Support Ubuntu on ccportal - PR: #1562
Grafana, Telegraf, InfluxDB optional - PR: #1602
Alma Linux 8.7 Compute and Desktop packer image definition - PR: #1599
add packages for the nc utility - PR: #1616
override ood_core only when using winviz an with ood 2.0.29 - PR: #1617
Update to CycleCloud version 8.4 - PR: #1620
remove ResInsight from the Remote Desktop image - PR: #1625
use Ansible import_tasks as import is deprecated - PR: #1631
use job composer and paraview application in the quickstart tutorial - PR: #1635
OpenFOAM EESSI Job Composer Template for OpenPBS - PR: #1638
Add Users auth and scheduler options in the marketplace UI - PR: #1637
Ubuntu-20.04 Desktop image - PR: #1452
Adding Ubuntu 2004 marketplace images - PR: #1642
marketplace application : enabled paraview, users group name updates - PR: #1643
Adding Quick Install config file - PR: #1583
Bug Fixes
exit on failure when installing VirtualGL - PR: #1572
only failed if vglserver_config is failing - PR: #1577
rename node name when auth=local - PR: #1580
report the NHC error before dying - PR: #1581
local users in local admin group are also sudoers - PR: #1585
bugfix in - PR: #1587
fix ansible version to be 7.6.0 - PR: #1589
avoid logging potentially sensitive data when configuring cyclecloud - PR: #1593
Fix options.json packer script generated by Bicep - PR: #1600
remove hardcoded default group for local users - PR: #1601
deprecate install_agent property in the config file schema - PR: #1606
retry NFS mounts on Azure Files - PR: #1608
fix Grafana version to 9.5.3 - PR: #1610
don't automatically upgrade grafana - PR: #1611
[OpenPBS] use cgroups for largeviz - PR: #1614
slurm property in config file is optional - PR: #1618
Fixes for minor code scan issues - PR: #1619
Do not override OOD dashboard files when winviz is disabled - PR: #1626
Bicep - configure ssh tunnel with public IP - PR: #1628
fix wrong test avoiding users to be added when using an existing dc - PR: #1630
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