Version 1.1.1
API to manage patient clinical histories.
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /histories | Get all clinical histories |
POST | /histories | Create a new clinical history |
DELETE | /histories/patient/{patientId} | Delete a clinical history by patient ID |
GET | /histories/patient/{patientId} | Get a clinical history by patient ID |
DELETE | /histories/{id} | Delete a clinical history by its ID |
GET | /histories/{id} | Get a clinical history by its ID |
POST | /histories/{id}/allergy | Add an allergy to a clinical history |
DELETE | /histories/{id}/allergy/{allergy} | Remove an allergy from a clinical history |
POST | /histories/{id}/analytic | Upload an analytic to a clinical history record |
DELETE | /histories/{id}/analytic/{analyticId} | Delete an analytic from a clinical history record |
POST | /histories/{id}/condition | Add a new current condition to a clinical history |
DELETE | /histories/{id}/condition/{currentConditionId} | Delete a current condition from a clinical history |
PUT | /histories/{id}/condition/{currentConditionId} | Update a current condition in a clinical history |
POST | /histories/{id}/image | Upload an image to a clinical history record |
DELETE | /histories/{id}/image/{imageId} | Delete an image from a clinical history record |
GET | /histories/{id}/report | Get a clinical history report by its ID |
POST | /histories/{id}/treatment | Add a new treatment to a clinical history |
DELETE | /histories/{id}/treatment/{treatmentId} | Delete a treatment from a clinical history |
PUT | /histories/{id}/treatment/{treatmentId} | Update a treatment in a clinical history |
Name | Path | Description |
ClinicalHistory | #/components/schemas/ClinicalHistory | |
CreateClinicalHistory | #/components/schemas/CreateClinicalHistory | |
CurrentCondition | #/components/schemas/CurrentCondition | |
File | #/components/schemas/File | |
Treatment | #/components/schemas/Treatment | |
jwt | #/components/securitySchemes/jwt |
Get all clinical histories -
- 200 Returns a list of all clinical histories
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
- 500 Error retrieving clinical histories
Create a new clinical history -
- application/json
patientId: string
- 201 Clinical history created
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Patient ID is required or validation error
500 Error creating clinical history
Delete a clinical history by patient ID -
204 Clinical history for the patient deleted successfully
400 Patient ID is required
500 Error deleting clinical history for patient
Get a clinical history by patient ID -
- 200 Returns the clinical history for the requested patient
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Patient ID is required
403 Access denied
404 Clinical history not found
500 Error retrieving clinical history for patient
Delete a clinical history by its ID -
204 Clinical history deleted successfully
400 Clinical history ID is required
500 Error deleting clinical history
Get a clinical history by its ID -
- 200 Returns the requested clinical history
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID is required
403 Access denied
404 Clinical history not found
500 Error retrieving clinical history
Add an allergy to a clinical history -
Adds an allergy to the allergies set in a specific clinical history. -
- application/json
// The name of the allergy to add.
allergy: string
- 200 Allergy successfully added to the clinical history.
_id?: string
allergies?: string[]
- 400 Missing clinical history ID or allergy in the request.
message?: string
- 404 Clinical history not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal server error while adding the allergy.
message?: string
Remove an allergy from a clinical history -
Removes an allergy from the allergies set in a specific clinical history. -
- 200 Allergy successfully removed from the clinical history.
_id?: string
allergies?: string[]
- 400 Missing clinical history ID or allergy in the request.
message?: string
- 404 Clinical history not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal server error while removing the allergy.
message?: string
Upload an analytic to a clinical history record -
Allows uploading an analytic to an existing clinical history record. -
- multipart/form-data
// The analytic file to upload.
file?: string
- 201 Analytic uploaded successfully
message?: string
// URL of the uploaded analytic.
analyticUrl?: string
- 400 Bad Request - Missing required headers or Clinical History ID.
message?: string
- 404 Clinical History record not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal Server Error
message?: string
Delete an analytic from a clinical history record -
Deletes a specific analytic associated with a clinical history record by its ID. Also removes the file from Azure Blob Storage. -
- 200 Analytic deleted successfully
message?: string
- 400 Bad Request - Missing or invalid parameters.
message?: string
- 404 Not Found - Clinical history or analytic not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal Server Error
message?: string
error?: string
Add a new current condition to a clinical history -
- application/json
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
- 200 Current condition added successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID is required or validation error
404 Clinical history not found
500 Error adding current condition
Delete a current condition from a clinical history -
- 200 Current condition deleted successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID or Current condition ID is required
404 Clinical history or current condition not found
500 Error deleting current condition
Update a current condition in a clinical history -
- application/json
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
- 200 Current condition updated successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID or Current condition ID is required, or validation error
404 Clinical history or current condition not found
500 Error updating current condition
Upload an image to a clinical history record -
Allows uploading an image to an existing clinical history record. -
- multipart/form-data
// The image file to upload.
file?: string
- 201 Image uploaded successfully
message?: string
// URL of the uploaded image.
imageUrl?: string
- 400 Bad Request - Missing required headers or Clinical History ID.
message?: string
- 404 Clinical History record not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal Server Error
message?: string
Delete an image from a clinical history record -
Deletes a specific image associated with a clinical history record by its ID. Also removes the file from Azure Blob Storage. -
- 200 Image deleted successfully
message?: string
- 400 Bad Request - Missing or invalid parameters.
message?: string
- 404 Not Found - Clinical history or image not found.
message?: string
- 500 Internal Server Error
message?: string
error?: string
Get a clinical history report by its ID -
- 200 Returns the requested clinical history report
"type": "string",
"format": "binary"
400 Clinical history ID is required
403 Access denied
404 Clinical history not found
500 Error generating clinical history report
Add a new treatment to a clinical history -
- application/json
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
- 200 Treatment added successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID is required or validation error
404 Clinical history not found
500 Error adding treatment
Delete a treatment from a clinical history -
- 200 Treatment deleted successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID or Treatment ID is required
404 Clinical history or treatment not found
500 Error deleting treatment
Update a treatment in a clinical history -
- application/json
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
- 200 Treatment updated successfully
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
400 Clinical history ID or Treatment ID is required, or validation error
404 Clinical history or treatment not found
500 Error updating treatment
id?: string
patientId?: string
treatments: {
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
currentConditions: {
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
images: {
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
createdAt?: string
updatedAt?: string
patientId: string
// Name of the current condition
name: string
// Additional details about the current condition
details: string
// When the condition started
since?: string
// When the condition ended
until?: string
// Name of the file
name?: string
// Original name of the file
originalName?: string
// URL of the file
url?: string
// Date the file was uploaded
date?: string
// Name of the treatment
name: string
// Start date of the treatment
startDate?: string
// End date of the treatment
endDate: string
// Instructions for the treatment
instructions: string
"type": "http",
"scheme": "bearer",
"bearerFormat": "JWT"