Copyright 2012 Spiros Kabasakalis
Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
Designed and built by Spiros Kabasakalis
A starter project template for Yii implementing frontend/backend file structure built with Html5 Boilerplate,Bootstrap and Semantic Grid.
Clone the git repo - git clone git://
- or download it
To install,just hook up your Yii framework path in back/index.php and front/index.php.Tested with version 1.1.10.
frontend,backend are the equivalent to protected folder of default Yii project file structure.
front,back are the frontent and backend public web folders respectively.
commonend is a folder for components,models,extensions etc that both backend and frontend share.
common is a public web folder for js,css,less and other web accessible files that both backend and frontend share.
Frontend Application Base URL: [root Folder]/front
BackEnd Application Base URL: [root Folder]/back
LESS is used.See for info.
If you use the default bootstrap non-semantic layout,there is no need for less,just use the default css files.
WinLess is recommended to compile less into css.See for info.
All less files are compiled into the css folder.Just include the less folder in WinLess
and then define for each less file you compile "/css" as your output folder.
css/styles.css (with HTML5 Boilerplate code) is always used ,regardless of the grid layout.
One main layout is used, /views/layouts/main.php
You have the choice of three grid layouts,defined in SiteController.php
Uncomment public $layout='//layouts/grid_bs'; in SiteController.php You must compile these less files into css:
- less/bs/bootstrap.less
- less/bs/responsive.less
- less/responsive_custom.less
2.Semantic,responsive layout with Semantic Grid (
Uncomment public $layout='//layouts/grid_sg'; in SiteController.php You must compile these less files into css:
- less/sg/layout.less
- less/sg/responsive_sg
We still use bootstrap for non-layout design so you must also compile less/bs/bootstrap.less,with layout related code optionally excluded.
Uncomment public $layout='//layouts/grid_bs_sem'; in SiteController.php You must compile these less files into css:
- less/sem_layout.less
- less/bs/bootstrap.less
We still use bootstrap for non-layout design so you must also compile less/bs/bootstrap.less,with layout related code optionally excluded. The downside is that you have to code a custom responsive less or css file (if responsive layout is desired).The default bootstrap responsive.less file will not work,since it produces the non-semantic classes .span* which are not used in this semantic layout.
You can use a basic menu instead of Bootstrap navbar.In that case you have to replace the bootstrap navbar markup with
widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array( 'items' => array( array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => array('/site/index')), array('label' => 'About', 'url' => array('/site/page', 'view' => 'about')), array('label' => 'Contact', 'url' => array('/site/contact')), array('label' => 'Login', 'url' => array('/site/login'), 'visible' => Yii::app()->user->isGuest), array('label' => 'Logout (' . Yii::app()->user->name . ')', 'url' => array('/site/logout'), 'visible' => !Yii::app()->user->isGuest) ), 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'main-menu') )); ?>
Uncomment the Main Navigation code in styles.css to style the above markup. Include js/libs/jquery.mobilemenu.js plugin in main layout file to make the basic menu responsive.( You also have to uncomment the javascript code that targets .main-menu in js/script.js. The plugin will hide the unordered list and insert a select element instead, for mobile/tablet widths(configurable).
The popular Yii-Bootstrap extension is included in the extensions folder but is not registered as a component. (It is commented out in the configuration file config/main.php).By default,the original boostrap files are used (in less/bs ,js/bs folders). You can always switch the extension on,according to your needs.