Actually Additions 1.3.11
Fixed Farmer not playing well with non-vanilla farmland.
Added the ability to change the farmers work area with a compass.
Make blocks still drop items even when broken incorrectly.
Add AIOT to the necessary tool related item tags (swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels)
Fix the Engineer Goggles not rendering correctly
Added the ability for fluid collectors to collect water and lava from filled cauldrons.
Explicitly made the Drills unbreakable.
Fixed worldgenned AA plants breaking on block update.
Add off-hand slot to Energizer/Enervator
Fix Black Quartz wall recipe conflicts
Fix output of Wall, Stair and Slab recipes
Add stonecutter recipes for the walls/stairs and slabs
Fixed Farmer being unable to plant potatoes / carrots.
Possible fix for very rare stack overflow.
Reinforced fix for drills breaking in certain circumstances.
Fix for drill not dropping block contents for certain mods.
Fixed the Farmer not making sounds when planting.
Overhauled AA crop drop tables to be more in line with 1.12 numbers.
Re-added native right click harvesting to AA crops.
Fixed coal generator gui having a extra dark background.
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