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Clinical history management microservice. Handles the creation and modification of clinical histories and manages files related to the clinical history.


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Template: Node.js Microservice

⚙️ Project Setup

1. Clone the Repository ⬇️

To begin, clone the repository using SSH, then install all necessary dependencies by running:

npm install

2. Environment Variables 🗝️

Create a .env file by duplicating the .env.example file provided in the repository. Add your MongoDB credentials and update the URL as needed.

3. Development 🛠️

For development, use the following command:

npm run dev

This command runs the project with node --watch, allowing hot-reloading during development, similar to nodemon.

4. Production 🚀

For production builds, start the application with:

npm start

5. Linting 🧹

To check for code quality using linters, run:

npm run lint

For automatic linting fixes, use:

npm run lint-fix

6. Testing 🧪

To run tests, use the following command:

npm test

7. Populating the Database 📚

To populate the database with sample data, run:

npm run populate <FileName>

8. Logging 📝

To add logs to your application, use the logger object provided in the config/logger.js file. The logger is configured to write logs to the console and a file in the logs directory. There are five log levels available:

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • http
  • verbose
  • debug


You can log messages adding the following code to your methods:

logger.error('This is an error message');
logger.http('Incoming HTTP request', {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '/api/appointments',
  userUid: 'a71b0cbd-7edd-4ae1-919b-403a33fba2eb',
  params: { date: '2024-11-04', status: 'confirmed' }

Docker Setup 🐳

To run the application in a Docker container:

  1. Modify the /workdir setting in the Dockerfile to match the corresponding microservice directory.
  2. Update the deploy-docker workflow to deploy the correct microservice.

Once these changes are made, ensure Docker is installed and running on your system, then build and start the container with:

docker compose up -d

This command launches your deployed Docker image in detached mode.

Kubernetes Setup ☸️

To run the application in Kubernetes (locally):

First, install Docker.

Then install kubernetes, kompose and minikube. You can see how to install them here.

Once done, run the following commands:

minikube start
kompose convert -o kubernetes/

alias kubectl='minikube kubectl --'

This should create the configuration for all your services from the docker-compose.yml file. For ease of setup, make sure all environment variables needed are directly or indirectly defined in your docker-compose.yaml.

Then, to create secrets for your environment variables, run:

kubectl create secret generic auth-secrets --from-env-file=.env -o yaml > kubernetes/secrets.yaml

Now go to your "-deployment.yaml" files and add for every secret environment variable add:

- name: <env_var_name>
      name: auth-secrets
      key: <env_var_key>

Go to you app "-deployment.yaml" file and change the valie of the image field to the image you want to deploy. Most likely the lastest tag of your image on ghcr.

Go to any "-service.yaml" which ports you want to expose to the open internet and add:

  type: LoadBalancer
    - protocol: <svc_protocol> # Example: TCP
      port: <port>
      targetPort: <port>
      nodePort: <port_exposed> # Example: 30001

And then go to the other "-service.yaml" (mongodb and others) files and add the following:

  type: ClusterIP
    - protocol: <svc_protocol> # Example: TCP
      name: "<port>"
      port: <port>
      targetPort: <port>

Then finally, to deploy your services, run:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/
minikube service <service_to_expose-1> <service_to_expose-2> ... <service_to_expose-n>


Clinical history management microservice. Handles the creation and modification of clinical histories and manages files related to the clinical history.







