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GRIFFIN's dashboard provides a visual user interface for GRIFFIN, its ancillary detectors, data acquisition system, and supporting infrastructure.

  • For scientists, please read and understand the maintenance requirements below. These instructions will describe the expectations and setup requirements of the Dashboard; if something doesn't work, making sure that these requirements are satisfied are the first place to check. Similar instructions can be found in the files of individual components.

  • For programmers & contributors, please start with the Developer Notes section below; this will walk you through an example of the basic infrastructure, including everything you'll need to create new Dashboard pages. Some other sub-README.mds in the project have their own developer notes, to point out some of the more idiosyncratic engineering decisions.

Maintenance Requirements


The Dashboard uses MIDAS and the ODB as its backend. A number of configuration steps and frontends are required for the Dashboard to function correctly:

MIDAS Installation

Note that these need to be followed for every MIDAS installation the Dashboard depends on, which is nominally two: the actual experiment, and the state of health machine.

  • Install MIDAS per their instructions; confirmed working commit 30c93027ddad0cdf5e697fd55b9d50618eabcf1f. On grsmid00, this should already be available in /opt/midas
  • Modify web security. Open src/mhttpd.cxx, and change
    rsprintf("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");


   rsprintf("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\n");
   rsprintf("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n");

Then in odbedit, use passwd to configure MIDAS security as usual. You will now be able to make credentialed requests through the Dashboard.


  • Set up HV frontends for each CAEN HV crate. The CAEN frontend found here needs to be built and run, one copy each for each CAEN high voltage crate being used. These frontends must be named HV-0, HV-1, HV-2..., and they rely on version >= 5.22 of CAEN's HV wrapper library.
  • Set up clock frontends. Same as for the HV frontends, except each clock frontend (in the same repo) should be called GRIF-Clk0, ..., GRIF-Clk24.

####State of Health Experiment An independent MIDAS experiment running nominally on grifsoh00. Set up Agilent, Epics and VME frontends as per the documentation in the SOH repo.

ODB Structures

The Dashboard makes use of a number of ODB structures that must be adhered to. They are fully specified in the relevant documentation:

Whenever an ODB directory is pulled in, the Dashboard will go looking for its contents at dataStore.ODB.<dir name>. In other words, dataStore.ODB is structured exactly like the ODB's directories (though it will only have the necessary subset of information available on it). When pulling in new ODB information, please follow this pattern.


The Dashboard relies on communication with GRIFFIN's digitizers both directly and through the ODB; see the ADC docs for a detailed discussion of the GRIF-16 API that must be in place.

Developer Notes

Start here if you're planning on doing major development on the Dashboard - below, we walk through the project's dependencies, a simple demonstration of the infrastructure, and go through code contribution guidelines.


Basic fluency with these dependencies will help in understanding and extending the Dashboard codebase. Taking some time to explore each of them on their own will make Dashboard maintenance much easier!

  • HTML templates are used to minimize repeated markup and avoid declarative HTML. If you're modifying or adding any HTML to the project, it should probably be in a template.

  • HTML imports are used to assemble templates from separate files and sources to reinforce the modularity begun with HTML templates. Note that at the time of this writing, Firefox relies on the HTMLImports.min.js polyfill for import support; this should be phased out when native support becomes available.

  • mustache.js assembles templates into completed HTML.

  • quickdraw.js (for freeform drawing like the detector views) and plotly.js (for more traditional histograms and other charts) are responsible for drawing and visualization in the Dashboard.

  • Twitter Bootstrap governs CSS and layout. Bootstrap also requires us to pull in jQuery, but explicit use of that framework is avoided in the Dashboard.

  • qunit.js provides the Dashboard's unit testing framework.

  • MIDAS AJAX, a set of queries available on any MIDAS experiment to read and write to the ODB.

Simplest Example

demo.html is a minimal working example of the engineering techniques that underlie all Dashboard pages. The files relevant to this example are (where indented bullet points indicate subdirectories):

  • demo.html
  • templates
    • demo
      • demo-template.html
      • demo.css

Plus a bunch of boilerplate helpers and frameworks you can see listed in the <head> of demo.html (see list above) - but you should never need to touch most of these.

Key points in demo.html:

  • The line
<link id='demo-template' rel="import" href="templates/demo/demo-template.html">

is an example of pulling in an html template. For consistency, always use the same id as the template.

  • Most everything happens inside the code block
window.addEventListener('HTMLImportsLoaded', function(e){

Code executed there will happen after all templates and related assets are loaded; you can do things without waiting outside this loop, as long as those things don't expect any of those assets to be available.

  • All pages get their templates ready with the block:
templates = ['demo-template'];
dataStore.templates = prepareTemplates(templates);

List all your template ids that you loaded in <head> in templates, and the subsequent line will make sure all the template HTML is ready to use. Also, this is an example of the use of the dataStore object - an object at global scope meant to namespace global variables. Default information available on the dataStore is set up in scripts/dataStore.js - the dataStore is the correct place to add all new global variables.

  • Templates can be injected into the DOM via:
document.getElementById('demo-target').innerHTML = Mustache.to_html(
        'mustacheExample': 'img/demo.svg'

See mustache.js's docs for more information on how to use their templating system. Notice that you'll typically want to put a few <div> elements in your main html file, as targets for injecting your templates into.

  • Finally, start the data fetching cycle with the block
dataStore.heartbeat.callback = dataUpdate;

dataStore.heartbeat.scriptQueries = ['http://''/?cmd=jcopy&odb0=Experiment&encoding=json-p-nokeys&callback=ODBfetchCallback']

Here we:

  • set dataStore.heartbeat.callback to dataUpdate, or the name of whatever function we want to run after every heartbeat is complete.
  • make sure dataStore.hearbeat.scriptQueries has something to go looking for; these queries will circumvent cross origin restrictions, most notably useful for pulling stuff out of the ODB.
  • kick things off with a call to heartbeat().

Also have a look at templates/demo/demo-template.html. Key points:

  • CSS (or other scripts) that pertain only to this template should live alongside the template html in the same directory, and be pulled in with the usual <link> and <script> tags here, like the very first line in this file.
  • Wrap all your html in a template tag that looks like <template id='template-name'>
  • Any javascript specific to this template can be included in <script> tags at the end, and will be available at global scope.

That's it! Fire up demo.html in Chrome or Firefox, and don't forget to open the console to see the callbacks at work. The actual Dashboard pages provide more sophisticated examples, but they all follow this basic structure.

Contributing Guidelines

Contributions to the Dashboard are very welcome! Please follow the guidelines below:

  • Start by opening an issue in the main repo to discuss your proposed changes.
  • Fork the main repo and send your changes in a pull request to the gh-pages branch (which is the default). If you've never worked with git or GitHub before, start with Software Carpentry.
  • Please write some unit tests to examine as much of your code as possible; see examples in the /tests directory. Good candidates for unit testing are any physics calculations, data manipulations, or any other function that returns a result. Functions that affect the DOM are more complicated to test, to be expanded on in future - for now, try and separate calculations from DOM manipulations for ease of testing.
  • Please limit individual functions to 50 lines or less - functions longer than this can probably be re-written as several simpler functions, making them easier to test, debug and reuse.
  • Please limit pull requests to less than 500 lines at a time. (Why? See figure 1 here).


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