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03.03.09 Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs and Their Extinct Relatives

Sherwin Rubio edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 4 revisions

Returned Results

Grouped by:

  • Common Name (short description of media type?) - contains link to detail page
  • Scientific Name - contains link to detail page
  • Group
  • Non-Avian Dinosaurs
  • Pterosaurs

Detail Page

  • Common Name
  • Scientific Name
  • CT Image
  • Additional Information
  • About the Species
  • About the Specimen
  • About the Scan
  • Literature and Links
  • Additional Imagery


  • Applet Slices and 3D Models
  • Java Slice Viewer (Inspector)
  • Slice Movies
  • Cornoal
  • Horizontal
  • Sagittal

Surface Models

  • STL
  • 3D CT

3D Volume Rendered Movies

  • Skeleton Only
  • Roll
  • Pitch
  • Yaw
  • With Skin Matrix
  • Roll
  • Pitch
  • Yaw
  • Dynamic Cutaway
  • Cornoal
  • Horizontal
  • Sagittal