0.3.0 (2018-10-02)
Bug Fixes
- package: replace RpcServiceHandler by rpc/Handler in exports (a82756d)
- rpc/errorToObject: return null when error not present (920ad4f)
- rpc/handler: add error catch behavior with test case (15e961f)
- rpc/handler: make payload null in reply when payload not passed (60005b6)
- rpc/handler: wrap catch block in execute method into own try..catch (bfa9fcf)
- rpc/handlerMap: incorrect import IHandler interface (01ed928)
- rpc/errorToObject: extract errorToObject function (ad8b109)
- rpc/handler: add initial implementation Handler class and basic positive tests (69ee40b)
- rpc/handler: pass payload and/or error to onSuccess and afterHandle (8871b71)
- rpc/handlerMap: add HandlerMap class (785e3a6)
- rpc/handlerMap: return default handler if passed action name is falsy (4acbd79)
- rpc/service: integrate new handler class (587cbd5)
- rpc/service: remove setFunctionalHandler method (14c3af7)