parent doctype - child doctype) or via a special property in a single node (limiting the number of children of any doctype).
2 @biboudis/NScanner NScanner is a simple .NET desktop application for network scanning
2 @GMathioud/MyCraft A custom version of 800Craft with more features. โ†—๏ธ
2 @JimiC/LogitechLcd.Net A .NET wrapper of the Logitech-G15-SDK
2 @dgkanatsios/2048 Building the 2048 game in Unity in C# and Visual Studio โ†—๏ธ
2 @dgkanatsios/Raspberry Includes various samples for Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT Core, Azure IoT Hub and more! โ†—๏ธ


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
5 @iridakos/hangman Implementation of the Hangman application of tutorials.


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
66 @hootlex/vuejs-paginator A Vue.js plugin to easily integrate pagination.


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
210 @c00kiemon5ter/monsterwm tiny but monstrous tiling window manager โ†—๏ธ
40 @sdroege/gst-player GStreamer Playback API
25 @sdroege/http-launch Simple GStreamer HTTP live streaming from a pipeline description
20 @noodlylight/fusilli X Window Manager (Compiz fork)
14 @stratosk/semaphore Semaphore kernel Samsung Galaxy I9000
12 @c00kiemon5ter/iim ii improved - minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client inspired by suckless ii
12 @AmmarkoV/RoboVision Attempting to create a program capable of combining stereo video input , with motors and other sensors on a PC running linux , the target is embedded linux for use in a robot! โ†—๏ธ
11 @huku-/pyxed Python bindings for Intel's XED
7 @mfragkoulis/PiCO_QL SQL query interface to C++ collections and C data structures. Also configurable as a loadable Linux kernel module and an extension to Valgrind tools.
7 @huku-/pyrsistence A Python extension for managing External Memory Data Structures (EMDs)
6 @sdroege/gst-snippets Some small GStreamer example applications
6 @c00kiemon5ter/bgs simple background setter
6 @c00kiemon5ter/mopag monsterwm-pager - slim bar to show #desktops and #windows per desktop
6 @lvrach/MiKey MiKey is a minimal and modular Linux keylogger. It provides a toolkit that monitors and records all activities performed on a computer. It makes use of the Xlib.
6 @sdroege/snippets Some algorithms and data structures
5 @c00kiemon5ter/mstatusbar monsterwm output parser and info collector โ†—๏ธ
5 @a-yiorgos/tcpmux The reference implementation for RFC-1078 (TCPMUX) from 1988
4 @AmmarkoV/RGBDAcquisition A uniform library wrapper for input from libfreenect,OpenNI,OpenNI2,OpenGL simulations and other types of video and depth input.. โ†—๏ธ
4 @chefarov/checkers alpha-beta (with IDS) implementation for checkers game
4 @huku-/injectdso A collection of tools for injecting DSOs in processes under various operating systems
3 @acinonyx/openwrt OpenWrt repository
3 @noodlylight/rotini Window Decorator (Emerald fork)
3 @AmmarkoV/AmmarServer A lightweight http server for linux
3 @acinonyx/olsrd OLSRd repository
3 @c00kiemon5ter/niii ncurses frontend to ii similar to iii
3 @psomas/lguest64 wannabe (up-to-date) 64bit port of lguest โ†—๏ธ
3 @c00kiemon5ter/wm ษฏm - fully dynamic tag-based window manager built upon XCB
2 @chefarov/knightsTour_OMP Knight's tour implementation using OpenMP for parallelization
2 @netharis/ccn_simple A simple implementation of CCN by @PARC labs
2 @AmmarkoV/AdvancedImageSearch The purpose of this library are command line tools that enable content-aware image browsing from the CLI..
2 @AmmarkoV/ATFTP A Trivial File transfer Protocol Server/Client โ†—๏ธ
2 @papanikge/udp-chat An experimental UDP chat client based on a TCP server for initialization
2 @acinonyx/olsrd-quagga OLSRd Quagga plugin
2 @chefarov/simple_twitter A simple server client app using posix sockets. Clients speaks, twithear listens from twitsay


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
531 @XhmikosR/notepad2-mod LOOKING FOR DEVELOPERS - Notepad2-mod, a Notepad2 fork, a fast and light-weight Notepad-like text editor with syntax highlighting โ†—๏ธ
26 @gliaskos/freebsd-chromium Chromium port for FreeBSD
17 @Serasidis/Arduino-WebRadio-plaโ€ฆ Arduino webradio player that can plays WebRadio stations up to 64-kbps
8 @kostoulhs/android_device_samsuโ€ฆ Device configuration for Samsung Galaxy ACE 3 LTE (GT-S7275) โ†—๏ธ
6 @XhmikosR/perfmonbar Displays performance counters on the Windows Taskbar โ†—๏ธ
6 @VitSalis/SPOJ
6 @okinp/synapCity a visualization project using cinder
5 @igoumeninja/livePerformance App for Live Visuals
5 @mariosv/mtr A Tetris implementation in C++11. Project will be renamed when it will start doing something useful
5 @etsardou/crsm-slam-ros-pkg ROS package for the CRSM SLAM (Critical Rays Scan Match Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
4 @gkiagia/qtwine A full-featured Qt/KDE interface for wine. โ†—๏ธ
4 @okinp/itouchyoutouch
3 @okinp/clBoids Flocking implemented in openCL
3 @okinp/SpatialMediaFinal
3 @XhmikosR/winpenguins WinPenguins is a Win32 rewrite of the X-Windows application XPenguins
3 @XhmikosR/huffyuv Huffyuv is a very fast, lossless Win32 video codec. This is a fork of v2.1.1 with CCESP Patch v0.2.5.
3 @Serasidis/STM32duino Ported Arduino libraries ready for STM32duino project.
3 @igoumeninja/UnaCiudadSonada openFrameworks code of UnaCiudadSonada project โ†—๏ธ
3 @ragecryx/PCG-BSPDungeonGen Rogue-like dungeon generation library using BSP tree.
3 @Serasidis/Ethernet_STM WIZnet W5500, W5200, W5100 ethernet library for 8-bit, 32-bit Arduino and STM32F1 (STM32F103) micro-controllers
2 @igoumeninja/cutMotion interactive real time stop motion
2 @okinp/branching3D
2 @okinp/nJetProject openframeworks nJet
2 @VitSalis/Algorithms
2 @XhmikosR/psvince PSVince is a DLL to detect if a module is loaded in memory for Inno Setup
2 @VitSalis/project-euler
2 @iani/SC_SourceCode_Study Source code of SuperCollider, with study notes
2 @terietor/presenations My presentations about FOSS
2 @okinp/3dsavFinal Final project for the 3DSAV class


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
2 @SudoPlz/StarlingHardpageFlip This is code, that immitates the hard page flip effect on Starling game framework. Got this from NeoGuo, he made the code, I just tried to adjust it on my project.


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
48 @npat-efault/poller An epoll(7)-based file-descriptor multiplexer.
6 @npat-efault/mandel Serve images of the Mandelbrot set over HTTP
5 @anastasop/fotogopher A web service for taking snapshots of web sites
5 @npat-efault/serial A Go package for accessing asynchronous serial ports
4 @dimdin/decimal go decimal package suitable for financial and monetary calculations
3 @npat-efault/godef Roger Peppe's "godef" tool
2 @anastasop/dodger Dodger is a visual twitter client written with go, phantom.js and reveal.js
2 @npat-efault/gohacks Various Go hacks
2 @npat-efault/musings Assorted musings


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
7 @acharal/hopes Higher Order Prolog with Extensional Semantics
4 @iliastsi/gac A compiler for Alan language written in Haskell
2 @acharal/wam A simple compiler from Prolog to WAM (Warren Abstract Machine) and a runtime for WAM.


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
3 @Chuitox/xenobot-casino A script to play several games in Tibia with Xenobot


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
2 @EliasKokkinis/audio-source-separatโ€ฆ This repository contains MATLAB scripts that implement some of the methods discussed in the ECESCON 8 workshop on Audio Source Separation


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
20 @tzikis/Capster A Caps Lock notification App for Mac OS X. Notifies the user when Caps Lock is pressed. โ†—๏ธ
15 @kkarayannis/DKAExpandingMenu A button that expands to reveal more buttons for iOS.
2 @tzikis/Hackerspace-Status-Nโ€ฆ The project has moved to our hackerspace's account. Please visit the link below for the latest source. โ†—๏ธ


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
53 @anestisb/WeBaCoo Web Backdoor Cookie Script-Kit
8 @Farow/hexchat-scripts Perl scripts for HexChat
7 @anestisb/SNMP-BCC SNMP Backdoor Communication Channel โ†—๏ธ
6 @akarelas/KJabberd A Jabber server, written in Modern Perl
4 @akarelas/ubic-service-hypnotoโ€ฆ Ubic::Service::Hypnotoad official repository โ†—๏ธ
3 @anestisb/iCSFV iOS Application Code Signature File Validator
3 @aduitsis/snmp-class Distributed SNMP collector in Perl using Gearman, Redis, ElasticSearch.
3 @aduitsis/IPv6-Address IPv6 Address Manipulation Library (Perl5)
2 @aduitsis/IPv6-Static On the fly address assignment of persistent addresses for IPv6 (or IPv4)
2 @aduitsis/fritz-box-call-log Get the call log from your Fritz!Box
2 @akarelas/xml-myxml The official repository of the XML::MyXML Perl module โ†—๏ธ


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
582 @aristath/kirki Extending the customizer โ†—๏ธ
136 @akDeveloper/Aktive-Merchant A php port of Active Merchant payment project
113 @aristath/bootstrap-admin Administration theme for WordPress based on Twitter's Bootstrap
88 @akDeveloper/yaf_base_application An example of a base application for Yaf framework
42 @falexandrou/Codeigniter-Social-Rโ€ฆ A subsystem for Codeigniter which allows user registration/login with Facebook/Twitter โ†—๏ธ
25 @bekos/php-validation Form validation
17 @itsam/imc Improve My City :: The new extension package for Joomla 3
15 @aristath/edd-remote-installer This is a remote installer for plugins hosted on a site running EDD. The package consists of a plugin that has to be installed on a server running EDD (and optionally EDD-SL) and a plugin that serves as a client.
12 @falexandrou/Codeigniter-Wordpresโ€ฆ Some examples on how to integrate Codeigniter with Wordpress โ†—๏ธ
10 @aristath/kirki-helpers Helper scripts for theme authors
8 @aristath/magazitheme
8 @falexandrou/html5lib-php html5lib-php
7 @aristath/ariColor A PHP library for color manipulation in themes and plugins โ†—๏ธ
7 @bekos/ColumnListView Yii extension for CListView items separated evenly in columns.
7 @aristath/kirki-demo demo theme for the Kirki WordPress plugin
7 @vdw/Greek-string-to-uppeโ€ฆ Correctly converts greek letters to uppercase. (codeIgniter string helpers greek string to uppercase) โ†—๏ธ
6 @aristath/MarketPress-Statistiโ€ฆ WordPress plugin that shows off your MarketPress sales data using google charts
5 @frankmayer/ArangoDB-PHP-Core A lightweight, and at the same time flexible "very"-low-level ArangoDB client for PHP.
4 @nikan/bookmeta Book metadata extraction from
3 @falexandrou/fuelphp-zend A FuelPHP package that enables Zend libraries to be used in FuelPHP applications
3 @andyhot/twitter-kohana Twitter integration for kohana 2.x
2 @gtklocker/question_a_day My assignment for the web seminar of AUTH. โ†—๏ธ
2 @petsagouris/lang_greek Greek translation for Symphony CMS
2 @andyhot/yaat-kohana Yet Another Admin Tool (Kohana)
2 @andyhot/bugsense-php Integrate with php
2 @themicp/Librarium โ†—๏ธ
2 @frankmayer/ArangoDB-PHP-Core-Guโ€ฆ This library adds Guzzle 5 support to the ArangoDB-PHP-Core client.
2 @nikan/metamarks A wordpress sharing buttons widget for Greek and Intl bookmarking sites โ†—๏ธ
2 @aristath/marketpress-productsโ€ฆ A products slider for MarketPress (DEPRECATED, NO LONGER MAINAINED)
2 @aristath/plastic Polymer theme for WordPress based on _s
2 @akDeveloper/akMailer Send emails using template files
2 @aristath/shoestrap An experimental WordPress theme using underscore.js for its templates
2 @themicp/Linear-Algebra
2 @aristath/ornea
2 @andyhot/flatpress-plugins Plugins for blogging engine


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
4107 @sophron/wifiphisher Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks
729 @stasinopoulos/commix Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool
455 @skorokithakis/django-annoying A django application that tries to eliminate annoying things in the Django framework. โ†—๏ธ
271 @tyiannak/pyAudioAnalysis Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications
263 @orestis/pysmell PySmell is an attempt to create an IDE completion helper for python. โ†—๏ธ
194 @skorokithakis/netproxy A Netflix/Hulu/Pandora/etc proxy in a box.
107 @skorokithakis/imdbapi An API for the IMDB site. โ†—๏ธ
106 @skorokithakis/encbup Encrypted backups (without the backups)
83 @skorokithakis/gr8w8upd8m8 Gr8W8Upd8M8 is a script to automatically read your weight from a Wii Balance Board.
64 @skorokithakis/omnisync omnisync is a universal file synchroniser and backup program (think rsync) that supports multiple transport systems (such as plain files, sftp, s3 and virtual, currently, and support for ftp, http, et al is planned). It is designed to be fast, small, extensible, portable and bandwidth-efficient. It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
42 @glogiotatidis/gitissius Distributed Issue Tracking for GIT โ†—๏ธ
37 @stasinopoulos/Jaidam Jaidam is an open source penetration testing tool that would take as input a list of domain names, scan them, determine if wordpress or joomla platform was used and finally check them automatically, for web vulnerabilities using two wellโ€known open source tools, WPScan and Joomscan.
36 @skorokithakis/episode-renamer Episode renamer is a simple python script that renames folders of TV episode video files to their proper names. โ†—๏ธ
36 @sophron/BAR Broadcast Anonymous Routing - A scalable system for efficient anonymous communications โ†—๏ธ
22 @skorokithakis/apache-config A script for configuring apache with Django+wsgi/fcgi+virtualenv+etc.
22 @orestis/twisted-tutorial A written tutorial based on the training I give in EuroPython 2011
20 @vrypan/bucket3 bucket3 is a simple, blog aware, static site generator written in python. โ†—๏ธ
19 @vrypan/webmention-tools Tools for
19 @xrg/OpenERP OpenERP master repo (unofficial) โ†—๏ธ
17 @stasinopoulos/ZTExploit ZTE ZXV10 H108L Router with <= V1.0.01_WIND_A01 - Remote root RCE Exploit
16 @kkar/VBS-Obfuscator-in-Pyโ€ฆ VBScript obfuscation to allow PenTesters bypass countermeasures.
15 @glogiotatidis/django-piwik-analytiโ€ฆ Piwik Analytics for your Django project
14 @orestis/pyobjc Clone of SVN of PyObjC (not affiliated) โ†—๏ธ
13 @foutrelis/ponytalk Subtitle search engine (also links to the part in the video) โ†—๏ธ
12 @skorokithakis/landing-page A very simple landing page app for AppEngine.
11 @orestis/django-localdates An addition to django that allows better presentation of date strings in a local way. โ†—๏ธ
11 @skorokithakis/catt Cast All The Things allows you to send videos from many, many online sources to your Chromecast.
11 @skorokithakis/stringphone String phone is a secure communications protocol and library geared towards embedded devices.
10 @skorokithakis/nxt-python NXT-Python is a python driver/interface for the Lego Mindstorms NXT robot based on NXT_python. โ†—๏ธ
9 @skorokithakis/Reverend A clone of Reverend, the naive Bayesian classifier written in Python. โ†—๏ธ
8 @skorokithakis/shufflecast A TV channel with all your favorite shows.
8 @glogiotatidis/mozilla-cards โ†—๏ธ
7 @glogiotatidis/django-piston-oauth-โ€ฆ Example project with working django, piston and oauth
7 @vrypan/tumblr2html create a static HTML copy of a tumblr blog
7 @orestis/EuroPython-2011-Twisโ€ฆ Slides and snippets from the EuroPython 2011 Twisted Training
7 @louridas/invoices Generates invoices to be used according to the latest (2012-2013) tax regulations
6 @xrg/openerp-server Server of OpenERP โ†—๏ธ
6 @johngian/irssi-zmq-notify Irssi notification system using zeroMQ
6 @skorokithakis/requests-guard requests-guard is a small library that allows you to impose size and time limits on your HTTP requests.
5 @stasinopoulos/CBC_W3K_2AES Encryption / Decryption algorithm using, CBC with triple key and double AES.
5 @glogiotatidis/docker-etcd-django
5 @xrg/openerp-libcli Python Library for OpenERP client โ†—๏ธ
5 @skorokithakis/jsane A saner way to traverse JSON in Python
5 @skorokithakis/python-fuse-sample A sample FUSE filesystem in Python.
4 @louridas/corrplot Create a correlation plot, as in the corrplot R package
4 @skorokithakis/bakeit A command-line utility for pastery, the best pastebin in the world.
4 @skorokithakis/pylast A clone of Amr Hassan's pylast: a python interface to (and other api-compatible websites) โ†—๏ธ
4 @skorokithakis/captainwebhook Captain Webhook eats webhooks and executes commands.
4 @orestis/wixed playing around with wxPython
4 @glogiotatidis/eztv-extractor
3 @nkokkalis/UniFeed A web-scraper for which extracts an Atom feed.
3 @vrypan/simplesto Simple Storage server
3 @skorokithakis/apt-btrfs-snapshot A fork of apt-btrfs-snapshot.
2 @johngian/Forthnet-SMS Python script for sending text-messages via Forthnet WebSms service, based in Python & Mechanize
2 @glogiotatidis/mopidy-rfid-frontend Mopidy extension to load Albums from RFID tags
2 @orestis/python an UNOFFICIAL git-svn mirror of python
2 @xrg/openerp-client GTK client to OpenERP
2 @xrg/OpenERP-addons Main addons for OpenERP
2 @skorokithakis/back-scratcher A back scratching robot!
2 @skorokithakis/photocopy A script to archive photos off a camera to a directory.


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
25 @IronistM/R_Google_Analytics This is the repo with the code snippets that supply the "R + Google Analytics = FUN" post regarding getting speed metrics and clickstream data off of the GA API to R. โ†—๏ธ
3 @IronistM/ab_testing_plots This is the repo with the code snippets that supply the "Basic A/B Testing plots and stats with R" post regarding getting Content Experiment data off of the GA API to R. โ†—๏ธ
2 @IronistM/R_Google_Analytics_Dโ€ฆ A small attempt to create a fast documentation of a Google Analytics deployment using R


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
32 @eavgerinos/popme Open sites in browser from the terminal.
23 @agorf/feed2email RSS/Atom feed updates sent as email
16 @ekarak/ansible a home automation scripting framework for Ruby
9 @chief/greek_string_utils Simple library to correct upcase in greek
8 @mikezaby/lamepress_legacy Lamepress is a Content Managment System for issuing magazines/newspapers.
6 @ekarak/eibd_ruby Ruby client binding for eibd, the open-source EIB/KNX daemon
6 @savvas/cheapcoffee It's self explanatory.
5 @ctrochalakis/systemd-daemon Systemd's sd-daemon ruby bindings
5 @ctrochalakis/googleapi_manager Rails 3 helper for managing google api keys. โ†—๏ธ
5 @nikosd/teachmate sources of service โ†—๏ธ
5 @vtypal/cabyrant cabyrant adds a few methods to the ruby binding of TokyoCabinet and TokyoTyrant targeting to interact easier and faster with Cabinet and Tyrant databases โ†—๏ธ
5 @nkokkos/vws A ruby gem to interact with Vuforia Web Services API
4 @chief/google_search_criterโ€ฆ A toy to compare words against Google search results
4 @chief/acts_as_previous_nexโ€ฆ A gem allowing an active_record model to have previous, next based on single column
4 @ctrochalakis/capistrano-gity Git helpers for capistrano deployments โ†—๏ธ
3 @agorf/gcstats Simple and clean statistics of your Geocaching activity
3 @chief/acts_as_defaultable A gem allowing an active_record model to be default(unique) based on a specified column
3 @eirc/capistrano-transfer_โ€ฆ Progress bars for capistrano transfers
3 @nkokkos/regioncodes A Ruby on Rails gem to include country specific region codes as assembled atโ€ฆ with class methods for data selection.
3 @nikosd/tf_rails_i18n_test Transifex Rails i18n project test
3 @petros/pabarcode A Ruby gem that provides helper classes for various barcode types
3 @chief/tools_for_locales A collection of tools for handling locales in a rails project
3 @eirc/spells Spells is a library for parsing the text on Magic the Gathering cards
2 @eirc/nefos My automated cloud
2 @nkokkos/rails-i18n_demo_el Adding multilanguage functionality to the classic rails blog application
2 @nkokkos/el-typo Translation of Typo web app in greek language โ†—๏ธ
2 @nkokkos/demo_app_for_regioncโ€ฆ Ruby on Rails application to test regioncodes plugin
2 @agorf/trafficjam Get an email for unusual traffic in your commute
2 @vtypal/utils small apps - utilities
2 @xarisd/descraff A Ruby gem for describing your model's scaffolding
2 @damphyr/gaudi A collection of helpers and an opinionated implementation of a C/C++ build system on top of rake


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
14 @loverdos/scalapipes Scala with forward pipe operator, as in F# and OCaml.
3 @loverdos/aquarium Cloud-scale resource charging
3 @loverdos/streamresource Convenient abstractions related to the getResource() pattern


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
8 @archphile/recipe installation scripts and files needed for Archphile
7 @wired/wirelay wired's gentoo overlay :: layman -a wirelay โ†—๏ธ
6 @wired/kde-overlay mirror of Gentoo's kde overlay โ†—๏ธ
5 @archphile/packages packages used in Archphile distribution
3 @D4RkNiK0l4s/Kali-Linux-Generator Kali Linux Generator its a script that automates the building process of kali linux images (iso)!!! Added compability to create Kali linux: jessie,wheezy,sid,squeeze Added Desktops Building Capabilities E17 option Desktops Building Capabilities : XFCE,KDE,ICEWM,GNOME,MATE,LXDE,E17 option 1 :You can just build a Kali Linux image with any of the folowing desktop XFCE,KDE,ICEWM,GNOME,MATE,LXDE,E17 or option 2 : the created iso will be remixed (if you choose to remix distributions) with the current installed system ,what does this mean?? it mean that you will get a kali linux image with your current settings,wallpapers,documents(something like backup to a new operating system No comments.. this script is what any lazy people out there needs!! Youtube tutorial/preview : soon
3 @cerebrux/uCareSystem An all-in-one, one click system maintenace application for Ubuntu/Debian operating systems and derivatives โ†—๏ธ
2 @Drakevr/slackbuilds Drakevr's Slackbuilds repository โ†—๏ธ
2 @tomkap/scripts Various scripts from me
2 @cerebrux/OSarena-Repo-Downloaโ€ฆ This is the app that we use to provide a GUI installer of repositrory ( โ†—๏ธ


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
1806 @kasketis/netfox A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library!
10 @lamprosg/LazyImage Simple and efficient image lazy loading for iOS written in Swift


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
2 @solegga/computer-security-clโ€ฆ Computer Security Class - Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens
2 @istlab/web ISTLab web site


๐ŸŒŸ Name Description ๐ŸŒ
2 @teoulas/vimfiles My vim configuration

โ“ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. ๐Ÿ›
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. ๐Ÿš€

๐Ÿ˜‹ How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

๐Ÿ’– Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like ๐Ÿš€

  • Buy me a bookโ€”I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ“–

  • PayPalโ€”You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. ๐Ÿต

  • Support me on Patreonโ€”Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoinโ€”You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! โค๏ธ

๐Ÿ“œ License

MIT ยฉ Ionicฤƒ Bizฤƒu


๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท A list of neat projects made in Greece








No packages published

Contributors 3
