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Advanced conversion

CutePoisonX edited this page May 22, 2013 · 1 revision

Extracting audiostreams

The parameters can be set in a way that PoisonConvert will only extract the audiostreams from a video. The config-file „EXTRACTdts“ is an example for a config-file which extracts dts-audiostreams. The file is included in the repository.

Using multiple config-files to batch-process one video

Like mentioned in the „How the program works“ - section, the categories (video, audio and subtitles) follow a logical „or“ - connection. That means that if - for example - the videostream of one file matches a user-defined video-rule, but the audiostream doesn´t, the video will be converted anyway. This gives the advandage of converting processor-intensive streams elsewhere. PoisonConvert will append the following strings to the file-extension:

  • _nv

Stands for „no video“. If the user specified a rule for a videostream, but the program couldn´t find any matching videostream, but does find any other stream of the same file that matches, „_nv“ will be appended to the file-extension of the original file (inclusive .old).

  • _na

Same as above if the audiostream doesn´t match.

  • _ns

Same as the first one, with respect to the subtitlestream.

Note: If more than one stream doesn´t match, PoisonConvert will append those extensions in the listed order (e.g. [name_of_original_file].old_na_ns ).

This can be very useful. Here is an example: Case: I have an .mkv - file which I want to convert to a .m4v-file. The .mkv - file has only dts-audiostreams which I don´t want to convert due to my slow processor in the Synology-NAS. Here is what I do with PoisonConvert: I create two seperate config-files. One which simply copies the h264-video in a .m4v-container (filename: Copy_video) and one that extracts the audiostreams of files with „.old_na“ - extension (filename: EXRACTdts - is included as an example). I start PoisonConvert with: poisonconvert Copy_video EXTRACTdts. 
PoisonConvert will first take Copy_video and afterwards (when the videostream is copied) EXTRACTdts. Now I have my video and the extracted audio-tracks. I can now use another batch-script for example to automatically copy the audio-streams to a more powerfull machine or do whatever I like...