Releases: Bombbird2001/Terminal-Control-2
Releases · Bombbird2001/Terminal-Control-2
V2.3.0-beta build 35
- Add ability to set traffic values for each airport, instead of for the whole map
- Add aircraft requests: high speed climb, direct, further climb
- Potential fix for datatag drag "teleportation" bug
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b34...v2.3.0-beta-b35
V2.2.0-beta build 34
- Smoother interpolation of wind vector across map using inverse-distance-weighted-average
- Fix Google Play achievement bug
- Fix rare negative deltaTime bug which is a potential and likely cause of aircraft directions flipping 180 degrees
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b32...v2.2.0-beta-b34
V2.2.0-beta build 32
- Add Google Play achievement integration
- Add ability to set custom dependent approach separation
- Add ability to impose parallel wake turbulence dependency between separate approaches
- Fix aircraft not reducing to final approach speed if issued speed instruction less than 6nm from touchdown
- Fix all user selected legs disappearing after latest clearance state changes and route does not contain any matching legs
- Made main menu prettier
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b31...v2.2.0-beta-b32
V2.2.0-beta build 31
- TCWS map revamp!
- Fix wake turbulence detection width being too narrow
- Fix arrivals' minimum IAS sometimes increasing on approach
- Expand save button to include runway configuration, last played time when selected
- Fix visual approach capturing when player cancels the approach while in armed state
- Add canceling of existing speed restrictions in the "Edit Route" pane
- Fix 2.5nm separation rule not applying for offset approaches
- Fix aircraft sometimes not saying reason for go-around
- Impose additional vertical speed limits depending on aircraft altitude (even if their performance allows)
- Fix empty space at top of scroll pane
- Fix aircraft speed sometimes increasing past existing restriction after reaching end of STAR route
- Add new background images
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b30...v2.2.0-beta-b31
V2.2.0-beta build 30
- Fix circle MVAs, restricted areas not being sent to client
- Fix duplicate contact messages from go-arounds switching to player from tower
- Add check for aircraft altitude > cloud ceiling as requirement for go-around due to runway not in sight
- Add component to enforce starting visual segment of approach only after passing FAF
- Fix next leg activation for FAF using missed approach leg instead of runway position
- Increase wake separation indicator activation to 20nm for approaches without localizer
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b29...v2.2.0-beta-b30
V2.2.0-beta build 29
- TCSF has been released!
- Fix ceiling check for go around not taking into account airport elevation
- Fix silly bug for runway centerline rendering
- Allow LOC, NTZ, NOZ to have float heading
- Fix NaN in route/wake/takeoff protection zones
- Fix wrong IV bytearray length when re-transmitting
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b28...v2.2.0-beta-b29
V2.2.0-beta build 28
- Allow at least 1 runway configuration to be chosen at any point of time even under extreme wind conditions that would not have allowed any configurations to work
- Fix cleared IAS set to 0 when canceling speed restrictions for an arrival in the missed approach procedure
- Fix go around checks not being performed for circling approaches
- Fix circling approach phase being reset if clearance is received after circling phase 1 begins
- Render extended runway centerlines for runways without instrument approaches active (e.g RNP, visual)
- Added new runway configuration for TCTT with RNP approaches in South Wind 2 configuration; the original South Wind 2 with ILS is now designated for low visibility operations.
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b27...v2.2.0-beta-b28
V2.2.0-beta build 27
- Fix reason for go around showing incorrectly as "Strong tailwind" when it should be "Strong crosswind"
- Cap max arrival spawn altitude to be 6000ft above player sector's maximum altitude (unless minimum STAR altitude is higher)
- Fix windshear not being generated for static/custom weather
- Fix emergency aircraft not having arrival route MVA exclusion zones
- Add game speed up for single-player games
- Enable random go-arounds due to windshear on approach
- Fix wake separation indicators not showing for approaches without localizers
- Increase sector handover look-forward from 30s to 60s
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b26...v2.2.0-beta-b27
V2.2.0-beta build 26
- TCMD has been added!
- Fixed dist-to-go labels not displaying on non-hosts
- Fixed wake separation lines not displaying on non-hosts
- Increased wake separation line activation offset angle (from localizer)
- Fix NaN when calculating spawn positions for some STARs
- Fixed waypoint display not updating on approach/transition/STAR change in drop down selection
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b24...v2.2.0-beta-b26
V2.2.0-beta build 24
- TCBD has been added!
- Add Discord Game SDK integration on desktop version
- Add wake separation indicators for aircraft on approach
- Fix ACC conflict resolutions clearing aircraft route
- Fix aircraft taking off with another aircraft in the vicinity causing conflict
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b23...v2.2.0-beta-b24