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GBS workflow using dDocent. This was designed to process GBS data from SEACONNECT project.

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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Snakemake

Process Genotypage by Sequencing data with low coverage using a dDocent-based workflow. We performed this workflow as part of the SEACONNECT project on 900 samples among 2 fish species mullus Surmuletus and diplodus Sargus in Mediterranean sea.


You can get the development version of the code by cloning this repository:

git clone



You will need to have the following programs installed on your computer. Alternatively we provide a singularity container (see Singularity section below).

  • OSX or GNU Linux
  • bash 4.4.19
  • SINGULARITY 2.4.2-dist
  • curl 7.47.0
  • Python 2.7.12
  • CD-HIT 4.6
  • samtools 1.3.1
  • bedtools 2.26.0
  • PEAR 0.9.11
  • fastp 0.20.0
  • STACKS 1.48
  • dDocent 2.7.6
  • VCFtools 0.1.14
  • Trimmomatic 0.33
  • JAVA 8.0
  • freebayes 1.3.1
  • GNUPLOT 5.0
  • MAWK 1.2
  • rainbow 2.0.4
  • GNU parallel
  • seqtk 1.0
  • BWA 0.7.17
  • (optional) DEMORT 0.2.4


See for instructions to install Singularity.

We provide a Singularity recipe and ready to run container with all required dependencies.

Build a container

Build a local container as administrator with all required programs and dependencies using Singularity recipe Singularity.seaconnect

sudo singularity build seaconnect.simg Singularity.seaconnect

Download a container

Pull a ready to run version of Singularity container

singularity pull --name seaconnect.simg shub://Grelot/seaConnect--dDocent:seaconnect



First, SINGLE-END fastq files must be quality-filtered. We provide a complete workflow to perform preprocessing of sequencing ngs raw data. This workflow is available as a github repository here : clean-fastq

Set up


  • {species} : any complete project (in our case we have 2 projects : mullus and diplodus)
  • {lane} : any physical lane on a flow cell that goes into the sequencing machine. We have many {lane} by {species}
  • {barcode} : any DNA sequence attached to a reads which belong to a sample. We have many {barcode} by {lane} by {species}
  • {pop} : any group of samples
  • {sample} : any sample


The container (see Singularity section above) must be stored into the main directory of this project seaConnect--dDocent with the name seaconnect.simg

cleaned fastq data

Write the absolute path of the folder containing filtered data after preprocessing into config.yaml fastq section folder subsection. Prefix of each fastq file you want to process must be write as a list into subsection file

For instance :

Each fastq file into my filtered folder is a {lane} :

ls /entrepot/donnees/seaconnect/gbs_mullus/cleaned/
C6JATANXX_2.i.p.q.fastq.gz  C6JATANXX_5.i.p.q.fastq.gz 
C6JATANXX_3.i.p.q.fastq.gz  C6JATANXX_6.i.p.q.fastq.gz
C6JATANXX_4.i.p.q.fastq.gz  C8BJGANXX_1.i.p.q.fastq.gz

I write the fastq file to process into config.yaml this way :

    folder: /entrepot/donnees/seaconnect/gbs_mullus/cleaned
        - C6JATANXX_5
        - C6JATANXX_6
        - C8BJGANXX_1
        - C6JATANXX_4
        - C6JATANXX_3
        - C6JATANXX_2

sample information

For each {species}, we provide a sample information file. It must be stored as 01-infos/{species}_sample_information.tsv. (for instance we provide mullus_sample_information.tsv)
This first 4 colons must be :

{lane}	{barcode}	{pop}	{sample}	...

⚠️ Your file 01-infos/{species}_sample_information.tsv must have a header. (The first line of this file is skipped by the program)


We create a barcode file for each {lane} which contains a list of the {barcode} present into the give {lane}.

bash 00-scripts {species}

This command will create a barcode file such as 01-infos/barcodes/{lane}.txt for each {lane}


Demultiplexing refers to the step in processing where you’d use the {barcode} information in order to know which sequences came from which {sample} after they had all be sequenced together. Barcodes refer to the unique sequences {barcode} that were ligated to each of your invidivual samples genetic material {sample} before the samples got all mixed together.

Samples are lumped together all in one fastq file with barcodes still attached. We use a barcode file to split fastq file sequences by {barcode}

We use snakemake workflow managment system for this step.

We use process_radtags from STACKS 1.48 to perform demultiplexing. Parameters can be set into config.yaml process_radtags section.

snakemake -s 00-scripts/snakeFile.process_radtags -j 8 --use-singularity --configfile 01-infos/config_mullus.yaml --singularity-args "-B /entrepot:/entrepot"

This command process demultiplexing for each {lane}. Results are stored into 03-samples/{lane}/sample_{barcode}.fq.gz

⚠️ If your cleaned fastq data folder is not into the current directory, you have to create a binding point for the singularity container. Modify the --singularity-args "-B /entrepot:/entrepot" argument of the command below.

📎 (optional) Blacklisting samples with low coverage

If you want a blacklist of {sample} fastq files with low coverage, you can use DEMORT to get number of reads by {sample} fastq files.

bash 00-scripts/ {species}

This command evaluates demultiplexed fastq files by computing various metrics. Each {sample} with a low number of reads is blacklisted. Results are stored into 98-metrics folder.

Mapping {barcode} with {pop} and {sample}

Each fastq file belonging to a specific {barcode} is renamed by the corresponding association {pop} and {sample} as stipulated into {species}_sample_information.tsv file. (see for instance mullus_sample_information.tsv)

bash 00-scripts/ {species} 01-infos/{species}_sample_information.csv 98-utils/{species}_samples_blacklist.txt

This command create a symlink of all fastq files such as 03-samples/{lane}/sample_{barcode}.fq.gz is linked by 04-ddocent/{species}/{pop}_{sample}.F.fq.gz.

📎 Optionally, if a samples blacklist 98-utils/{species}_samples_blacklist.txt is provided, each blacklisted {sample} is filtered.

dDocent workflow

dDocent is simple bash wrapper to QC, assemble, map, and call SNPs from almost any kind of RAD sequencing. If you have a reference already, dDocent can be used to call SNPs from almost any type of NGS data set.

  1. dDocent performs a quality control of input sequences
  2. dDocent aligns sequences against a {species} reference genome sequence.
  3. dDocent performs a quality control of alignments
  4. Bayesian, haplotype based, population-aware, genotyping from FreeBayes.

FreeBayes is a Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to detect SNPs, INDels (insertions and deletions), and complex events (composite insertion and substitution events) smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment. FreeBayes is haplotype-based, in the sense that it calls variants based on the literal sequences of reads aligned to a particular target, not their precise alignment, and for any number of individuals from a population and a to determine the most-likely combination of genotypes for the population at each position in the reference.

run dDocent workflow :

  • Set parameters into 01-infos/ddocent_config.file
  • Go into the 04-ddocent/{species} folder.
  • Then add a 04-ddocent/{species}/reference.fasta genome reference sequence file.
  • Now you can run the complete dDocent workflow. Type the following commands :
## global variable
## run dDocent
singularity exec -B "/entrepot:/entrepot" $CONTAINER dDocent $DDOCENT_CONFIG

This command run dDocent workflow. It generates genotypes for each {sample} for each locus. These genotypes are stored into a VCF file.

⚠️ path of CONTAINER and DDOCENT_CONFIG must be absolute and you have to create a binding point for the singularity container in order to access to these files. (see -B "/entrepot:/entrepot" argument)

Generate final VCF

Genotypes are stored as VCF files. We keep only SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) variants.

## global variable
## filter VCF remove INDELs
singularity exec "${CONTAINER}" vcftools --vcf 04-ddocent/"${SPECIES}"/Final.recode.vcf --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 05-vcf/"${SPECIES}"

Final result is generated as VCF files into 05-vcf folder and contains only SNPs.
GBS SNP calling has been now performed. SNPs will be then filtered for next analysis using Emilie Boulanger's workflow.


  • All the commands to run the workflow are available as a bash script
  • You can also run the whole workflow step by step using scripts collection 00-scripts.