The Dashboard communicates with GRIF-16 digitizers via their API described below and through the ODB in order to report real-time trigger rates and expose ADC parameter controls.
The Dashboard, ODB and electronics can read and write ADC control parameters to each other. To avoid control chaos, we nominally follow the following flow; arrow direction indicates information flowing from one place to another:
Note that this means the Dashboard may pull a stale parameter from the ADC after writing a fresh one to the ODB, but before the ODB has pushed to the ADC; wait a couple seconds and the round trip should complete itself. The only exception to this is that the Dashboard will read from the ODB when reporting ADC and HV settings.
All GRIF-16s pull their parameters from the ODB, following a template and custom model. See the DAQ docs for an illustration of the relevant ODB structure, /DAQ/params
. Under /DAQ/params/grif16/template
are numbered subdirectories (0 through 9), corresponding to templates for the 10 different detector types supported:
Detector index | Detector Type |
0 | GRIFFIN Low Gain |
1 | GRIFFIN High Gain |
3 | LaBr3 (Energy) |
4 | LaBr3 (Time) |
5 | PACES |
7 | GRIFFIN Suppressors |
8 | LaBr3 Suppressors |
9 | ZDS |
Beneath these sit key / values (see list of ADC keys below) with the default values for each key, for the given detector type; this default will be applied to all matching ADC channels in the absence of a custom parameter.
Under /DAQ/params/grif16/custom
sit directories with channel names matching the standard naming convention; these directories contain keys drawn from the same list as the template directories, with custom settings to be applied only to the corresponding channel.
So for example:
|____a_dcofst: 0
|____a_dcofst: 1
Would set all GRIFFIN low gain detectors to have 0 DC offset, except for the blue crystal in detector 1, which would have a DC offset of 1 mV.
GRIF-16s provide a web-facing API from which to poll information, and expose ADC parameter control. This API consists of two parts: a high rate endpoint for frequent real-time reporting of trigger rates, and a settings endpoint for reading back settings of individual ADC channels.
In what follows, host
refers to the digitizer host, ie
Found at: host/report
The /report
endpoint provides an ArrayBuffer response that packs threshold, trigger request rate, and trigger accept rate information into a condensed format appropriate for large or frequent requests. For every channel at host
, the response ArrayBuffer contains a 14-byte block of information:
- bytes 0 through 1: PSC address of channel
- bytes 2 through 5: trigger accepts
- bytes 6 through 9: trigger requests
- bytes 10 through 13: threshold
Channels are packed into the complete ArrayBuffer in no particular order.
Found at: host/mscb?node=n
The /mscb
endpoint provides a JSON response containing the current settings and status of the digitizer at ?node=1
, and settings for the nth ADC at ?node=2+n
- in other words, an ADC with PSC address 0x??00
would be reported at ?node=2
, 0x??01
at ?node=3
, etc. Below we list the keys reported by each.
Found in the response under key vars
key | definition |
serial |
Digitizer serial number |
cpu_temp |
FPGA temperature [C] |
cc_lock |
Clock cleaner locked |
cc_freq1 |
cc_refck |
cc_freq0 |
dc_freq |
hw_time |
Hardware timestamp |
hw_id |
Hardware ID |
sw_id |
Software ID |
hw_sw_m |
Hardware/Software match |
sw_time |
Software timestamp |
hwbuild |
swbuild |
up_time |
Uptime [s] |
dac_ch1 |
dac_ch0 |
ref_clk |
Reference Clock |
allowWr |
sp_run |
sp_rst |
sp_mod |
sp_invr |
a_cid0 |
a_cid1 |
a_cid3 |
a_grad0 |
a_cid2 |
a_grad1 |
a_grad2 |
a_grad3 |
a_locka |
a_align |
a_lkcn0 |
a_lkcn1 |
a_lkcn2 |
a_lkcn3 |
a_lock0 |
a_lock1 |
a_lock2 |
a_lock3 |
s0_lock |
s0_trdy |
s0_rrdy |
s0_rdata |
s0_crc |
s0_rack |
s0_ridle |
s0_lkcnt |
s0_rparm |
s0_runkn |
s0_rerr |
s0_tidle |
s0_tdata |
s0_tack |
s0_tparm |
s0_rlstl |
s0_rlsth |
sp_rncnt |
sp_rstat |
sp_estat |
sp_runst |
sp_runtm |
sp_evbuf |
cc_loss |
cc_clke |
sfp_nm |
sfp_pn |
sfp_oui |
sfp_sn |
sfp_rev |
sfp_conn |
eFmTxOK |
eFmRxOK |
eFmCkSqE |
eAlgnErr |
eOctTxOK |
eOctRxOK |
eTxPsCFm |
eRxPsCFm |
eIInErr |
eIOutErr |
eIUcPkt |
eIMcPkt |
eIBcPkt |
eODscrd |
eOUcPkt |
eOMcPkt |
eOBcPkt |
ethOct |
ethPkt |
eDropEv |
ethUsz |
ethOsz |
eth128 |
eth256 |
eth65 |
eth640 |
eth512 |
eth1024 |
eth1519 |
ethJab |
daq_name |
coll_ch |
mstr_ch |
ethFrag |
boardId |
daq_ip |
daq_port |
daq_dtcr |
daq_tmpl |
daq_cstm |
Found in the response under key vars
key | definition |
a_enable |
ADC enabled |
a_pol |
Polarity |
a_fgain |
ADC gain |
a_trim |
a_dcofst |
DC offset |
t_on |
Triggering enabled |
t_thres |
Trigger threshold |
t_diff |
Trigger differentiation |
t_int |
Trigger integration |
p_int |
Pulse height integration |
p_diff |
Pulse height differentiation |
p_delay |
Pulse height delay |
p_polec1 |
Pulse height pole correction |
wfr_smpl |
Waveform samples |
wfr_pret |
Waveform pretrigger |
wfr_mode |
Waveform mode |
sim_ena |
Simulation enabled |
sim_enat |
Simulation trigger enabled |
sim_enar |
Simulation random enabled |
sim_pol |
Simulation polarity |
sim_rise |
Simulation rise time |
sim_amp |
Simulation amplitude |
sim_rate |
Simulation rate |
sim_cyc |
Simulation cycle waveform |
sim_dly0 |
Simulation delay 0 |
sim_dly1 |
Simulation delay 1 |
sim_dly2 |
Simulation delay 2 |
sim_dly3 |
Simulation delay 3 |
sim_amp0 |
Simulation amplitude 0 |
sim_amp1 |
Simulation amplitude 1 |
sim_amp2 |
Simulation amplitude 2 |
sim_amp3 |
Simulation amplitude 3 |
dtsclr_b |
Deadtime readout |
trsclr_b |
Trigger readout |
cfd_dly |
CFD delay |
rt_d0 |
rt_d1 |
rt_d10 |
rt_d100 |
rt_acpt |
Trigger accept rate |
rt_rqst |
Trigger request rate |
rt_dwav |
Dropped waveform |
rt_dbsy |
Dropped busy |
rt_dqt |
Dropped QT |
rt_dtrg |
Dropped trigger |
rt_dded |
Dropped deadtime |
st_trig |
Trigger count |
st_trigr |
Trigger request count |
st_btrig |
Trigger buffer fill level |
st_bwv |
Waveform buffer fill level |
st_bqt |
QT buffer fill level |
st_bevr |
Event buffer read |
st_bevw |
Event buffer write |
prg_ddtm |
Prog deadtime |
det_type |
Detector type |
syn_lvtm |
Sync livetime |
syn_ddtm |
Sync deadtime |
daq_chnm |
daq_wrTp |
daq_clrC |