Pre-Alpha release
Support for modifying Players and schedule.
No signing yet (you'll need to open in Finn's editor for now to sign the save).
###Project Status:
Can read and write player data successfully!
Can read all 2317 players from save file and write them back with no file differences!
Can Schedule games; Specifying a year will auto update the dates in the Game (to 'close' dates, not the exact dates the games are actually played)
###Implemented features:
- Auto update depth chart.
- Auto update PBP (should possibly just update the text instead of the gamesave file directly)
- Auto update Photo (This could be improved by using player position information, should possibly just update the text instead of the gamesave file directly)
- works on Roster & Franchise
- Command line interface.
- Zip file management (Currently not signing).
- Scheduler.
- 'SET' Command support; SET(0x10, 0x2233) --> Sets the location 0x10 to '22' and location 0x11 to '33' in the gamesave file.