Releases: Bombbird2001/Terminal-Control-2
Releases · Bombbird2001/Terminal-Control-2
V2.2.0-beta build 23
- Fix departure rate being a bit too high when new game is created
- Fix departures not spawning at runway elevation
- Fix select box choices going out of screen in UI screens
- Fix wind direction selection not being validated in custom weather settings
- Fix go around aircraft not following max altitude restrictions
- Fix issues preventing loading saves when save file becomes empty for whatever reason
- Fix client still trying to connect to server even after quitting to main menu (if error occurs during game load)
Full Changelog: v2.2.0-beta-b22...v2.2.0-beta-b23
V2.2.0-beta build 22
- Fix MVA label position offset
- Fix notification dots not rendering
- Fixed removed approaches causing issues - mark with DEPRECATED instead
- Remove takeoff timing check for arrivals on dependent parallel runway
- Allow ICAO aircraft codes of length 3
- Fix underpowered propeller, turboprops
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b21...v2.2.0-beta-b22
V2.1.0-beta build 21
- Added display of waypoint restrictions on the radar screen
- Clearing a higher altitude is now allowed after an aircraft is cleared for approach
- Performance optimisations for rendering
- MVA exclusion zones now account for fly-over waypoints
- Cap max AOA for go-arounds when calculating drag
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b20...v2.1.0-beta-b21
V2.1.0-beta build 20
- Memory use optimizations
- Fix dist to go showing the furthest distance if waypoint is present multiple times on the same route
- Added radar sweep time settings
- Separate NOZ into groups for improved detection
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b19...v2.1.0-beta-b20
V2.1.0-beta build 19
- Add advanced warnings for conflict between aircraft, MVA sectors and restricted areas
- Auto conflict resolution by ACC if conflict is predicted
- Wake or Wake alert will be displayed on datatag if aircraft is infringing wake separation minima
- Add distance-to-go for waypoints along the aircraft route
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b18...v2.1.0-beta-b19
V2.1.0-beta build 18
- Fix select box dropdown going out of screen
- Fix aircraft not following cleared speed after passing the FAF on approach
- Fix vector line not showing if aircraft is being vectored but has a vector leg after another waypoint on the route
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b17...v2.1.0-beta-b18
V2.1.0-beta build 17
- Added TCHH!
- Increase departure separation time if previous departure is a turboprop
- Pause departures from airport for a short time after go around occurs
- Fix unable to change altitude of aircraft after expediting
- Improved arrival spawn altitude calculation
- Fix go arounds not climbing if cleared below min route altitude
- Fix wake turbulence not triggering aircraft on approach
- Fix intermittent wake turbulence conflicts
- Aircraft can go around due to wake turbulence
- Limit datatag distance from aircraft blip
- Limit camera offset from radar center
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b16...v2.1.0-beta-b17
V2.1.0-beta build 16
- Fix public multiplayer crash on devices with older Android versions
- Disable horizontal deviation check for approaches that have a final line up before reaching runway (fixes TCTT LDA go arounds)
- Fix opposite takeoff runway checks not being performed at further distance
- Add loading screen tips
- Add option to enable pilot readback when changing frequencies
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b15...v2.1.0-beta-b16
V2.1.0-beta build 15
- Fix infinite recursion if both main, backup save files are missing
- Fix crash if UDP not connected on game start
- Fix TTS voices not being recognised as English on some engines (e.g. Samsung TTS)
- Made waypoint label sizes larger on mobile
- Render red conflict notification dots if off-screen
- Add timeout for HTTP request read
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta-b14...v2.1.0-beta-b15
V2.1.0-beta build 14
- Added emergencies with 4 modes - off, low, medium, high
- Fix planes occasionally not capturing glide slope at max intercept altitude
- Departures are now assigned cruise altitude taking into account the direction of travel and RVSM rules
- Fix runway change sound playing for a second time even after player manually changes runway during pending runway change
- Fix circling approach aircraft not handing over to tower
- Fix lower than expected maximum acceleration, rate of climb for expediting aircraft
- Aircraft on initial climb or on approach will have minimum achievable climb rate of 1000fpm
- Add runway obstacle clearance slope for glide slope equipped approaches - aircraft will not trigger MVA conflicts above the slope
- Aircraft that capture the localizer but below the glide slope will descend at a reduced rate instead of maintaining altitude
- Reduce METAR request timeout
- Add distance measuring tool - right click and drag on Desktop, hold 2 fingers on Android
- Save game on app pause on Android in case system kills app for memory
- Discord join button added
- Slightly more informative error messages
Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta-b13...v2.1.0-beta-b14