Launch to Prod!
Today with all the amazing help from everyone in @Cobresun/founders we ended up actually launching FactfulNews! This launch was cool because right from the get go we had a beta running for a while, so all we did was slap a cool logo on there and ship it. Already in its v1.0 its much more useful than PantsOrShorts was after months of updates, so I'm excited to see what the team does with this one 🤣
FactfulNews is an app inspired partly by the book "Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World" and by everything we thought was wrong with the way we currently consume news and media.
- No distracting infinite feeds, 10 articles (per category) chosen everyday. Just like a newspaper!
- Simply, easy to use, minimalist interface.
- Browse what's most important in the world, not just what's personalized to you
Coming soon:
- Imbedded, simple article reader, for low data usage and minimalist design
- Check the facts of statements right inside the article
- Much more!
Send all inquires and suggestions to: