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Master pr kz csv changes #6446

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276 changes: 145 additions & 131 deletions core/kazoo_csv/src/kz_csv.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,8 @@

,jobjs_to_file/1, jobjs_to_file/2
,write_header_to_file/1, write_header_to_file/2

,from_jobjs/1 ,from_jobjs/2

Expand All @@ -48,7 +47,7 @@


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,9 +114,9 @@ take_row(CSV)
case take_line(CSV) of
'eof' -> 'eof';
[Line] ->
{split_row(Line), <<>>};
{parse_row(Line), <<>>};
[Line, CSVRest] ->
{split_row(Line), CSVRest}
{parse_row(Line), CSVRest}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,16 +199,25 @@ verify_mapped_row(Pred, MappedRow) when is_function(Pred, 2),
maps:fold(F, [], MappedRow).

%% @doc
%% @doc Convert a list of cells into a row.
%% Escape all double quotes with a leading double quote.
%% Surround all cells in double quotes.
%% Add a comma between all cells.
%% Add an new line to the end of the row.
%% This should be used to format all rows correctly and ensure all cells are
%% correctly escaped.
%% @end
-spec row_to_iolist(row()) -> iodata().
row_to_iolist([Cell]) -> [cell_to_binary(Cell), $\n];
row_to_iolist(Row=[_|_]) ->
[csv_ize(Row), $\n].
row_to_iolist(Cells=[_|_]) ->
[lists:join($,, [cell_to_binary(Cell) || Cell <- Cells]), $\n].

%% @doc
%% @doc Convert a maped row into a row.
%% Escape all double quotes with a leading double quote.
%% Surround all cells in double quotes.
%% Add a comma between all cells.
%% Add an new line to the end of the row.
%% @end
-spec mapped_row_to_iolist(row(), mapped_row()) -> iodata().
Expand All @@ -230,7 +238,7 @@ json_to_iolist(Records, Fields)
when is_list(Records),
is_list(Fields) ->
Tmp = <<"/tmp/json_", (kz_binary:rand_hex(11))/binary, ".csv">>,
'ok' = file:write_file(Tmp, [kz_term:iolist_join($,, Fields), $\n]),
'ok' = file:write_file(Tmp, row_to_iolist(Fields)),
lists:foreach(fun (Record) ->
Row = [kz_json:get_ne_binary_value(Field, Record, ?ZILCH) || Field <- Fields],
_ = file:write_file(Tmp, [row_to_iolist(Row)], ['append'])
Expand All @@ -250,15 +258,14 @@ write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}) ->
write_header_to_file({File, CellOrdering}, HeaderMap) ->
HeaderFile = <<File/binary, ".header">>,

Headings = [begin
Heading = kz_binary:join(Cells, <<"_">>),
props:get_value(Heading, HeaderMap, Heading)
|| Cells <- CellOrdering
Headers = [begin
Heading = kz_binary:join(Cells, <<"_">>),
props:get_value(Heading, HeaderMap, Heading)
|| Cells <- CellOrdering

Header = [csv_ize(Headings), $\n],
'ok' = file:write_file(HeaderFile, Header),
'ok' = file:write_file(HeaderFile, row_to_iolist(Headers)),

{'ok', _} = kz_os:cmd(<<"cat ", File/binary, " >> ", HeaderFile/binary>>),
{'ok', _} = file:copy(HeaderFile, File),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,20 +293,12 @@ jobjs_to_file(JObjs, CellOrdering) ->
csv_filename() ->
<<"/tmp/json_", (kz_binary:rand_hex(11))/binary, ".csv">>.

-spec maybe_convert_cell_to_binary(kz_json:get_key(), kz_json:object()) -> binary().
maybe_convert_cell_to_binary(Path, JObj) ->
case kz_json:get_value(Path, JObj, ?ZILCH) of
List when is_list(List) -> list_to_binary(lists:join(",", List));
Value -> cell_to_binary(Value)

-spec jobj_to_file(kz_json:object(), file_return()) -> file_return().
jobj_to_file(JObj, {File, CellOrdering}) ->
FlatJObj = kz_json:flatten(JObj),
NewOrdering = maybe_update_ordering(CellOrdering, FlatJObj),

Row = [maybe_convert_cell_to_binary(Path, JObj) || Path <- NewOrdering],
_ = file:write_file(File, [csv_ize(Row), $\n], ['append']),
Row = [kz_json:get_value(Path, JObj) || Path <- NewOrdering],
_ = file:write_file(File, row_to_iolist(Row), ['append']),
{File, NewOrdering}.

maybe_update_ordering(CellOrdering, FlatJObj) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,10 +332,6 @@ from_jobjs(JObjs, Options) ->
lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J, Options) end, JObjs, Routines).

%%% Internal functions

%% @doc
%% @end
Expand All @@ -349,65 +344,80 @@ take_line(CSV) ->
Split -> Split

-define(ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, 39).
-define(ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, 34).
-define(ASCII_COMMA, 44).

-spec split_row(kz_term:ne_binary()) -> row().
split_row(Line) ->
case lists:foldl(fun consume_char/2
,{[], ?ASCII_COMMA, []}
{Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, []} -> lists:reverse([?ZILCH | Acc]);
{Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, CellAcc} -> lists:reverse([from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc]);

lists:reverse([<<>> | Acc]);
lists:reverse([<<>> | Acc]);
lists:reverse([from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc]);
lists:reverse([from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc]);
{Acc, ?ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, CellAcc} ->
lists:reverse([from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc]);
{Acc, ?ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, CellAcc} ->
lists:reverse([from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc])
%% @doc Parse a CSV line into a row (list of cells).
%% Standard CSV syntax should be followed per line.
%% If a value contains a comma, a newline character or a double quote, then the
%% value must be enclosed in double quotes.
%% A double quote in a value must be escaped with another double quote.
%% Note that empty cells `<<",">>' will be converted to `[?ZILCH, ?ZILCH]'
%% but `<<"\"\",">>' will be converted to `[<<>>, ?ZILCH]'
%% @end
-spec parse_row(kz_term:ne_binary()) -> row().
parse_row(<<>>) -> [?ZILCH];
parse_row(Line) ->
parse_row(kz_term:to_list(Line), [], [], 'normal').

-spec parse_row(list(), list(), list(), atom()) -> row().
%% The end of the Line
%% Add the last CellAcc to RowAcc and return the reverse
parse_row([], CellAcc, RowAcc, State) ->
Cell = cell_acc_to_cell(CellAcc, State),

%% 1 double quote when not in escaped state,
%% Enter double quote escaped state and drop the double quote
%% Discard any CellAcc to this point
parse_row([$"|T], _CellAcc, RowAcc, 'normal') ->
parse_row(T, [], RowAcc, 'escaped');

%% 2 double quotes when in escaped state,
%% Drop the escaping leading double quote
parse_row([$",$"=H|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, 'escaped') ->
parse_row(T, [H|CellAcc], RowAcc, 'escaped');

%% 1 double quote when in escaped state,
%% Exit double quote escaped state and drop the double quote
parse_row([$"|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, 'escaped') ->
parse_row(T, CellAcc, RowAcc, 'was_escaped');

%% Comma when in escaped state,
%% Do not split, Its escaped!, Add it to the cell
parse_row([$,=H|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, 'escaped') ->
parse_row(T, [H|CellAcc], RowAcc, 'escaped');

%% Comma when not in escaped state,
%% Split the line here and drop the comma
%% Add the binary reverse of the CellAcc to the RowAcc
parse_row([$,|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, State) ->
Cell = cell_acc_to_cell(CellAcc, State),
parse_row(T, [], [Cell|RowAcc], 'normal');

%% All other characters received before the comma but after an escaped cell
%% Discard them
parse_row([_|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, 'was_escaped') ->
parse_row(T, CellAcc, RowAcc, 'was_escaped');

%% All other characters in both escaped and not escaped state,
%% Add them to the CellAcc list
parse_row([H|T], CellAcc, RowAcc, State) when State =:= 'normal'; State =:= 'escaped' ->
parse_row(T, [H|CellAcc], RowAcc, State).

from_cell_acc(CellAcc) ->

consume_char(?ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, {Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, []}) ->
%% Cell is starting with a quote
consume_char(?ASCII_COMMA, {Acc, ?ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, [?ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE | CellAcc]}) ->
%% double-quoted cell is finished
{[from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc], ?ASCII_COMMA, []};

consume_char(?ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, {Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, []}) ->
%% Cell is starting with a quote
consume_char(?ASCII_COMMA, {Acc, ?ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, [?ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE | CellAcc]}) ->
%% single-quoted cell is finished
{[from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc], ?ASCII_COMMA, []};

consume_char(?ASCII_COMMA, {Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, []}) ->
%% empty cell collected
{[?ZILCH | Acc], ?ASCII_COMMA, []};
consume_char(?ASCII_COMMA, {Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, CellAcc}) ->
%% new cell starting
{[from_cell_acc(CellAcc) | Acc], ?ASCII_COMMA, []};
consume_char(Char, {Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, CellAcc}) ->
{Acc, ?ASCII_COMMA, [Char | CellAcc]};

consume_char(Quoted, {Acc, Quoted, [Quoted | _]=CellAcc}) ->
%% If we see ''foo'' - normalize to 'foo'
{Acc, Quoted, CellAcc};
consume_char(Char, {Acc, Quoted, CellAcc}) ->
{Acc, Quoted, [Char | CellAcc]}.
%% @doc Convert the CellAcc from the function parse_row/4 to a binary
%% string.
%% Handles edge cases where a empty cell should be `?ZILCH' but a empty
%% cell with double quotes should be `<<>>'
%% @end
-spec cell_acc_to_cell(list(), 'normal' | 'was_escaped') -> kz_term:binary() | 'undefined'.
cell_acc_to_cell([], 'normal') -> ?ZILCH;
cell_acc_to_cell([], 'was_escaped') -> <<>>;
cell_acc_to_cell(CellAcc, State) when State =:= 'normal'; State =:= 'was_escaped' ->

-spec find_position(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries()) -> pos_integer().
find_position(Item, Items) ->
Expand All @@ -429,13 +439,41 @@ map_io_indices(Header, CSVHeader) ->
IndexToCSVHeader = lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(CSVHeader)), CSVHeader),
lists:foldl(MapF, #{}, IndexToCSVHeader).

%% @doc Convert cell data to binary representation of a cell for writing to CSV
%% file, escaping double quotation marks with a leading double quotation mark
%% and leaving commas as all cells are wrapped in double quotation marks.
%% All cells should pass though this function to be correctly formatted.
%% If a cell is a list, add commas to seperate the list items and try to convert
%% the list to a binary.
%% If the cell is non binary data, try and covert the cell to a binary.
%% If the conversion fails then use `?ZILCH' as the cells value.
%% @end
-spec cell_to_binary(cell()) -> binary().
cell_to_binary(?ZILCH) -> <<>>;
cell_to_binary(<<>>) -> <<>>;
cell_to_binary(<<>>) -> <<"\"\"">>;
cell_to_binary(Cell=?NE_BINARY) ->
binary:replace(Cell, <<$,>>, <<$;>>, ['global']);
<<"\"", (binary:replace(Cell, <<"\"">>, <<"\"\"">>, ['global']))/binary, "\"">>;
cell_to_binary(Cell) when is_list(Cell) ->
cell_to_binary(try_to_binary(lists:join(",", Cell), ?ZILCH));
cell_to_binary(Cell) ->
cell_to_binary(try_to_binary(Cell, ?ZILCH)).

%% @doc Try to convert the Value into a binary.
%% If the conversion fails the value `Default' is returned.
%% If `?ZILCH' is supplied then `?ZILCH' is returned.
%% @end
-spec try_to_binary(any(), Default) -> kz_term:binary() | Default.
try_to_binary(?ZILCH, _) -> ?ZILCH;
try_to_binary(Value, Default) ->
try kz_term:to_binary(Value)
_E:_R -> Default

-spec maybe_transform(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_json:objects().
maybe_transform(JObjs, Options) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,14 +522,15 @@ fold_over_keys(Key, Hs) ->

-spec create_csv_header(kz_json:objects(), kz_term:proplist()) -> iolist().
create_csv_header(JObjs, Options) ->
Headers = case props:get_value('header_map', Options) of
'undefined' -> get_headers(JObjs);
HeaderMap ->
lists:map(fun(JObjHeader) -> header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) end
[csv_ize(lists:reverse(Headers)), $\n].
HeadersReversed = case props:get_value('header_map', Options) of
'undefined' -> get_headers(JObjs);
HeaderMap ->
lists:map(fun(JObjHeader) -> header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) end
Headers = lists:reverse(HeadersReversed),

-spec header_map(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:ne_binary().
header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) ->
Expand All @@ -504,35 +543,10 @@ header_map(JObjHeader, HeaderMap) ->
json_objs_to_csv([], _) -> [];
json_objs_to_csv(JObjs, Options) ->
case props:is_true('build_headers', Options, 'true') of
'true' -> [create_csv_header(JObjs, Options), [[json_to_csv(JObj), $\n] || JObj <- JObjs]];
'false' -> [[json_to_csv(JObj), $\n] || JObj <- JObjs]

%% wrap cells in quotes
-spec csv_ize(kz_json:path()) -> iolist().
csv_ize([F|Rest]) ->
,[wrap_next_cell(try_to_binary(V)) || V <- Rest]

wrap_first_cell(?ZILCH) ->
wrap_first_cell(V) ->
[<<"\"">>, kz_term:to_binary(V), <<"\"">>].

wrap_next_cell(?ZILCH) ->
wrap_next_cell(V) ->
[<<",\"">>, V, <<"\"">>].

-spec try_to_binary(any()) -> kz_term:api_binary().
try_to_binary('undefined') -> 'undefined';
try_to_binary(Value) ->
try kz_term:to_binary(Value)
_E:_R -> <<>>
'true' -> [create_csv_header(JObjs, Options), [json_to_csv(JObj) || JObj <- JObjs]];
'false' -> [json_to_csv(JObj) || JObj <- JObjs]

-spec json_to_csv(kz_json:object()) -> iolist().
json_to_csv(JObj) ->