Release v2.5.0
This release includes some small bugfixes. It also renames some internal APIs, if you are a plugin developer, take note of the new naming.
🚀 Enhancement
- Other
🐛 Bug Fix
- #3681 Guard against undefined in CoreGetFeatureDetails (@cmdcolin)
- #3662 Fix empty feature sequence on top-level gene feature (@cmdcolin)
- #3666 Fix text boxes being too small in Dialog boxes (@cmdcolin)
- #3642 Fix error handling of feature detail formatter jexl callbacks (@cmdcolin)
- #3621 Update plugin rollup polyfill package (@garrettjstevens)
- #3620 Fix potential crashes where alignment SEQ field may be empty, simplify some display model code (@cmdcolin)
- Other
- #3670 Only double-click zoom if not clicking on feature (@cmdcolin)
- #3652 Fix text being invisible on overview scalebar when cytobands shown (@cmdcolin)
- #3632 Fix mouse click-and-drag behavior in the alternative "cursor mode" for the dotplot view (@cmdcolin)
- #3625 Fix UCSC trackhub assembly aliases matching (@andrzejgrzelak)
📝 Documentation
- Other
🏠 Internal
Committers: 4
- Colin Diesh (@cmdcolin)
- Garrett Stevens (@garrettjstevens)
- Robert Buels (@rbuels)
- @andrzejgrzelak